Thursday, April 9, 2015

Congresswoman Susan Davis for Thursday, 2 April 2015 E-News Report

Congresswoman Susan Davis for Thursday, 2 April 2015 E-News Report
Dear Friend,
The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 requires the House and Senate to pass a budget blueprint to determine total spending amounts and set budget priorities. Unfortunately, the difference in budget goals between Democrats and the majority party in the House this year could not be starker. If a budget is supposed to reflect the priorities of a nation, the majority's budget doesn't even come close. Instead of responsibly repealing sequestration and investing in hardworking families and infrastructure, the majority budget continues to take a budgetary ax to critical programs that support our community. Click here for a summary of the two budgets.
I voted against the majority’s budget when it came to the floor last week because it is the wrong approach for San Diego and our country. Regardless, I will continue to reach across the aisle as the House works through the appropriations process to find the smartest spending solutions for our region. Please take a few minutes to read about what I have been working on in Washington and in the district. As always, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have a legislative comment or you are a constituent who needs help with a federal agency.
Warm Regards,

50th Anniversary of Selma

What a special honor to walk again with Congressman John Lewis and everyone gathered for the 50th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery march. Congressman Lewis, who was there 50 years ago, addressed the group, along with Peggy Wallace Kennedy, daughter of former Alabama Governor George Wallace, who spoke emotionally about righting the wrongs of her father. While much progress has been made since this march and the Voting Rights Act (VRA) which was signed into law by President Johnson in the same year, our work is not yet done. Congress must revisit the VRA in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling in 2013 invalidating voting rights protections in several states. Congress also has an obligation to address another court ruling, Citizens United, which continues to threaten the rights of all American citizens to have their voice heard in elections.
Student Financial Aid Workshop

I know that figuring out how to pay for college can be one of the most important decisions students and families make. Having the right information to make informed decisions is key, which is why I hosted a financial aid workshop for students at Eastlake High School who are looking to head off to college soon. A representative from the Department of Education spoke on how to apply for federal financial aid, how to accept financial aid packages, and the best way to repay student loans after graduation. It was inspiring to see so many students at the workshop for some free advice on how to get the most out of their student loans. I hope the 150 students and family members who attended will remain engaged and push all of us in Washington to come up with new plans and devote more resources towards student aid.
Reducing the Cost of Student Loans
Student debt is now larger than all credit card debt combined – and threatens to overwhelm our economy by holding back the entrepreneurial spirit of our young people and keeping them from taking part in the American Dream. That is why I have introduced a bill to eliminate loan origination fees which are nothing more than a hidden tax that we have unfairly placed on young people trying to get an education and separate legislation that will require extra payments made on student loans go toward paying down the principal on the loan and not the interest. I also recently added my name to legislation that will allow borrowers to refinance their student loan debt.
Kicking off the 2015 Congressional Art Competition

In search of the next Rembrandt! High School students throughout the 53rd Congressional District are encouraged to submit artwork for the 2015 Congressional Art Competition! This annual contest is a great opportunity for young artists. The winning student will receive scholarship opportunities and two round-trip airfare tickets to travel to Washington, DC for the exhibit’s ribbon-cutting ceremony and their piece will be showcased in the U.S. Capitol for one year.
The deadline to submit entries to my San Diego Office is 5:30pm on Monday, April 20, 2015. For more information on this year’s competition, please visit the Art Competition section of my website or call my office on Adams Avenue at (619) 280-5353.
Improving Campus Safety – H.R. 1490
Last year, following a letter I wrote with Senator Boxer, University of California President Janet Napolitano and California State University Chancellor Timothy P. White agreed to voluntarily implement provisions of the Survivor Outreach and Support (S.O.S) Campus Act, legislation introduced in the 113th Congress establishing an independent, on-campus advocate on every campus. Survivors deserve someone on their side to look out for their rights and interests.
While I am pleased with this effort by the UC and CSU systems, I want to see the same protection afforded to students across the country. That's why I reintroduced the S.O.S Campus Act this Congress (H.R. 1490) to require all higher education institutions receiving federal assistance to create an Independent Advocate for Campus Sexual Assault Prevention and Response.
The independent advocate would guide sexual assault victims who request assistance with information on how to report the assault to law enforcement, getting emergency medical care, crisis intervention counseling, and other key services. It would also raise awareness on its services and prevention and prohibit the retaliation, discipline, or penalization of a victim of sexual assault for reporting an assault to the independent advocate.
Congressional Cyber Security Summit

Thank you Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) for hosting a roundtable discussion and tour earlier last month to highlight the vital role San Diego's military, private industry, an academic sectors play in cyber security and national defense. My colleagues, Congressman Hunter and Congressman Peters, and I joined SPAWAR’s senior leadership for an important discussion about their role in securing the Navy’s cyber infrastructure. SPAWAR is a government leader in this effort and is the cornerstone of San Diego’s cyber community.
Swearing in My Military Fellow

For the past several years, my Washington office has hosted a legislative fellow from the Department of Defense. The men and women selected for this program work in a congressional office for one year, assisting legislative staff and providing their own unique perspective on issues being debated on Capitol Hill. This year, I am pleased to have Chief Petty Officer Ronnie Ratliff, the Navy’s first enlisted fellow ever to be involved with this program, join Team Davis for 2015. Just last week, I had the honor of giving the Oath of Enlistment to Ronnie as he re-enlisted in the Navy. Thank you for your service in the Navy and to residents of the 53rd Congressional District!
Joining US Labor Secretary in San Diego
On Tuesday, I joined United States Secretary of Labor Tom Perez in listening to homeless veterans being served by PATH Connections Housing downtown about the work being done to put an end to homelessness. Click here to read more about our visit.
Upholding a Fair and Modern Union Election Process
Workers deserve a fair chance to have a vote on whether or not to form a union that is free from delay and interference. I opposed an effort in the House to block a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rule to make the workplace election process more fair, efficient, and modern. As a senior member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, I believe that Congress should protect workers’ rights and work to raise wages, which leads to a strong middle class.Snapshots
Celebrating Women's History Month

I had the honor of celebrating Women's History Month in Statuary Hall with Associate Judge of the Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsburg!
Supporting STEAM in San Diego
It was inspiring to join San Diego's future STEAM movers, shakers, and makers at the San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering at Petco Park. If our kids are going to compete in the global economy we need to emphasize STEAM, especially for young girls. You can't be what you can't see, which is why events like this are so important!

Defense E-News
As Ranking Member of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel, I spend a lot of time focused on the needs of our military, especially our men and women in uniform and their families. Since I am often asked about how defense and veterans policies coming out of Washington will impact San Diego County, I have started sending out a periodic E-News for anyone who is interested in defense and veterans issues. I will only be sending this information to people who sign up to receive these updates, so please click here to be added to the list.
Interested in an Internship?Interns gain valuable legislative and public service experience by assisting with constituent inquiries, public events, casework, and other special projects. Internships are a minimum of 10 hours per week and qualify for credit at some schools. If you are interested in interning in the San Diego office, please submit a resume and cover letter to If you are interested in an internship in my Washington office please submit a resume and cover letter
Website | Contact
U.S. House of Representatives
1214 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 United States
Phone: (202) 225-2040
Fax: (202) 225-2948 2700 Adams Avenue
Suite 102
San Diego, California 92116 United States
Phone: (619) 280-5353
Fax: (619) 280-5311

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