Friday, August 28, 2015,
Greetings RezDowntowners,
What a great week it has been and what a great weekend this is shaping up to be. I am thrilled to say that on Thursday afternoon a group of 14 RezDowntowners responded God’s invitation and gave up a few days to serve others by the grace of God and learn more about how to engage poverty. Please pray that God would bless them on their journey and use them to share the love of God with everyone they meet.
I am thrilled to share that we are hosting our first-ever RezDowntown Women’s Retreat. It will be taking place this Saturday starting at 9am. I am so excited to see what God will do through this great gathering of faithful women and I’m thankful for such a great response! Additionally, we have had a terrific response to all of our upcoming classes and community groups. If you are looking to connect and grow deeper in your knowledge and understanding of who God is and who God might be calling you to become, please visit our website and look through our Discipleship offerings.
I am in the middle of spending some dedicated time with my son, Freddy for a few weeks of paternity leave. Last week, I was fortunate enough to use some of that time by visiting with my parents who were able to meet their grandson. This week, my sister’s family (including my nephew Ace) will be meeting our little man here in KC. While they are here, I'll be sure to be find time to be in worship as we continue in our sermon series on Searching for Truth: What Christians Believe and Why. This weekend we’ll be shifting our focus to the questions we ask surrounding the Holy Spirit. I hope you’ll invite friends and join us as well.
In the meantime, here are a variety of ways to get connected to the life of this church:
- Boomers are Back & Ready for a Potluck Picnic and Game Night! Sept. 5th.
- Morning Men’s Series Fall Kick-off: Danny O’Neill from The Roasterie, Sept. 8th.
- Women’s Breakfast Series: Deloris Brown, Principal, Wendell Phillips Elementary.
- 2nd Annual Men’s Retreat – September 25-26 – SAVE THE DATE!
- rezlife Middle School Programming
- Christmas in October – Saturday, October 10th.
- Join RezDowntown’s Staff Team: Visual Media Producer
- Enjoy Working Behind the Scenes?
Wake Up Men! It’s time for the Fall Kick-Off Speaker Series, Wednesday, September 8, from 7-8 am at 1508 Grand. Join us to hear from Danny O’Neill, self-proclaimed Bean Baron and founder of the The Roasterie, Inc., a specialty coffee roaster that services espresso bars and coffee houses, fine restaurants, high-end grocers and coffee-lovers all around the world. After holding various sales and marketing positions for ten years, he decided to take the leap and start roasting coffee in the basement of his home in Brookside. In 1993, he founded The Roasterie which now is in three locations and the source of Resurrection Downtown’s amazing coffee! No registration is required. For more information, go to
Women’s Breakfast Series – It’s back to school time for the Women’s Breakfast Series as we kick off the September 12 breakfast at 9 am with Wendell Phillips Elementary Principal Deloris Brown. Deloris has been an educator for over 30 years in the KCMO Public Schools and in the East Baton Rouge Parish schools in Louisiana. She has been at Wendell Phillips for 13 years, two years as vice principal and 10 years as the principal. Join us at 1522 McGee in the loft. Bring a breakfast item to share … bring a friend … come and get to know other women! If you don’t have time to make or pick up a breakfast item, come on anyway—there’s always plenty to share! For questions, contact Michele Janson at or visit
2nd Annual Men’s Retreat – September 25-26 – SAVE THE DATE! – If you missed last year’s retreat you won’t want to miss this one. The guys had an amazing time. The retreat starts Friday the 25th at 1pm with lunch followed by an afternoon of fun activities. Dinner is at 6:30 followed by a spiritual lesson around the campfire. Stay the night and sleep under the stars! Enjoy breakfast together, more spirit-led discussion and out by noon. The fee is $15 which can be paid at the event by cash or check to “COR.” To reserve a space, ask a question or find out details, contact Troy Herrick at or Jay Allison at
rezlife Middle School Programming (grades 5-8) will be changing the times for getting together. A September event is being planned. Stay tuned for more information. If you want to get involved before that event, we encourage you to serve within the church helping with KiDS COR nursery, greeting, serving communion, FaithWork, etc. If you have questions or if you would like to serve at Rez Downtown, please visit Sarah in KiDS COR or contact her at
Christmas in October – The Church of the Resurrection mobilizes hundreds of volunteers for Christmas in October each year to help improve the living conditions of elderly, disabled and veteran homeowners in Kansas City. Lend your hands and hearts to this worthwhile community effort Saturday, October 10, and make a tangible difference for someone in need. If you can use a paint brush, rake, caulk gun, putty knife, hammer, wrench, broom, etc. – we’ve got a job for you! No special skills needed; volunteers must be age 14 or older. House Captains and Co-Captains are also needed to help oversee a team of volunteers. To learn more and to sign up,
Downtown Visual Media Producer – 20 hours, PT We’re seeking a highly creative individual able to work under tight timelines to manage the planning and execution of visual elements, including video and graphic design for weekend worship services and other creative endeavors. Additionally, they will provide technical support for weekend services, including audio, lighting, video, graphics and staging. Qualified candidates will have at least three years of experience in the fields of video production/editing or graphic design (preferably both). Submit cover letter, resume and a link to an online portfolio of your work at
Enjoy Working Behind the Scenes? We are looking for additional tech volunteers to serve during services. Opportunities include running graphics, cameras, lighting and audio. No prior experience is required, only the interest and desire to serve. Please visit Kenny DeCoursey at the A/V booth, or email for more information.
Please know that I consider it a privilege to serve Christ alongside you in this city. I hope you'll invite friends and join us this Saturday and Sunday in worship as together we continue building Christian community in the center of this city by Searching for Truth: What Christians Believe and Why. Have a God-filled Friday and I'll look forward to seeing you soon!
Grace and Peace,
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330 or for after hours emergencies, 816-875-0267.
To submit a prayer request, contact
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For more information:
Visit our website
1522 McGee Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64108 United States
(816) 979-1330
Reverend Scott M. Chrostek, Campus Pastor
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown |
Reverend Scott M. Chrostek, Campus Pastor
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown |
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States
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