Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Jem Jebbia, Student at University of Chicago, via Groundswell in New York, New York, United States for Wednesday, 1 July 1, 2015 - You’re invited: Join 10,000 faithful activists & leaders gathering in the US

Jem Jebbia, Student at University of Chicago, via Groundswell in New York, New York, United States for Wednesday, 1 July 1, 2015 -  You’re invited: Join 10,000 faithful activists & leaders gathering in the US

The following is a paid message from a partner in the multifaith movement for justice.
Every activist has a moment when their calling is taken to the next level. I’d like to invite you to the place where it happened for me – the Parliament of the World's Religions.
In 2009, I watched the Dalai Lama give a powerful call to action to 10,000 people of faith gathered from around the globe and across all faiths at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Melbourne, Australia.
I was 21 when I attended this life-changing event and just beginning my global interfaith work. At the Parliament, I was deeply inspired by the faith leaders I met, and quickly formed relationships with like-minded people working for justice—people who are still my friends and colleagues today.
The Parliament of the World’s Religions conference will be in the U.S. for the first time in over 20 years this October 15-19 in Salt Lake City. 10,000 of us are coming together to reflect and act on this year’s theme – "Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity."
Will you join us in Salt Lake City to work together to make more compassionate communities, increase peace, and act on the Dalai Lama’s call to mobilize the interfaith movement for justice?
We want you in Salt Lake City this October as a representative of your community and your values so that we can supercharge each others work for justice. We live in an amazing time where we can collaborate across the world to address issues common to our humanity – let’s take advantage of it!
This week, you can use the code “Groundswell15” for 15% off registration (the same discount as early registration). If you decide to come, you'll see His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dr. Eboo Patel, Valarie Kaur, and other prophetic leaders driving multifaith movements for justice. You will also see sacred rituals and attend workshops with incredible leaders.
Click here to see more information on the Parliament, the list of speakers and workshops, and to register.
I can't wait to see you there!
Jem Jebbia
University of Chicago Student
P.S. If you want to see the Dalai Lama’s beautiful closing ceremony and speech at the 2009 Parliament, check out this video.

GROUNDSWELL: Inspiring faithful action to heal and repair the world. We offer tools and resources for organizing online, and we find and share the best faithful content on the Web daily. Powered by Auburn Seminary.
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1800
New York, New York 10115 United States

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