Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Weekly eNote from Pastor Jason Gant at The Resurrection United Methodist Church West of Olathe, Kansas, United States for Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Weekly eNote from Pastor Jason Gant at The Resurrection United Methodist Church West of Olathe, Kansas, United States for Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Resurrection West,
Happy Thanksgiving!
May God pour out blessings upon us that we may be a blessing to others. We have so much to be thankful for here at Resurrection West and I wanted to share a few of those thanksgivings; you gave 240 Thanksgiving meal bags that are now blessing families who may not have otherwise had the means for a thanksgiving meal! A group of you has been preparing food to go with the team to serve a Thanksgiving meal tomorrow to the children and teens at Kids TLC in Olathe. Many got up early this morning to spend time together in prayer and be inspired by our prayer breakfast speaker – Kendall Gammon. Kendall gave a meaningful message of hope and thanks that moved everyone present. Pastor Chris then led us through prayers for our community. Here is a pic from this morning’s event.

We begin the Advent season this Sunday with Pastor Adam preaching a series called the Promise of Christmas, plus powerful Christmas music, beautiful and creative Advent decorum is filling our Sanctuary. I have found myself standing in awe of the beauty and creativity that our many volunteers poured into the Sanctuary through trees, lights, and letters of PEACE and JOY, crafted from reclaimed barn wood, wire, and tools. Just wait till you see it Sunday and look for the fruit of the spirit theme shining through each week as we approach Christmas day! Invite friends and family to join us as we celebrate the hope that is to come!
When I opened the email report from our finance office of week #2 pledged giving in this stewardship campaign for 2016, I immediately prayed a prayer of thanksgiving for the now 325 cards returned with an average pledge of $3,423. This puts us ahead so far as number of households pledging at this time last year - still hoping for close to 450 to come in (we had 421 cards in total submitted last year). We are lower so far in our average pledge compared to last year’s average of $4,006. In a capital campaign year, this is considered a very good start in our response. If you have yet to turn in your card, they will be available at the usher stands and at the reception desk on Sunday or go online right now to make your pledge at Be sure to mark Resuurection West as your home campus. Remember that we plan out our budgeting for the coming year entirely based upon your pledged giving. That includes everything from missions and ministry, staff salaries and benefits, utilities, etc. for 2016. Thank you again to those who have returned their pledge!
Last Sunday KiDS COR Sunday School introduced all of our children to the “Sparkle Box”. You will see a display both upstairs and downstairs this Sunday if you are interested in purchasing the book and box. My daughters have been somewhat obsessed (in a good way)over the sparkle boxes they bought last Sunday (with their own allowance I mentioned in this past series). Here is a little more about it.
“The Sparkle Box” - Celebrate the beauty and excitement of the holiday season, while
still focusing on the true meaning of Christmas! “The Sparkle Box” is a heartfelt Christmas story you will enjoy sharing with the children in your life, inspiring a new tradition of holiday generosity. The book features an easy yet powerful Christmas message that will inspire all of us to give to others as our gift to Jesus. Families of all ages and sizes are invited to purchase a book today, available in the lower level KiDS COR hallway and in the bookcase at the front desk, $15.
KiDS COR Presents Jingle Jam: Re-Wrapped! This family experience will have us all singing and laughing as we are encouraged to keep our eyes open to the needs of others—and to do something about it! God showed us this incredible compassion when he saw our need and sent his very own Son, Jesus. JingleJam is on Saturday, Dec. 12. All children from early childhood – 5th grade are invited to be a part of the celebration. Register your child and choose between the 3 pm and 5 pm production times. Musical and non-musical parts are available. We need youth and adult volunteers, too! Visit to register.
Groundbreaking for phase II on December 13th! We are almost 6 months in on our 3-year giving campaign to the phase II building project. You've now given just over 3.6 million toward this project and we are so grateful. We will break ground at the close of each worship service on Dec. 13th. This will be a great day in the history of Ressurection West as we dream for our future. Children (with each one receiving a KiDS COR hard hat) will be invited to join with their families as we close each worship service out on the ground. We will give praise in song, pray for the future, and leave our mark for the foundation for what is to come! The building is on schedule to be completed to move into in October of next year.
Resurrection West Sanctuary on Sunday afternoons beginning January 10. We will meet at 12:30 pm (following 10:45am worship service) for a catered meal, a live talk and great table discussion. Alpha is for anyone seeking to grow in faith no matter what age and stage in life. There is no homework—just a great first-step beyond worship. Learn more and register at
In closing today's eNote I wanted to share two stories that have already come to light from the "talent challenge" offered in my message last Sunday. Chris Mathia accepted $1 from me at the 5pm service and has already turned it into $200 with a goal to continue growing it toward our Candleight Christmas Eve offering. You can read more about how he is doing this and the many people he's invited into his idea on ourfacebook page here. Cole Reichle also accepted the 1$ and brought it up to $232 inviting co-workers and friends to participate in raising funds to buy supplies needed for the City Union Mission. Check out the pic he sent me.

WOW! In my message on Sunday we looked at biblical moments where, with God's blessing, our gifts, offerings, and talents would not only do great work, but be multiplied beyond our imagination when we give them away. Here's the proof! Well done good and faithful servants. May God's dreams continue to grow beyond our own. I can't wait to give you more updates on these talents as we move into Advent and toward Candlelight Christmas Eve!
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday,
Pastor Jason
Resurrection West Campus
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States
For an after hours urgent pastoral care need call 913-314-6058
Follow on twitter @rezwest
Connect on facebook at
Pastor Jason Gant
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States

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