Sunday's Sermon
July 12, 2015 | Dr. Brad Strawn | Psalm 139:1-19
Click Here for Sermon Notes
Volunteers Needed for VBSJourney with elementary-aged kids through the adventures of Everest VBS on July 20-23 at PazNaz or July 27-29 at Valley Center from 6:30-8:30 pm. Trek leaders will guide kids around the campus, helping them encounter God through songs, skits, crafts, games, and stories. Register online at or contact Destiny Schreiner for more information.
Vacation Bible School: PazNazDon’t miss this fun, free time for ages 4-10! Come experience the adventure ofEverest as you learn about God’s power on July 20-23 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Those who pre-register will get first priority on the Rock Wall! Spots still available - register at For more information, contact Destiny Schreiner.
Vacation Bible School:
Valley CenterValley Center kids won't want to miss the adventures of Everest as they learn about God's power. This fun, free time for ages 4-10 will be coming on July 27-29 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Sign up today For more information, contact Destiny Schreiner.
Email Destiny Schreiner
Summer of Stories
Wednesdays through August 19Do summer right by coming to PazNaz’s Summer of Stories on Wednesday nights through August 19. Each week this summer, PazNaz will be hosting fun, intergenerational evenings filled with stories from the PazNaz community for you to enjoy. This Wednesday, July 15, at 6:30 pm will bring stories of connection in the Meguiar Youth Center. The night will feature an intergenerational trivia game and free refreshments. Childcare will be available for children age Birth to 3-years-old. For more information, contact Pastor Heather Rickert at or 626.351.2477.
PazNaz's Got Talent!
Submit your talent before Friday, July 24Come share your talent with the church community on the fourth week of Summer of Stories, Wednesday, July 29, from 6:30-8:00 pm in Lee Chapel. All acts in every skill level are welcome! You may register for a spot in the show by contacting Pastor Leslie Moreno at the email link below. Spaces are limited, so please register early! Registration closes on Friday, July 24.
Email Leslie Moreno
Pasadena PrimeTime
9 to 5: The MusicalIf you are age 55 or better, join this group for a fun matinée performance of 9 to 5: The Musical at the Glendale Centre Theatre on Saturday, August 1. The cost has been cut to $25 per person. The show starts at 2:00 pm and transportation will be on your own. Tickets must be purchased by Sunday, July 26. Sign up at HeBrews on Sundays or contact Sylva Hekimian at 626.351.2426.
Women's Ministries
Don't miss all the great events this SummerSummer Study – All women are invited to study Mark Batterson’s DVD series All In on Tuesdays, July 7-28, from 9:30-11:30 am in Gilmore Hall. Each week will be led by a different female staff member. There is no cost for this study and no homework. Free children’s worship space is available by contacting Pastor Faith Romasco For more information, contact Megan Marsh or 626.351.2429.
FUN:101 Circle the Rose Bowl - All women are invited to spend time living life together through a variety of summer activities. First, beat the heat and start your weeks off by running, walking, or shuffling around the Rose Bowl with girlfriends on Mondays, July 13-August 17, at 7:00 am. Bring the kids along and meet in Lot D. Contact Megan Marsh at for more information.
FUN:101 Ballet Barre Class - Enjoy a fun 50-minute fusion cardio workout class on Wednesday, July 22 at 10:30 am. The class will be held at 41 ½ E Montecito Avenue in Sierra Madre. The cost is $5 and includes childcare provided by Kids Cottage next door. Space is limited so RSVP to Amie Hanrahan at amielynn.hanrahan@gmail.comto reserve your spot.
Women of Faith Loved: The Farewell Tour - Women of PazNaz interested in attending the Women of Faith Loved: Farewell Tour in Anaheim on September 11-12are invited to stop by the Women’s Ministries cart to sign up as a group to receive a special discounted price of $82.95. Sign ups will be available until Tuesday, July 28. Contact Linda Lucas at 626.307.3019 for more information.
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena
3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91107 United States
Valley Center: A Campus of PazNaz
5119 North Valley Center Avenue
Covina, California 91724 United States
Service Times
8:00 am - PazNaz's Lee Chapel
9:00 am - Valley Center Sanctuary
10:30 am - PazNaz Sanctuary
6:30 pm - PazNaz Campus
Contact Us
Phone: 626.351.9631
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