Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The L'Arche Canada of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Daily Thoughts with Jean Vanier for Wednesday, 15 February 2017 "Community Integration"

The L'Arche Canada of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Daily Thoughts with Jean Vanier for 
Wednesday, 15 February 2017 "
Community Integration"

The more a community deepens and grows, the more integrated it must be in the neighbourhood. When it begins, the community is integrated within the four walls of its house. But gradually it opens up to neighbours and friends. Some communities begin to panic when they feel that their neighbours are becoming committed to them; they are frightened of losing their identity, of losing control. But there are times to knock down the walls of a community. This is how a small community can gradually become the yeast in the dough, a place of unity for all and between all.

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