Monday, August 14, 2017

Santes Beatty from The Wesleyan Church of Indianapolis, Indiana United States for Monday, 14 August 2017 "Invitation to Pray"

Santes Beatty from The Wesleyan Church of Indianapolis, Indiana United States for Monday, 14 August 2017 "Invitation to Pray"

Passion and prejudice govern the world; only under the name of reason. It is our part, by religion and reason joined, to counteract them all we can. [John Wesley]
On behalf of the Church Multiplication and Discipleship division of The Wesleyan Church I’d like to invite you to join us tomorrow, Tuesday, August 15 for our weekly prayer call. Each Tuesday for the last 2 ½ years at 2 pm (EST) we’ve been praying for the Church, our denomination and for you.
The recent events in Charlottesville give cause for us to continue our prayer time, but to also mobilize as followers of Jesus to be salt and light in a very unsavory and dark society filled with hate and divisiveness. We are thankful that through the power of the cross and Holy Spirit we can walk in love and be peacemakers as we follow Jesus’ example. Click here to join us and feel free to share with your staff, congregants and community.
We typically spend the first few moments welcoming folks, have a brief devotional and then we pray. If time allows, towards the end we hear from others about things we can celebrate regarding what God is up to in their context. The call is typically 15-30 min.
Also, if you did not get a chance to see our General Superintendent, Dr. Wayne Schmidt’s statement published yesterday the link is below.

ARTICLE: A Statement ​on Charlottesville from the General Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church by Wayne Schmidt
August 11-12 in Charlottesville, Virginia we began to witness images of white nationalism, protests, counter-protests, violence, death, and tragedy.
I denounce any behavior couched as Christian that dehumanizes people and elevates one group over another. Our doctrine as Christians and history as Wesleyans in particular compels us not to be silent or inactive, but to engage in love. I call on all Wesleyan Churches to pray for our nation, Charlottesville, and for pastors and community leaders on the front lines risking their safety there.
I also encourage all Christians to grow in their discipleship by forming relationships across ethnic lines. In my own life I have found these relationships to grow my own soul, and also grow my perspective and empathy for how others experience these matters. God uses these relationships, and our discipleship becomes more holistic if we reach across such lines.
The actions of a few in Charlottesville are horrific, and the white supremacy of entire crowds is likewise troubling. But, it is also concerning when we look the other way, or wait for a more opportune moment to speak truth--a wait that at times never comes to fruition with action. We choose to actively listen instead, and appropriately speak into the tension with love.
Tony Schiavone is the pastor of Cornerstone Community Church, a Wesleyan congregation in Charlottesville, Virginia, and he is doing just this locally, following the lead of other courageous leaders in that community, across ethnic lines. In speaking with us on the phone Saturday (August 12) Pastor Tony told us, "Thank you for your prayers as I meet and pray with other local pastors and leaders. This is an opportunity for local churches to come together in order to reach our city with the love and healing power of Jesus Christ."
The Wesleyan Church already has its statement on racial reconciliation and just last summer I felt I should speak out in response to the violence that gripped our nation in July 2016. However, tensions continue to increase to this day.
I am encouraged to see that people are gathering to pray and show their support for one another, in particular across the very racial and ethnic divisions white supremacists seek to deepen. Instead of their agenda, Jesus Christ will advance his own: building bridges across the divide. [Wayne Schmidt, General Superintendent, The Wesleyan Church]
Once again, we extend the invitation to you to join us tomorrow and any other Tuesday at 2 pm (EST) where we join Jesus as he prayed for us in John 17 that we would become one as He and the Father are one.
The best thing of all is God is with us. [John Wesley]
Until the Nets are Full,
The Wesleyan Church
PO Box 50434
Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 United States

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