Thursday, April 9, 2015

First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach, California, United States Weekly News: Easter Continues for Thursday, 9 April 2015

First United Methodist of Redondo Beach
Weekly News - Easter Continues
Thursday, April 9, 2015
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach, California, United States Weekly News: Easter Continues for Thursday, 9 April 2015
Sunday, April 12
Reverend Nicole Reilley, preaching
8:30am in the Epworth Lounge
9:30am Adult Sunday School in Heath Chapel
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Sunday's Sermon & Scripture:
"Why Doubt is Part of My Faith"
John 20:19-31
Sermon Story "Trusting to Receive Life" by Gary Lee Parker for Sunday, 12 April 2015 with Scripture: John 20:19-31
scripture text: John 20:19 In the evening that same day, the first day of the week, when the talmidim were gathered together behind locked doors out of fear of the Judeans, Yeshua came, stood in the middle and said, “Shalom aleikhem!” 20 Having greeted them, he showed them his hands and his side. The talmidim were overjoyed to see the Lord. 21 “Shalom aleikhem!” Yeshua repeated. “Just as the Father sent me, I myself am also sending you.” 22 Having said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Ruach HaKodesh! 23 If you forgive someone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you hold them, they are held.”
24 Now T’oma (the name means “twin”), one of the Twelve, was not with them when Yeshua came. 25 When the other talmidim told him, “We have seen the Lord,” he replied, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands, put my finger into the place where the nails were and put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe it.”
26 A week later his talmidim were once more in the room, and this time T’oma was with them. Although the doors were locked, Yeshua came, stood among them and said, “Shalom aleikhem!” 27 Then he said to T’oma, “Put your finger here, look at my hands, take your hand and put it into my side. Don’t be lacking in trust, but have trust!” 28 T’oma answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Yeshua said to him, “Have you trusted because you have seen me? How blessed are those who do not see, but trust anyway!”
30 In the presence of the talmidim Yeshua performed many other miracles which have not been recorded in this book. 31 But these which have been recorded are here so that you may trust that Yeshua is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by this trust you may have life because of who he is.
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for John 20:19-31
Verse 19
[19] Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
Mark 16:14Luke 24:36.
Verse 21
[21] Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.
Peace be unto you — This is the foundation of the mission of a true Gospel minister, peace in his own soul, 2 Corinthians 4:1.
As the Father hath sent me, so send I you — Christ was the apostle of the Father, Hebrews 3:1. Peter and the rest, the apostles of Christ.
Verse 22
[22] And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:
He breathed on them — New life and vigour, and saith, as ye receive this breath out of my mouth, so receive ye the Spirit out of my fulness: the Holy Ghost influencing you in a peculiar manner, to fit you for your great embassy. This was an earnest of pentecost.
Verse 23
[23] Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.
Whose soever sins ye remit — (According to the tenor of the Gospel, that is, supposing them to repent and believe) they are remitted, and whose soever sins ye retain (supposing them to remain impenitent) they are retained. So far is plain. But here arises a difficulty. Are not the sins of one who truly repents, and unfeignedly believes in Christ, remitted, without sacerdotal absolution? And are not the sins of one who does not repent or believe, retained even with it? What then does this commission imply? Can it imply any more than, 1. A power of declaring with authority the Christian terms of pardon; whose sins are remitted and whose retained? As in our daily form of absolution; and 2. A power of inflicting and remitting ecclesiastical censures? That is, of excluding from, and re-admitting into, a Christian congregation.
Verse 26
[26] And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.
After eight days — On the next Sunday.
Verse 28
[28] And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.
And Thomas said, My Lord and my God — The disciples had said, We have seen the Lord. Thomas now not only acknowledges him to be the Lord, as he had done before, and to be risen, as his fellow disciples had affirmed, but also confesses his Godhead, and that more explicitly than any other had yet done. And all this he did without putting his hand upon his side.
Verse 30
[30] And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:
Jesus wrought many miracles, which are not written in this book — Of St. John, nor indeed of the other evangelists.
Verse 31
[31] But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
But these things are written that ye may believe — That ye may be confirmed in believing. Faith cometh sometimes by reading; though ordinarily by hearing.
Upper Room Ministries, a ministry of Discipleship Ministries
PO Box 340004
Nashville, Tennessee 37203-0004 United States
As we read these Scriptures, we realize that the disciples still was afraid of the authorities even though they have heard that Jesus has been raised from the dead for they remained behind closed doors. Jesus comes into the room while the doors are still locked saying to them that Peace should be upon them. As He breathed, He spoke that they are to receive the Holy Spirit for the work He has for them to do. Them Jesus mentioned to them that when they have forgiven sins, they will be forgiven while if they do not they will remain. what is meant by this has been interpreted many different ways, but if we understand these words as He taught them in the Model or Lord's Prayer that if we do not forgiven others, we will not be forgiven brings us to realize what Jesus is really saying. After Jesus left and Thomas was not with them, the ten of them told Thomas, but Thomas did not believe saying that unless he sees the nailed pieced hand and feet and place is hand into the side that the soldier pieced with his sword he would not believe. Some ten later when all eleven of the disciples which included Thomas was in the same locked room, Jesus appeared saying to Thomas to touch His hands, feet, and side. Thomas immediately said My Lord and My God whereas Jesus responded to Thomas and the others that he believed because he saw while those who do not see and believe will be blessed. Scripture concludes with the writer of this Gospel saying that there were many other signs, wonders, and miracles that were done by Jesus but were not written down. These signs, wonders, and miracles were written down that those who hear and read these words will believe that Jesus is the Messiah of the Jews as well as the whole world and all people in the world living and who will live. We come to believe in all of Jesus as we come and eat His Body and drink His Blood through the Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist singing the Hymn "There is a Redeemer, Jesus God's own Son" by Melody Green
1. There is a Redeemer -
Jesus, God’s own Son;
Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, 
Holy One.
Thank You, O my Father,
for giving us Your Son,
And leaving Your Spirit
till the work on earth is done.
2. Jesus, my Redeemer,
name above all names;
Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, 
Hope for sinners slain.
Thank You, O my Father,
for giving us Your Son,
And leaving Your Spirit
till the work on earth is done.
3. When I stand in Glory,
I will see His face;
There I'll serve my King forever
in that holy place.
Thank You, O my Father,
for giving us Your Son,
And leaving Your Spirit
till the work on earth is done.
Gary Lee Parker
4147 Idaho Street, Apt. 1
San Diego, California 92104-1844, United States

In This Issue
The Church office is regularly open from 9am - 4pm, 
Monday to Thursday.
Adult Bible Study
The Pastor's Bible Study meets Thursdays at 11:00amin May Day Parlor. We will resume regular classes onApril 16.
A Church That Responds to the Needs of the Community
Every Wednesday, with help from neighbor congregations and many volunteers, we host Shared Bread, a free meal for the community.
(Click the logo for more information.)
Groceries = $ for Church
Looking for an easy way to support our church? Now you can do your grocery shopping and the store will give a percentage back to FUMCRB! Click the image on the left to learn how you can sign up for this easy giving program. Our Stewardship Team can answer any questions! 
You may also visit the new website for the entire denomination of United Methodist Church here.
Want to see photos of past church 
activities and events?
Check out our 
Do you have concerns, ideas or input about our church that you want to be heard?
You are welcome to reach out to our leaders!
You can contact our Pastor, Molly Vetter.
Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee, which is responsible for staff and pastoral oversight, is led byDarrell Uran.
Nina Dooley is the Chair of our Church Council.
Johnna Kosnoff is our Lay Leader.
We are always looking for people who want to be a part of Sunday morning worship. If you would like to be liturgist at either the 8:30 or 10:30 service (or both) just click the following link. You will receive email confirmation of the date and the office will email all the reading a couple days before. It's a wonderful way to serve.
Practice Resurrection
One of my very favorite poets ends one of my very favorite poems with this line:
Practice resurrection
(From Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front by Wendell Berry)
It always sounds a little wild to me, "practicing" resurrection, as if it were a learned skill, like piano playing or baseball or Law. In this season of Easter, I am sometimes overwhelmed by the amazing power of what God does for us in Jesus Christ; it strikes me as strange to think of "resurrection" as a skill and habit I should work at.
But it is: claiming God's life-giving power and letting it make a difference for me takes discipline, persistence and commitment. Some days, I need to be reminded that God really does triumph over death--like Thomas, I want to touch my finger to his wounds and make sure it's all real. Other days, it takes discipline and discernment to know what I should do about it--how to be a presence of love in my neighborhood or one who works for justice for those who've been forgotten.
So here we are, in the season of Easter, called again to practice resurrection. To work at getting good at cultivating, claiming and sharing Christ's world-changing love that overcomes death. May it be so.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Molly 
I continue to be out of the office until April 16, on vacation with my family. My deep thanks to Rev. Nicole Reilley for preaching and leading worship this weekend. I will look forward to seeing you after my vacation!
Contact Info
Pastor Molly Vetter
Guest Preacher: Rev. Nicole Reilley 
This Sunday, April 12, we are pleased to welcome Rev. Nicole Reilley as guest preacher. Rev. Nicole is the Director of New Ministries for our California-Pacific Annual Conference, and a part of our congregation. She also served as Interim Pastor here in 2012. We're always glad to have Rev. Nicole and her husband, Jeff, as part of our congregation, and are pleased to welcome her back to the pulpit!
Rev. Nicole will be preaching on the story of Doubting Thomas, on "Why Doubt is Part of My Faith."
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio, for those who choose to bike to church! Thanks for your consideration.
April 19th and 26th, Stephen will teach a class on the Dead Sea Scrolls! We will discuss their origins and the community that produced them. On the 26th we will cap off this class in the afternoon with a visit to the California Science Center's exhibit on the Dead Sea Scrolls, plus the IMAX movie Jerusalem! You must RSVP for the science center visit. CLICK HERE
Church T-Shirts!
We have new church T-Shirts! They will be available April 19th. The youth group is selling them to help raise funds for our Baja Trip!
Men's shirts and women's shirts (Yes! They're REAL women's T-Shirts) are different colors! We also have a church hoodie! 
T-Shirt Price: $20 Hoodie Price: $35
Help us to send some LOVE to our College students during Finals!
Our United Methodist Kids in Christ (UMKIC) is assembling care packages (on Sunday, April 26 @10am) for our youth alumni to remind them that the church loves and supports them. 
Will you help us collect items and $ for gift certificates and shipping? There is also an opportunity to send each student a Church T-shirt(this helps the youth group at the same time! See above!)
From the Lay Leader, Johnna Kosnoff 
bi-weekly thoughts and reflections from our church Lay Leader
"Wow! Easter Sunday was amazing. The church, the music, the joy on the children's faces and the prayers of the people were beautiful. I especially enjoyed meeting so many of your visiting family members. Thank you all for being good sports and wearing nametags! 
Molly's sermon, challenging us to let this Easter story amaze us (or "knock us off center"), was a good reminder that this is not the end of the story but a beginning. And, beginnings can amaze (and terrify) us. As we think about beginnings, I want to mention some new (non-terrifying) ministry groups in our church.
As a result of our Check Into Church questionnaire, a new men’s ministry study group has begun, a new book club will begin in May and a group of women who want to socialize together, in addition to worship together, have begun planning hikes, museum outings and other events. In addition, we have a new softball team and a 20’s/30’s group that began meeting less than 2 years ago. I am thankful for all of you who have worked together to make these ministries happen. You amaze me! I also give thanks for so many of you who continue to faithfully work in our ministries of Shared Bread, Sunday School Teaching, UMW Circles and so much more around our church. Your faithfulness helps the story continue. I invite all of you to consider the potential ministries that Church Council posted on our bulletin board from the “If We Build It” event. If you have interest in starting another ministry or group, please look for a partner or talk to me about it. I’d love to help you get started. 
I encourage you to join us for another new Sunday School class, this one is about the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the field trip to the CA Science Center. And, I hope you will read Tattoos on the Heart to learn what God has been doing in neighboring Los Angeles and come to the book club to discuss it in May – or just discuss it on the church patio if book clubs aren’t your thing.   
There are many new (and not-so-new) ways to be more connected at church, I hope you will join in and be amazed as you grow closer to God.
The Lay Looker, Bob Peterson 
a view from the pew from a longtime member of our church
IT'S TIME TO PLAY BALL, or at least practice!! 
It's official! Our softball team will be part of the Torrance Spring/Summer League beginning in May. Games will be played at Wilson Park on Sundays and start between6:00pm and 8:00pm.
"Like" their Facebook page to get game updates and see photos. 
For those of you who have signed up to play, our next practice will beSunday, April 19th at 5:00 at 
La Romeria Park, 19501 Inglewood Avenue, Torrance, CA 90503.
There will be a final practice on April 26th, but it will be at a different location. Please feel free to contact Troy Thomas if you have any questions.
Adult Sunday School:
Bible Study in Health Chapel
9:30-10:15am, Beginning April 12 
Our regular, adult Sunday School class resumes on April 12. The class is a Bible Study and discussion. Led by Helen Stockwell.
Volunteers Needed:
VBS June 22-26
It takes a large team to make each year successful - Will you come and join in the fun? Register online and let us know what your interests/talents are!
Volunteer Planning Meeting for Lead Team: 
May 3rd @ 11:30am 
Training and Prep Meeting: 
Saturday, June 20 @ 9am 
Contact Katherine for more info:
Mark your Calendar:
Potluck Lunch Sunday, April 19
Be with us for these special times of food and fellowship and intergenerational sharing.
Please join us for our mid-month potluck lunches this Spring, on April 19 & May 17!These Potlucks will be on Sunday, following the 10:30 worship services--everyone's welcome, just bring a dish or dessert to share.
Support Our Church Team!
Redondo Beach First UMC is helping to end hunger one step at a time by participating in this year's Peninsula Harbor CROP Hunger Walk - San Pedro onSaturday, May 02, 2015. Each year, the Crop Walk helps fund local and global mission programs working to end hunger. Our very own Shared Bread is blessed to be one of those deserving programs. Please support us by making a donation ... and join us on the Walk! Click Here to Donate and find out more about the walk.
CALLING ALL READERS. This spring, our youth will be visiting Homeboy Industries as part of the Sierra Service Project Weekend. They will also be reading Tattoos on the Heart by Father Greg Boyle. Anyone interested in discussing this transforming book about God's love and work in the community is invited to join Ann Gallagher and Laura Thatcher for an evening of lively discussion and fellowship. This first Book Club gathering will be on Thursday, May 21, in the church May Day Parlor at 7 pm. Hope to see you. Any questions? Call or email Ann at310-371-8379 mdgapg@verizonnet or Laura (310) 686-370l
Coming Sermon Series: A Place to Call Home 
In Resurrection, Jesus makes a home for us that's something new, wild and different. It's home where we're loved unconditionally, where we become family with unlikely people, and a "home" that isn't restricted to any one place.
Pastor Molly begins a new sermon series on April 19, as we explore what it means to find a home in God.
Baja Mission 2015
17 people have signed up to go so far from our church! 
Our costs are $6375. We've already raised over half, and we're still trying to raise $2562. 
Please consider donating! Donations can be made to the church, and then write "Baja trip" in the memo line.
Check out our page on the church website for more info!
BeachFaith Kids: Summer Programs
(Click the titles to register)
Age 3-8th grade 
June 22-26th, 9am-12:15pm
--Volunteers needed for VBS--see above!--
Age 3-6th Grade
July 27th-August 7th
Production on Sunday, Aug. 9th
Altar Flowers 2015
Would you like to purchase altar flowers for the sanctuary for Sundayworship? It's easy! Just click this link and fill out the order form.
Cost: $45
2015 Lenten Series and Study:
A Story to Tell 
Our Lenten small groups may have ended, but the work of story-telling is just begun, as we spread the good news of God's work in our lives. 
Our youth group asked several people in the church to tell us their stories. You can see more of how God has worked in some of the lives of our congregation--we've shared pieces from these videos in worship. Watch more of them here.
Community Events and Other Opportunities:
click these headings for links for more information
Sign up now--discounts for early registration.
Now thru April 12, 2015 
Like us on Facebook!
Visit the page and "like" us so you can see and share the latest photos, news and links from the church.
This Week at Church... 
Naomi Circle Meeting: Tuesday, April 14, 10am in Epworth Lounge
Hannah Circle Meeting: Tuesday, April 14, 7pm at member home
Worship & Music Committee meeting: Thursday, April 16, 7pm in May Day Parlor 
Nursery (6 weeks-2 years):
The Nursery is open during both services: 8:30am for ages 6 weeks to 6 yrs old and 10:30am for children 6 weeks to 4 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across Epworth Lounge. Any questions email the NurseryCoordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry (Preschool- 3rd Grade):
Join us upstairs in the Education building. This week's Bible story is Doubting Thomas from John 20:19-31.Blessed are those who believe and have not seen! 
Church R Us (4th and 5th grade): 
10:30am: Join us upstairs in our clubhouse above the nursery. This week's Bible story is Doubting Thomas from John 20:19-31.Ever have a hard time believing your own eyes? 
Youth Group (6th-12th grade): 
-Dead Sea Scrolls: Youth. Seriously. Go to this class! It'll be super interesting! We are participating in the trip to California Science Center for youth group April 26th! Click here for more details.
-Youth Group This Week: CANCELLED! Half of us are in SSP!
-Middle School Sunday School? Nope! We meet next April 19th.
Men's Breakfast:
Our next breakfast is Monday, April 6, at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd) All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship. 
20/30 group: This young adult group is a casual gathering of people in their 20's and 30's looking to connect with other young adults who attend the same church. Contact Amanda Kuczun for info on upcoming events!
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
Reverend Molly Vetter, Lead & Teaching Pastor
Ernie Valenzuela, Administrative Assistant x101
First United Methodist Church
243 South Broadway Street
Redondo Beach, California 90277 United States

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