Poverty makes people sick. This is my professional and vocational obsession—and it has been my whole life.
There is no question that poverty and the burden of disease are linked. Poverty is associated with tuberculosis, with AIDS, typhoid, malaria, cancer, diabetes—and most other illnesses.
But diagnosing why people get sick is only half the job. The other half is to do something about it. Partners In Health addresses disparities in access to health care all over the world—and improves the quality of what care is available.
I'm writing to ask you to join our efforts by giving $15 or more to Partners In Health today. Help us lessen the blow of illness and injury among those who suffer sickness and poverty.
Today, in our appeal for the moral and material support for this work, we are asking you to join us in saying poverty makes you sick.
I can't think of many causes in the world where you can have more impact than the kind of work Partners In Health is doing. Thank you for your support and belief in this mission.
With warm wishes for a Happy New Year,
Dr. Paul Farmer
Chief Strategist and Co-Founder
Partners In Health
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