Wednesday, February 15, 2017

How will you observe Lent this year? for Wednesday, 15 February 2017 from The Upper Room in Nashville, Tennessee, United States "Lent begins on March 1. How will you observe the season this year? Will you give up chocolate or social media, or will you take on an extra act of kindness? Here's an idea: set aside time during these forty days to journey to the cross in a special online Lenten study from The Upper Room, Worship in Light of the Cross, with author John Indermark."

 How will you observe Lent this year? for Wednesday, 15 February 2017 from The Upper Room in Nashville, Tennessee, United States "Lent begins on March 1. How will you observe the season this year? Will you give up chocolate or social media, or will you take on an extra act of kindness?
Here's an idea: set aside time during these forty days to journey to the cross in a special online Lenten study from The Upper Room, Worship in Light of the Cross, with author John Indermark."

In this powerful six-week study for Lent, Indermark invites us to journey to the cross using traditional worship elements to guide us: Gathering, Invocation, Confession, Proclamation, Creed, Response, Sacrament.
$19 per person. Group rates available.
eCourse for ONE: Register alone, and you'll be entered in a group with others around the world who are taking this Lenten eCourse together. Cost is $19.
eCourse for FIVE of more: Join as a group of 5 or more and we'll open a private classroom for your group. Questions about the private classroom? Email us at
Want to buy the book? If you would like to purchase a print or electronic copy of the book, visit The Upper Room Bookstore.
Offered by Upper Room eLearning.

For information, contact Sharon Conley Cottingham at:
+1 877.899.2780 ext. 7525
The Upper Room
1908 Grand Avenue
PO Box 340004
Nashville, Tennessee 37203-0004, United States

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