Friday, April 10, 2015

Asia-Pacific Regional Communications of The Global Church of the Nazarene - Around The Region News...Teams, Tuberculosis, Tumors and Training, God is at work through it all! for Friday, 10 Aoril 2015 Volume 3 / Issue Number 15

Asia-Pacific Regional Communications of The Global Church of the Nazarene - Around The Region News...Teams, Tuberculosis, Tumors and Training, God is at work through it all! for Friday, 10 Aoril 2015 Volume 3 / Issue Number 15
Continuing to Celebrate our Risen Savior
In This Issue
NMI Highlight - Mission Education.
Leadership - 4 People You Need to Hear!
Regional Praise Reports and Prayer Requests!
Yes, It's Cancer and Yes, It's Inoperable...But God Answers Prayer.
TB or Not TB, Another Opportunity to Be the Hands and Feet of Christ.
The Holy Spirit Moving in Myanmar as Leaders Grasp Hold of the Definition of "Church!"
Team From Canada Nears Completion of Technology and Vocational Skills Training Center.
When This Artist Offered to Capture the Kudjip Community with Paint...No One Imagined the Blessing.
"But I Thought We Were Covered"...Know Before You Go!
USA/Canada SDMI develops free VBS resource
Exciting Opportunity to Join the WMC-AP Team.
Nazarene Theological College Intensives Promotion
Nazarene News from Around the Globe
USA/Canada SDMI develops free VBS resource
Eurasia Region holds Manual translation summit
MNU awards lifetime achievement to Paul & Connie Cunningham
NCN News now part of
Lay leaders: March 2015
Extreme Nazarene Missions launches new Ecuador project
Florida church helps repurpose space for new Panama child development center
Brazil NYI leader passes away
Trevecca to host annual talent competition
Fullah family declared Ebola-free
Torrential rains cause deadly landslides in Chile
Haiti districts desperate for pastors' houses, church buildings
Global praise reports and prayer requests.
GMC employment opportunities.
In Memoriam
Mission Education
Mission Education for Youth
Mission education is important in the life of the church and especially important for our youth. The Church of the Nazarene is a missional church, but many of the new generations do not know our history. It is important for us to let the young people know not only what the
church is doing today, but also what has been done in the past.
Mission education is more than just information, it is participation. When young people engage in something larger than their world, they take up the challenge to help others know Jesus and show His love for the lost and those in need. The more we give youth an opportunity toexperience missions, the more likely it is that mission will become a continuing part of their lifestyle. This is a great responsibility!
Find more resources here
Developing Leaders by Stan Toler
Effective leaders are good listeners. But here's the problem: There are more than 250 MILLION web sites; YouTube says it uploads 300 hours of video every minute; the average TV watcher chooses from an average of 189 channels; and over 1 MILLION new books are published each year.
And there you are, trying to filter enough information to lead an organization and staff through one productive day out of 365! I remember hearing my Dad say, "Don't believe everything you hear." That's true. But for the leader, hearing is absolutely crucial to doing and becoming. There are at least four groups of people that ought to "have your ear."
  1. HEAR YOUR CUSTOMERS. Whatever your organization does, you still have a product to sell. What kind of products are your "customers" buying? Listen to what they're saying. Listen to what they're saying OTHERS are saying? Take their "consumer pulse." Ask them about their needs, and how you can meet those needs. And then, don't forget to follow through with action-and customer information.
  2. HEAR YOUR TEAM. You can't meet the needs of your "customers" without first meeting the needs of your team. When they don't feel valued, they can't pass values along to others. Hear their suggestions. Hear their reservations. Hear their intentions. And then take steps to incorporate what you hear into what your organization does.
  3. HEAR OTHER LEADERS. There are times when you can "go to school" in a coffee shop. Formal or informal times with other leaders should have you in a "sponge mode." Soak up every profitable thing you hear about the things others do that relate to what you do.
  4. HEAR YOUR INSTINCTS.What? You didn't know you had an  experienced pro on-board? That's you. Those gut feelings based on previous experiences are priceless. You're not just a leader, you're a barometer. What you've already weathered influences the climate you want to achieve.
A Bible proverb reads, "Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers" (Proverbs 16:20). That's a truth that will never have an expiration date.[Stan Toler]
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Regional Praise Reports and Prayer Requests
Asia-Pacific Region
Prayer for Spiritual Breakthrough in a Creative Access Area Requested!
Pray Requested for Filipino Pastor's Wife, Serving in Korea, Suffering from Pituitary Tumor.
Work and Witness Team Making a Difference at PNC
Your Giving Brings Water to Those in Need- Thank You!
Please Pray for Hawaii Pacific District Superintendent - Father Passes.Â
Prayer Requested for Son of Papua New Guinea South Coast District Superintendent.
Praise For Answered Prayer - from a Family Beyond Borders and Boundaries.
Thank You for Believing That Prayers Actually Do Make A Difference...Vanuatu Is That Evidence!
Most Up-to-Date Prayer Requests & Praise Reports for the Global Church - Prayer Mobilization Line.
Yes, It's Cancer and Yes, It's Inoperable...But God Answers Prayer.
Manila, Philippines
Liza with her husband Brooks and their two children

Manila, Philippines: I was downtown Manila when I received the text message from Liza Halbrook. The large, inoperable tumor in her abdomen had been confirmed, Stage 2, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.
Then she gave me the rest of the news. The Oncologist was recommending 8 treatments of Chemo, 21 days apart, with a cost of more than $2,500 USD per treatment.
My mind raced, “how on earth could we help with this dire need?” The pressure in her abdomen was already causing tremendous pain. There were more CTs and tests needed, and due to the size of the mass, Chemo needed to start sooner than later.
Driving down the street I stopped at an intersection for a red light. As I gazed at the light I began to think, this is greater than anything we can handle, but with God, nothing is impossible. I began to praise God for what He was going to do.
A few hours later after arriving at the campus of Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary, I found Liza and her husband Brooks who had also just arrived.
The smiles on their faces were not what I had expected, and then they gave us the new word. While they were still in the office of the Oncologist, he told them about a special study for patients with “interesting” presentations of cancer. He believed that Liza’s case was just such a situation. He immediately placed her on the list of patients for consideration for the study. This study would cover all medication costs for the participants!
We are praising God for His incredible working in the lives of Liza, Brooks, and their two children. Our God does answer prayer and we are diligently lifting Liza before the Lord, praying for a complete healing and for the provision for their needs.
Liza Halbrook currently serves as a System / Network Administrator for the Asia-Pacific Resource Center, and has served with the Church of the Nazarene in various capacities for more than 15 years.
Prayer Request:
  • Please join us in praying that Liza will be approved for the study.
  • Pray that the treatments will be effective against this large tumor.
  • Pray for strength, courage, and peace for Liza, Brooks, and their two children.
  • Pray that the Lord will continue to provide the resources necessary for the ongoing medical and living expense.
You can visit Liza’s Facebook updates by clicking this Link.[Submitted: Todd Aebischer, Regional Communications Coordinator.]
TB or Not TB, Another Opportunity to Be the Hands and Feet of Christ!
Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, Papua New Guinea (PNG)

This question isn't TB or not TB, but rather, is it TB or Multi-Drug Resistant TB (MDR-TB)? 
Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, Papua New Guinea (PNG): Tuberculosis is something many of us might not think too much about. In the highlands of Papua New Guinea, they not only are thinking about it, but face it head-on every day.
Dr. Erin Meier, Missionary Doctor, Papua New Guinea.
“One of the reasons why I love practicing medicine here at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital in the highlands of PNG is because I get to do something new all the time,” says Dr. Erin Meier (medical missionary at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital). Prior to going to PNG, Meier had never cared for anyone with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) or TB (tuberculosis) and now she is one of the main doctors along with the hospital team who treats these patients. It takes much reading, research and consultation with other doctors who have experience in these areas to be equipped and be able to care for those in need.
One of these opportunities to learn came when Dr. Meier was treating a child with TB who was not improving as expected.
Tuberculosis seen on X-ray
“Just looking at him I was worried he still had TB,” said Meier. The child had finished the normal TB treatment but was still losing weight and coughing. Dr. Meier wondered if the child’s body was resisting the medicines given. A chest Xray confirmed that the child still had TB.
“The rest of the world has had drug resistant TB (tuberculosis) for years. [We have had it as well] here in PNG, but proving it at Kudjip Hospital has been a challenge, until now,” states Dr. Meier.
“When the expected improvement isn’t seen, multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) is suspected,” said Dr. Meier.
According to Dr. Meier, until just 5 months ago the only treatment option was to give an injectable medicine for 2 months and hope that it would be enough to treat the TB. Sometimes it was and sometimes it wasn’t.
“That all changed when the hospital received the Gene Xpert machine from the Australian government,” shares Meier. “This is a machine that can determine if someone’s TB is drug resistant. The child with TB had the Gene Xpert test and the results written in his book were MDR-TB.”
MDR-TB requires at least 8 months of a daily injectable medicine plus pills, followed by 12 or more months of additional pills. That is about 2 years of a person’s life spent trying to get rid of TB. The alternative is likely death.
Through connections with the National TB program in PNG, Dr. Meier is able to be in communication with a doctor in Port Moresby who is coordinating treatment of patients who have MDR-TB.
Special isolation ward being built at Kudjip Hospital for Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
Treating TB not only demands long term medical treatment, but also the need for a ward to separate the MDR-TB patients from other TB patients.
Prayer Requests:
  • “Please pray for the medical team and staff at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital that they will continue to grow in knowledge of best practices and treatment for MDR-TB patients,” asks Dr. Meier.
  • The team is praying that through their compassionate care and treatment of these TB patients, each patient will understand more of God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ.
  • Please also pray for the physical protection of our medical teams who are daily interacting, and sharing the love of Christ with those who are in such need.
See more about Nazarene Health Ministries in Papua New Guinea.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO): Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) that most often affect the lungs. TB is curable and preventable. Click here for more information on TB.
Doctors Are Needed - Is God Calling You?
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ATR Newsletter
May we include you in our weekly Around The Region email newsletter? It is released each Saturday with updated Praise Reports, Prayer Requests, and inspirational stories of God working on the region.Yes Please!No thank you.I am already a subscriber
Please enter any two digits *Example: 12[Submitted – Dr. Erin Meier] – Click this link for more stories on her blog.

The Holy Spirit is Moving in Myanmar as Leaders Grasp Hold of the Definition of "Church!"
Myanmar, Southeast Asia Field
In Myanmar a new understanding and perception of what it means to be "Church" has redefined their reality and planted a vision for revival!
Twelve pastors and lay leaders gathered with the goal of taking an in-depth look at the structure of districts and what it means to be the "local church." Excitement began to build in the room. With this 
new understanding of the definition of church, the leaders immediately identified 10-12 new churches that already existed on the Myanmar District! What could this mean?
Myanmar, Southeast Asia Field: It is said that our perception of the world defines our reality. In Myanmar a new understanding and perception of what it means to be “Church” has redefined their reality and planted a vision for revival!
District leaders meeting in Myanmar.
On March 23-25, twelve pastors and lay leaders from the Myanmar District met in Tahan Province with team member Bill Kwon, who serves as the District Superintendent. Their goal was to take an in-depth look at the structure of districts and what it means to be the “local church.”
One of the primary resources used for this training was the newly released Nazarene Essentials, a brief and easily accessible publication, written in plain language, that covers the basics of the church’s teaching, history, theology, mission, funding and connections.
Kwon shares with the leaders.
As Kwon began to share about the vision of the church, revelation began to show on the faces of the leaders. Throughout their 31 years of history in Myanmar, they had come to understand that a church was only established when there were funds available for a building and the support of a pastor.
“In the Church of the Nazarene, our definition of church reads: Any group that meets regularly for spiritual nurture, worship, or instruction at an announced time and place, with an identified leader, and aligned with the message and mission of the church of the Nazarene may be recognized as a church and reported as such for district and general church statistics. In other words, a church is a cluster of believers, not a building or property.”[Board of General Superintendents (Nazarene Essentials)]
It was discussed that the Christian church constructed no church buildings during the first 200 years of church history; that the concepts of dedicated church buildings, property, and full-time pastors for churches came later. The Holy Spirit is leading the church to reproduce itself in new ways. Each church is a church planting church. Each individual believer has the potential to be a church planter!
Excitement began to build in the room. With this understanding of the definition of church, the leaders immediately identified 10-12 new churches that already existed on the Myanmar District! What could this mean? The leaders began to dream and envision the future. Currently there are 23 churches and approximately 2,500 members on the Myanmar District. Where could they be in 5 years?
By God’s grace the Myanmar leaders are envisioning a new future for Myanmar. They are casting the vision that by 2020, they will have 200 churches, 15,000 members, 200 pastors, and 500 small groups, with work in 6 areas of the country.
Bill Kwon and Mr. Thana
While the meeting was intended for district leaders, a lay evangelist, Mr. Thana, also came to explore his own hunger and calling to serve the church. Thana was moved to tears as he listened to the discussion and inspiring definition of what it means to be “church.”
He approached Kwon, letting him know that he already has several small groups that have formed, but he never realized that these groups, which meet regularly, could be considered as churches.
“He never realized until now that he was actually planting churches!”- Bill Kwon
Small group discussions
The meeting continued as the leaders made plans for opening the Course of Study to lay leaders in Fall, 2015. They will prioritize lay leadership development, churches planting churches, and children’s evangelism and discipleship. They will also begin sending a 3-4 member team into a new area that does not yet have a gathering for the Church of the Nazarene.
But more than casting vision for the future, they began moving forward immediately! The District Secretary is holding revival services from April 12-19, during a national holiday season. They also realized that they already have funds available to send out their first district missionary to a neighboring province, one of the new areas.
In order to prepare for a massive number of new members in 5 years, the district feels it is vital to translate solid membership material into 3 languages.
I think [Nazarene Essentials] is the best material for this time.- Bill Kwon
So, the Myanmar District is leading the way in proposing to translate Nazarene Essentials into the languages of Mizo Chins, Burmese, and possibly Karen.
Into which languages of the districts on your field would you be ready to grow using Nazarene Essentials?
What is your perception of Church defining your reality for ministry? In China every new believer is called to be a church planter, and every church a church planting church. The result? A growth from 2 million to more than 100 million Christians!
Prayer Requests:
– Please continue to pray for the Myanmar church as together they embrace the vision to make Christlike disciples.
– Please pray for the upcoming revival services to be held April 12-19.
Click here to download Nazarene Essentials[Submission: Southeast Asia Communications]
Team From Canada Nears Completion of Technology and Vocational Skills Training Center.
Philippine Nazarene College, Philippines
Partnerships between the Philippine Church, Nazarene Compassionate Resource Warehouse, and Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) Canada, have brought this dream to reality. Excitement is growing daily as the team nears completion.
This Technology and Vocational Skills Training Center will have a significant impact on the community as the college trains pastors and youth for ministry while at the same time providing vocational skills training.
Click to see photos and a Work & Witness promo video for ongoing projects at PNC...
When This Artist Offered to Capture the Kudjip Community with Paint...No One Imagined the Blessing it Would Be!!
Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, Papua New Guinea
God gives everyone skills and talents to be used for His glory. 
One artist, brother of missionary Rachel Thompson, put his artistic skills to use in developing an incredible mural for the hospital campus in Kudjip.
Follow the link to see a close up of this mural that is bringing the community together under the Great Physician, providing a sense of peace to all who visit the hospital for healing.
Click on this link to see a close-up of the painting...
"But I Thought We Were Covered"...Know Before You Go!
Asia-Pacific Region
Work and Witness and short-term missions experiences are a bit different from the typical overseas tourist travel itinerary. By nature of the work that you are doing and the countries in which you are doing this work, there is the potential for increased exposure. These are exposures that are often times not covered by the typical travel insurance policy, or while in some cases covered, not at a level that we have deemed is appropriate based on past experiences.
We recently compared a popular travel insurance plan against the C
hurch's negotiated Work and Witness insurance and found that they are not the same.
Know before you go!
Asia-Pacific Region: Work and Witness is an incredible opportunity for people to engage in short-term missions experiences that have great impact.
Here at the Asia-Pacific Region Work and Witness Office, our desire is to help you have the very best experience with the greatest Kingdom impact possible.
As you prepare to take your team on mission, we would like to remind you to consider the insurance issues. A quick review of almost any nightly news program, will remind you of the importance of having a good travel insurance policy. We have had a couple situations in the past few months where team leaders, who have been rightfully thinking ahead, have purchased travel insurance at the same time that they purchased their airline tickets, availing themselves of the convenience of “covering the bases” all at once with just a “CLICK.”
Work and Witness and short-term missions experiences are a bit different from the typical overseas tourist travel itinerary. By nature of the work that you are doing and the countries in which you are doing this work, there is the potential for increased exposure. These are exposures that are often times not covered by the typical travel insurance policy, or while in some cases covered, not at a level that we have deemed is appropriate based on past experiences.
We recently compared a popular travel insurance plan against the Church’s negotiated Work and Witness Insurance. Here are our findings:

Insurance Comparison - Nazarene          - Travel Ins.
Area of Coverage     - Coverage          - Coverage
Accident and Sickness- Medical Expenses  - $100,000 $5,000
Accidental Death &     
Dismemberment        - $75,000           - $50,000
Emergency Medical 
Evacuation           - 100% of Usual & 
                       Customary         - $15,000
Repatriation of Mortal 
Remains               - 100% of Usual &
                         Customary       - $15,000
Security Evacuation - 100% of Usual 
                      & Customary -      -  None
International Liability - Covered         - None
Insurance Comparison
 NazareneTravel Ins.
Area of CoverageCoverageCoverage
Accident and Sickness Medical Expenses$100,000$5,000
Accidental Death & Dismemberment$75,000$50,000
Emergency Medical Evacuation100% of Usual & Customary$15,000
Repatriation of Mortal Remains100% of Usual & Customary$15,000
Security Evacuation100% of Usual & CustomaryNone
International LiabilityCoveredNone
Immediate Concerns:
If you’ve visited a doctor or emergency room lately, you will recognize that the Accident and Sickness coverage of $5,000 is very minimal. This could easily be fully utilized in just one day/visit.
As a Commercial Pilot with several years in the industry, the Emergency and Medical Evacuation amount of $15,000 is a good start, but if you’re having tocharter an emergency flight from a foreign nation to your home nation…you might truly be wishing for more coverage.
The security evacuation is there to protect you in the event that political conditions change drastically in the country of your visit, requiring an early or unexpected departure – and is required for participation in International Work and Witness Projects.
The International Liability, is also a required component of International Work and Witness Teams.
Teams purchasing insurance from outside organizations are responsible for all aspects of any claim and may find themselves having to deal with required upfront payments on their own, which can sometimes be substantial. When purchasing through the mobilization office, the team can be assured of assistance with upfront funding issues as well as advocacy for reimbursement of claims and related issues.

In recent cases, we have had to ask the teams that have already purchased travel insurance through a common travel provider, to purchase an additional policy, which results in increased expenses.
In the world in which we live today, things are continually changing. Please – contact the Work and Witness Office to confirm the current insurance situation before you purchase any insurance.
Know Before You Go…or…CLICK![Submitted: Todd Aebischer – Asia-Pacific Region Work and Witness Coordinator.[ 
USA/Canada SDMI develops free VBS resource
Global Ministry Center
The God of the Underdogs VBS was developed in response to a growing need within many local Nazarene churches for a Vacation Bible School that could be effective and lead children to a saving faith in Christ, be carried out without creating a financial burden on the church, and retained a Wesleyan-Holiness emphasis.
The curriculum, which is available in English and Spanish, can be found online at
On the website you will find this VBS curriculum in black and white and full color, along with a number of additional resources. Everything on the website is downloadable and reproducible. If your church would like to support The God of the Underdogs or possible future missional efforts toward children, you can do so by supporting the Kids Reaching Kids annual Mission Offering Project. For more information about the current offering project, visit
Beginning early last month, kits containing a newly created Vacation Bible School curriculum started to reach thousands of local Nazarene churches across the U.S. and Canada. All churches on the USA/Canada Region should receive their kit at no charge by the end of April. A Spanish version will be sent to each Spanish-speaking congregation by mid-May.
The God of the Underdogs VBS was developed in response to a growing need within many local Nazarene churches for a Vacation Bible School that could be effective and lead children to a saving faith in Christ, be carried out without creating a financial burden on the church, and retained a Wesleyan-Holiness emphasis.
The VBS features five underdogs from the Old Testament (Joseph, Esther, David, Hannah, and Daniel) who discover that despite the challenges they face, God has not abandoned them. In addition, five other special guests (Gally Gator, Pennie Penguin, Doc Duck, Callie Cat, and Lennie Lion) will show children that anyone who trusts in God can rise above any challenge.
How did The God of the Underdogs VBS come to be?
Each year, hundreds of local churches and thousands of children participate in the Kids Reaching Kids Mission Offering Project. A portion of each offering is placed in a Special Projects Fund. This fund is used to support missional efforts toward children that may not fall in the same category as the annual offering. This has allowed Kids Reaching Kids to meet immediate needs, like the efforts in Haiti following the devastating earthquake in 2010. This Special Projects Fund is also what has made The God of the Underdogs a reality. Money raised by children being used to bring other children the Good News of Jesus Christ is truly what Kids Reaching Kids is all about.
The curriculum, which is available in English and Spanish, can be found online at
VBS curriculum in black and white and full color, along with a number of additional resources, is included on the website. Everything on the website is downloadable and reproducible. If your church would like to support The God of the Underdogs or possible future missional efforts toward children, you can do so by supporting the Kids Reaching Kids annual Mission Offering Project. For more information about the current offering project, visit[Kids Reaching Kids Mission Offering Project]


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