Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Out of Africa February 2017: Intentional Transformation from The Out of Africa Region Global Church of the Nazarene Africa Region Newsletter | February 2017 in Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa for Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Out of Africa February 2017: Intentional Transformation from The Out of Africa Region Global Church of the Nazarene Africa Region Newsletter | February 2017 in Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa for Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Global Church of the Nazarene Africa Region Newsletter | February 2017
Table of contents

Impacting the Community: An ANU Grad's Story
James Mbugua Ndegwa joined the MBA program at Africa Nazarene University (ANU) because he wanted to have knowledge that is practical and relevant.
James grew up in poverty. At a young age he was exposed to many things, including alcohol, crime and prostitution. He says, "I am thankful to God that [He] led me to lose interest in [these things]."
As a child, James was a part of a Compassion International program, and this is where James gave his life to Christ. He was exposed to the Bible, Christian living, life skills and other social and health development instruction. These opportunities brought about leadership skills in him and opened his eyes further to the gaps in his society. He felt the challenged to see what he could do to contribute to making an impact in the lives of his community and world.
Currently, James is involved in community work in four sub-counties of Nairobi as the Program Officer for a program administered by the Kenya Red Cross Society. He does follow ups with people who are HIV positive to ensure they receive treatment, care and support. He also monitors expectant mothers, regardless of their HIV status, to ensure they receive the appropriate information about pregnancy, child care and have their babies in a health facility.

James feels fortunate to be among a team of those making a difference among the vulnerable and stigmatized living with HIV and AIDS. Thanks to the knowledge that he gained from his studies at ANU and practical instruction, including the invaluable network of working adults he met during his time there, James is now a better community worker, a better volunteer and a better mentor to young people.
James is in charge of ninety-one community health volunteers. Over time, he has overseen a steady cohort of almost two thousand people living with HIV, receiving education, being helped to lead normal lives and being supported to move from hopelessness to having vibrant, hope-filled lives.
Please pray that community gatekeepers (mayors, councilmen, etc.) will open the way for James and his team of volunteers to expand this important work which brings hope and health.[Pauline Kamau Mugi, Alumni Affairs Coordinator, ANU]
Editor's Note: The Church of the Nazarene, through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, has a program called Child Sponsorship, which allows individuals to sponsor a child, like James, somewhere in the world. If you are interested, please click here to become a sponsor.

Transforming a Community
Rev. Gabriel Benjamin has always had a heart for his community. Three years ago, his church, the Morningside Community Church of the Nazarene in Durban, South Africa, began an intentional out-reach in their community. Through their local NMI and Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, they have gone into their community and met the practical needs of many, but also the spiritual needs of those they meet along the street.
Durban is a city of over 3 million people on the Indian Ocean coast and Africa's largest and busiest port city. Durban is a beautiful city with much to offer tourists. However, drugs, homelessness, addictions, joblessness and hopelessness permeate the streets. Rev. Benjamin and his congregation have seen the destruction of these addictions and vices first-hand and feel that God is calling them to make a difference in their community.

Rev. Benjamin and his team can be found going out into the streets and handing out practical items, such as soap, razors and deodorants, to those who find themselves living on the streets. After seeing some of the people in the same places repeatedly, the congregation started a Bible study that meets right on the streets of Durban. They are able to share the Gospel and pray with the jobless, the homeless and the addicted.
The congregation has looked for needs in their community and practical ways they can meet those needs. Last winter, an informal settlement of shacks caught on fire. The Morningside Community Church were there with blankets and a helping hand to those whose living situation is already very desperate (photo above).

Rev. Benjamin has lived in Durban his entire life. Recently, it was announced that the school he once attended as a child is now considered one of the poorest in the entire city. The NMI and Compassionate Ministries were able to donate brand-new school shoes to many of the children at that school.
"Sometimes it is difficult to see any success in what we do," said Rev. Benjamin. "The nature of the homeless and addicts is rather transient." However, the church has seen initial results with one man graduating from a rehab program in the city. They acknowledge that they are there to plant the seeds in the lives of these people and pray for someone else to water.
Rev. Benjamin said he shared these stories and photos to, "...Encourage the Body of Christ to continue their "withness" to the broken, marginalised and wounded. This is shared with the intention of encouraging mid and small church leaders and pastors to value their place in ministry. Jesus has invited you to be an extension of His voice and presence in and among the least of His children."[Rev. Gabriel Benjamin, Africa Region Education Coordinator, Pastor of Morningside Community Church of the Nazarene]

  1. Pray for the millions of people worldwide who are currently finding themselves in the position of being a refugee--more than 3 million in Africa alone. (To give toward the Syrian refugee crisis, go here.)
  2. Pray for our Nazarene brother's and sister's in Chile who are battling out-of-control wildfires. For more information:
  3. Remember our African missionaries who are serving in Creative Access Areas whose lives and families are in danger on a daily basis.
  4. Continue to pray for South Sudan, Ethiopia and other countries who are facing extreme political and social unrest.

Looking for Stories
We are looking for stories about God's transformative power in your community or in the life of an individual or family. If you have stories that pertain to this, please email Shelly Miller on Please include good, quality pictures when possible.


The Nazarene Church is in 42 countries in Africa, with more than 600,000 members in six fields.
What would you like to see in Out of Africa?
Email us at
English / Français/ Português @NazAfrica
Mrs. Shelly Miller, editor
Africa Region Church of the Nazarene
17 Botes Street
Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa

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