From Pastor Molly: Good Beginnings
Before we get to the new year, we still have a bit of time left to end 2017 well. With the powerful hope that come soon at Christmas still bright in our memories, I invite you to some year-end reflection.
- Where, over the past year, have you been able to use your gifts for others? For God?
- What, over the past year, has prevented you from fully giving of yourself to God? To others?
Come, let us use the grace divine,
and all with one accord,
in a perpetual covenant
join ourselves to Christ the Lord;
Give up ourselves, thru Jesus' power,
his name to glorify;
and promise, in this sacred hour,
for God to live and die.
May it be so.grace and peace,
Pastor Molly
Sunday, December 31:
First Sunday after Christmas Day
Rev. Molly Vetter, preaching
Luke 2:22-40
Luke 2:22 When the time came for their purification according to the Torah of Moshe, they took him up to Yerushalayim to present him to Adonai 23 (as it is written in the Torah of Adonai, “Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to Adonai”[Luke 2:23 Exodus 13:2, 12, 15]) 24 and also to offer a sacrifice of a pair of doves or two young pigeons,[Luke 2:24 Leviticus 12:8] as required by the Torah of Adonai.
25 There was in Yerushalayim a man named Shim‘on. This man was a tzaddik, he was devout, he waited eagerly for God to comfort Isra’el, and the Ruach HaKodesh was upon him. 26 It had been revealed to him by the Ruach HaKodesh that he would not die before he had seen the Messiah of Adonai. 27 Prompted by the Spirit, he went into the Temple courts; and when the parents brought in the child Yeshua to do for him what the Torah required, 28 Shim‘on took him in his arms, made a b’rakhah to God, and said,
29 “Now, Adonai, according to your word,
your servant is at peace as you let him go;
30 for I have seen with my own eyes your yeshu‘ah,
31 which you prepared in the presence of all peoples —
32 a light that will bring revelation to the Goyim
and glory to your people Isra’el.”
33 Yeshua’s father and mother were marvelling at the things Shim‘on was saying about him. 34 Shim‘on blessed them and said to the child’s mother, Miryam,
“This child will cause many in Isra’el to fall and to rise,
he will become a sign whom people will speak against;
35 moreover, a sword will pierce your own heart too.
All this will happen in order to reveal many people’s inmost thoughts.”
36 There was also a prophet named Hannah Bat-P’nu’el, of the tribe of Asher. She was a very old woman — she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage 37 and had remained a widow ever since; now she was eighty-four. She never left the Temple grounds but worshipped there night and day, fasting and praying. 38 She came by at that moment and began thanking God and speaking about the child to everyone who was waiting for Yerushalayim to be liberated.
39 When Yosef and Miryam had finished doing everything required by the Torah of Adonai, they returned to the Galil, to their town Natzeret.
40 The child grew and became strong and filled with wisdom — God’s favor was upon him.
John Wesley’s Explanatory Notes
Luke 2:22-40
Verse 22
[22] And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord;
The days — The forty days prescribed, Leviticus 12:2,4.
Verse 23
[23] (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;)
Exodus 13:2.
Verse 24
[24] And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.
A pair of turtle doves, or two young pigeons — This offering sufficed for the poor. Leviticus 12:8.
Verse 25
[25] And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
The consolation of Israel — A common phrase for the Messiah, who was to be the everlasting consolation of the Israel of God.
The Holy Ghost was upon him — That is, he was a prophet.
Verse 27
[27] And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
By the Spirit — By a particular revelation or impulse from him.
Verse 30
[30] For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
Thy salvation — Thy Christ, thy Saviour.
Verse 32
[32] A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
And the glory of thy people Israel — For after the Gentiles are enlightened, all Israel shall be saved.
Verse 33
[33] And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.
Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken — For they did not thoroughly understand them.
Verse 34
[34] And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against;
Simeon blessed them — Joseph and Mary.
This child is set for the fall and rising again of many — That is, he will be a savour of death to some, to unbelievers: a savour of life to others, to believers: and for a sign which shall be spoken against - A sign from God, yet rejected of men: but the time for declaring this at large was not yet come: that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed - The event will be, that by means of that contradiction, the inmost thoughts of many, whether good or bad, will be made manifest.
Verse 35
[35] (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
A sword shall pierce through thy own soul — So it did, when he suffered: particularly at his crucifixion.
Verse 37
[37] And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.
Fourscore and four years — These were the years of her life, not her widowhood only.
Who departed not from the temple — Who attended there at all the stated hours of prayer.
But served God with fastings and prayers — Even at that age.
Night and day — That is, spending therein a considerable part of the night, as well as of the day.
Verse 38
[38] And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
To all that were waiting for redemption — The sceptre flow appeared to he departing from Judah, though it was not actually gone: Daniel's weeks were plainly near their period. And the revival of the spirit of prophecy, together with the memorable occurrences relating to the birth of John the Baptist, and of Jesus, could not but encourage and quicken the expectation of pious persons at this time. Let the example of these aged saints animate those, whose hoary heads, like theirs, are a crown of glory, being found in the way of righteousness. Let those venerable lips, so soon to be silent in the grave, be now employed in the praises of their Redeemer. Let them labour to leave those behind, to whom Christ will be as precious as he has been to them; and who will be waiting for God's salvation, when they are gone to enjoy it.
Verse 40
[40] And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.
And the child grew — In bodily strength and stature; and waxed strong in spirit - The powers of his human mind daily improved; filled with wisdom - By the light of the indwelling Spirit, which gradually opened itself in his soul; and the grace of God was upon him - That is, the peculiar favour of God rested upon him, even as man.
8:30am in Epworth LoungeJohn Wesley’s Explanatory Notes
Luke 2:22-40
Verse 22
[22] And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord;
The days — The forty days prescribed, Leviticus 12:2,4.
Verse 23
[23] (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;)
Exodus 13:2.
Verse 24
[24] And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.
A pair of turtle doves, or two young pigeons — This offering sufficed for the poor. Leviticus 12:8.
Verse 25
[25] And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
The consolation of Israel — A common phrase for the Messiah, who was to be the everlasting consolation of the Israel of God.
The Holy Ghost was upon him — That is, he was a prophet.
Verse 27
[27] And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
By the Spirit — By a particular revelation or impulse from him.
Verse 30
[30] For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
Thy salvation — Thy Christ, thy Saviour.
Verse 32
[32] A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
And the glory of thy people Israel — For after the Gentiles are enlightened, all Israel shall be saved.
Verse 33
[33] And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.
Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken — For they did not thoroughly understand them.
Verse 34
[34] And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against;
Simeon blessed them — Joseph and Mary.
This child is set for the fall and rising again of many — That is, he will be a savour of death to some, to unbelievers: a savour of life to others, to believers: and for a sign which shall be spoken against - A sign from God, yet rejected of men: but the time for declaring this at large was not yet come: that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed - The event will be, that by means of that contradiction, the inmost thoughts of many, whether good or bad, will be made manifest.
Verse 35
[35] (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
A sword shall pierce through thy own soul — So it did, when he suffered: particularly at his crucifixion.
Verse 37
[37] And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.
Fourscore and four years — These were the years of her life, not her widowhood only.
Who departed not from the temple — Who attended there at all the stated hours of prayer.
But served God with fastings and prayers — Even at that age.
Night and day — That is, spending therein a considerable part of the night, as well as of the day.
Verse 38
[38] And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
To all that were waiting for redemption — The sceptre flow appeared to he departing from Judah, though it was not actually gone: Daniel's weeks were plainly near their period. And the revival of the spirit of prophecy, together with the memorable occurrences relating to the birth of John the Baptist, and of Jesus, could not but encourage and quicken the expectation of pious persons at this time. Let the example of these aged saints animate those, whose hoary heads, like theirs, are a crown of glory, being found in the way of righteousness. Let those venerable lips, so soon to be silent in the grave, be now employed in the praises of their Redeemer. Let them labour to leave those behind, to whom Christ will be as precious as he has been to them; and who will be waiting for God's salvation, when they are gone to enjoy it.
Verse 40
[40] And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.
And the child grew — In bodily strength and stature; and waxed strong in spirit - The powers of his human mind daily improved; filled with wisdom - By the light of the indwelling Spirit, which gradually opened itself in his soul; and the grace of God was upon him - That is, the peculiar favour of God rested upon him, even as man.
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Special Music preesented by Jim Raycroft and MaryAnn Stickler
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News From Our Members
Taking a break this week...
Click here for past Lay Looker columns
Coming at Church
Do You Have Questions For God? (We do, too)
Join us on Sundays in January, as Pastor Molly takes on big questions.
(Have a question on your mind? Email it to Pastor Molly!)
Update: WiFi on Campus
Over the past two years, we have been updating and improving WiFi access on our campus. Now, there is a guest network that is available to anyone on campus. It has a password that we are happy to share, and invite you to share.
- The network is: First UMC Guests
- The password is: openhearts
Thank you to everyone who has submitted a pledge of financial giving for 2018. Early in the new year, we will be setting our final 2018 budget, and we are glad for pledges of giving to help us plan well. We encourage you to pledge now, if you haven't already: You can read more or submit a pledge here.
We are grateful for your generosity!
Read stories from church members about "Generations of Generosity" on our website!
Did You Know: View Your Church Giving Record
Last week, we mailed out records of your giving to those who have donated to the church. Anytime, you can log onto OnRealm, our cloud-based church directory, to view or print a record of your giving to the church. You can also set up or manage secure, electronic giving to the church. Arrange a one-time gift or a recurring donation. Plus, you can access contact information for other church members, to better stay in touch with the community! If you don't already have a login, contact the office for an invitation to join.
As we near the end of the calendar year, we encourage you to consider special giving to the ministries of the church. To make sure your gift is tax-deductible in 2017, please make sure it arrives to the church by December 31. This year, that's a Sunday!
Your generous giving this year has been at or ahead of our budget, but we count on year-end gifts to be able to meet all our commitments. Thanks for making this possible.
(Most of) The T-Shirts are in the office and will be available for pick up this Sunday. If you can't be here Sunday, we'll be back to regular office hours on January 2.
(A few folks' T-Shirts are delayed; they already got an email. If you didn't...your shirt is here!)
If you have questions, contact Stephen!
Responding to Southern California Wild Fires
We join others in lifting prayers for the many people and communities in southern California that are threatened and affected by wildfires this week, including people from our own congregation and regional church. Our Annual Conference is working to coordinate response to this disaster, and invites contributions to UMCOR (The United Methodist Committee on Relief). Read more about the church's response here.
Summer 2018: Mark Your Calendars!
Vacation Bible School:
(age 3-8th grade) August 13-17
BeachFaith Kids Arts Camp:
(K-5th grade) July 30-August 3
Baja Mission Trip:
with Inalienable (youth & adults) July 7-14
Summer Camps:
Spiritual Gifts Class in JanuaryCongratulations! You're gifted!
Come and learn how God has uniquely gifted you and where your dreams and passions might lead you to serve. You’ll study the Bible, use personal assessments, connect with others and brainstorm ideas for putting your gifts into action, here at the church and throughout the community.
Spiritual Gifts Class: Monday evenings, starting January 22 (Led by Liz Gyori) Register online.
Men's Breakfast: Our next breakfast is Monday, January 1, at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd). All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
Prayer Quilt Ministry: Join us for our monthly quilting workshop Friday, January 12, 10am - noon in the choir room. Even if you haven't tried quilt-making before, this is a great way to begin. Know someone in need of prayer? Anyone can sponsor a free prayer quilt. The Quilt Request Form is online or in the church office.
Meals and More: Did you know that we have a ministry that organizes meals and other assistance for church folks in times of need? In the past, we've helped arrange rides to medical appointments, meals for people recovering from surgery, and more. Leila Grantz coordinates this ministry, using online sign-up tools. If you want to be a part of the group that she emails when there is an opportunity to help, or if you know someone who's in need of a little help, please contact the church office or Leila.
Book Club, January 16, 2018 at 7PM: Vika, our January hostess, has selected for our discussion, “Living as a Covenant Community,” by Evy McDonald, which was used for study at UMW’s Mission U last summer. The book is available on the UMW website for $10, and the kindle from Amazon for $5.00. Vika is contacting women in our district who attended Mission U, to borrow copies and make them available on the UMW bookshelf in May Day Parlor. Assisting Vika with refreshments will be Eloise Elder. For more information, contact Ann Gallagher.
This Week: Children, Youth & Adults
Nursery (6 weeks+): The Nursery is open during both services, for ages 6 weeks to 5 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across from Epworth Lounge. Please know that children of any age are always welcome in worship. Any questions email the Nursery Coordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry (age 3 - 3rd Grade):
Regular Sunday school will resume on December 31st!
Church R Us (Grades 4 & 5): Join us after the Passing of the Peace!
Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade):
-Middle School Sunday School? Yep! We'll meet! The youth group email said we would not meet. The youth group email was WRONG.
-Youth Group(2-4pm on Sunday)? Nope! Our next event is the Winter Retreat! It's in 8 days!
Young Adults (19-not very specific):
We are starting a new group in about two months. In the meantime, consider attending the Spiritual Gifts class on Monday nights! It will be great!
Adult Sunday School: Bible Study and Discussion in May Day Parlor. Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15am. Led by Helen Stockwell .
Thursday Pastor's Bible Study:
We usually meet Thursday mornings from 11:00-noon, in May Day Parlor. All are welcome.
United Methodist News & Events
Our congregation is a part of the El Tordondo Mission Area, in the West District of the California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
(310)372-8445 main
(310)372-5696 fax
Ongoing MinistriesOffering food and friendship to those in need, every Wednesday night since 1992. More info here.
Homemade treats are treasured by our guests – but purchased treats would be wonderful, as well. Please wrap desserts tightly and mark for Shared Bread. Deliver Sunday (when you come for church) through Wednesday to the church kitchen (or the office if kitchen is closed.) Wednesday deliveries
should be here by 4:00pm to help us plan our meal better. THANK YOU!
Thursday, December 28, 2017 - Music Notes
share upcoming worship music
selections and a little bit of history, too.
Jim Raycroft
Thursday, 28 December 2017 by Jim Raycroft
As 2017 comes to a close, I look back with admiration and awe at the music we've made and the musicians we have hosted over the past 12 months. The musicians of Los Angeles are widely known around the world as the very best in the world. The versatility and the expertise is unmatched anywhere on the planet, and we have witnessed this in our church community week after glorious week. It would take the entire page to list all the great moments, but it can't be stated often enough or emphatically enough – we are the luckiest people in the world to have the people we have with us each week. Talented, committed professionals, experts in their fields and dedicated to the church.....I count my blessings every Sunday. After all, how many people can say that they look forward to spending an hour and a half in Los Angeles traffic one way to go to work (on Thursdays for choir practice)? 2018 will be a knockout. Happy New Year to us all.
Robert MacGimsey was born in Louisiana in 1898 to white parents, but spent most of his formative years in the company of African-Americans, who lived and worked for and with his family. As a result of their influence, he wrote his music in the "black" style and is often mistakenly assumed to have been black himself. He wrote How Do You Dofor the Disney film Song Of The South, which has been included in the Splash Mountain rides at Disneyland, Walt Disney World and Tokyo Disneyland, and also composed Shadrack, a big hit for Brook Benton and Louis Armstrong. But his most well-known song is Sweet Little Jesus Boy, a Christmas carol written in the style of an African-American spiritual, which he wrote in 1934 and which has been recorded by numerous solo artists and choirs.
Leslie Bricusse has been one of the most prolific and decorated lyricists of our time. He was born in London in 1931 and gained his initial reputation there writing musicals for London's West End theatre district with his partner Anthony Newley. He's won 16 awards, including 2 Grammys, 5 Tonys and 8 Oscars. Some of his theatre songs include What Kind of Fool Am I, Who Can I Turn To and this week's offertory Feeling Good. He has also been the go-to lyricist for film composers, including John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith, John Barry and Henry Mancini. His film songs include Goldfinger(from Goldfinger), Talk To The Animals (from Dr. Doolittle), Candy Man (from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory), Somewhere In My Memory (from Home Alone), When You're Alone (from Hook), Can You Read My Mind (love theme from Superman, The Movie) and Le Jazz Hot (from Victor/Victoria). He's been the lyricist collaborator for complete movie musicals like Dr. Doolittle, Goodbye, Mr. Chips, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Victor/Victoria and Scrooge, and he won a Tony for Best Book of a Musical for Jekyll and Hyde. I first encountered his music up close and personal in college when I was in a musical review of his music, and was struck by how upbeat, how positive so much of his music was. He writes a dramatic ballad like no one else.....What Kind Of Fool Am I, If I Ruled The World, Who Can I Turn To, You And I....wonderfully, magically melodic songs like Pure Imagination and Crazy World....fanciful songs like Talk To The Animals and Candy Man. He's my personal favorite of the lyricists, and today he lives here in town, in Bel Air, with his wife Yvonne Romain.
Click here to read more Music Notes!
Looking for a Way to Volunteer?
The Welcome Team is looking for volunteers who can help about once a month between the two services and/or immediately after the 10:30 service. Go to our "Want to Help" page to learn more about this awesome ministry, as well as several other current ways you can lend a hand in ministry.
Do you have a couple hours once or twice a month to help maintain our beautiful church gardens? Tasks would include pruning, planting, weeding and watering. Whatever you can help with, we'd love to have you join our team! Duties could change seasonally. Sign up through the church office, or by talking with Jody Wilkinson.
Circle Meeting Time
- Naomi Circle 2nd Tuesday @ 10:00 am
- Hannah Circle 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 pm
- Mary Circle 4th Monday @ 7:00 pm
United Methodist Women’s Reading Program: There are many titles to choose from with new ones added every year! Books are available in the UMW library located in May Day Parlor. Any one can read the books and our own local UMW unit will get credit! click here for information about the program.
Support missions through recycling!
Bring your plastic bottles, aluminum cans AND CRV glass bottles to church every Sunday. By recycling we can support Corazon, Crop Walk, Habitat for Humanity and some of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) programs: Syrian refugee relief, eradicating hunger, clean water, ending malaria and fighting HIV/AIDS. Please bring your cans and bottles.
Sunday Worship Liturgist Sign Up
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio. Thanks for your consideration.
Hearing Assistance Devices are available on Sunday mornings. Just ask for one at the audio/video booth in the sanctuary.
Connect with us
First United Methodist Church
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