Big Sonia Movie Event TONIGHT
Standing tall at 4’8″, Sonia is one of the last remaining Holocaust survivors in Kansas City and one of the only survivors here who speaks publicly about her wartime experience. Sonia’s teenage years were a blur of concentration camps and death marches. On liberation day, she was accidentally shot through the chest, yet again miraculously survived - her story must never be forgotten. Join us tonight at 1522 McGee at 6:30 pm to watch Big Sonia. Popcorn and movie snacks provided!
"Souper Bowl" of Caring Food Drive
Support our ministry partner Della Lamb by donating to this year’s Souper Bowl of Caring food drive. Place donated items in the collection barrels available at both 1522 McGee and 1508 Grand. Proteins and cans that don’t require a can opener are always preferred! Please don’t donate expired or damaged canned items. Contact PastorPatrick@cor.orgwith questions!
Inspired for Life Women’s Conference
Feb. 2 & 3, Resurrection Leawood. Experience fun and meaningful connection through guest speakers, worship, and more! To learn more and register go to *Let Shannon.Endicott@cor.orgknow if you are planning to attend. We’d love to have you sit with the RezDT group!
Super Bowl Sunday Worship Time Change
Wikipedia defines the Super Bowl as the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL). The game is the culmination to a regular season that begins in the late summer of the previous calendar year... The next upcoming game will be Super Bowl LII, scheduled for Feb. 4, 2018. It means our Sunday night, Feb. 4 worship service will start an hour earlier, at 4 pm. Get your game night viewing off to a great start by coming to worship!
Caregivers Group February Meeting
Are you a caregiver for a family member or friend? Join our caregivers group for the start of a new book study Tuesday, Feb. 6 at 6:30 pm in the 1522 McGee coffee shop. New members welcome! If you have considered joining, now might be the perfect time. Contact Kris Drummond at with questions!
Women’s Breakfast
Join us on Saturday, Feb. 10, 9 - 10:30am at 1522 McGee as we hear from Shannon Endicott! She will lead us in a one-time Bible study introducing us to She Reads Truth, an online community of women diving into the word of God. If you can, bring a breakfast item to share and invite a friend to join you! If you have any questions, contact
Matthew’s Ministry Family Day Out (attendees & volunteers needed)
Individuals of all ages with special needs and their siblings are invited to a fun-filled day of crafts, activities and fellowship while parents and caregivers take an afternoon for themselves. Sunday, Feb. 11, from 1- 4 pm at 1522 McGee. Register by Wednesday, Feb. 7, so that we may plan accordingly for snacks and volunteers. This event is open to the community; you do not need to be a member of the church to participate. For questions, registration or to volunteer, contact By volunteering our time, we can allow more families to benefit from this terrific ministry!
Ash Wednesday Worship
Join us Feb. 14, 7 pm at 1522 McGee for a special Ash Wednesday service of music, prayers, an inspiring message and the opportunity for personal reflection and confession. Ash Wednesday emphasizes two themes: our sinfulness before God and our human mortality—both triumphed through the death and resurrection of Jesus! Childcare provided. More details at
Singles & Dating
66% of Resurrection Downtown is made up of singles, yet look around and it might seem like you are surrounded by couples and families. Join us Friday, Feb. 16, 6:15 pm at 1522 McGee for an honest conversation, steering away from fixed answers or one right way to find wholeness and happiness. Pastor Anne and Licensed Counselor, Justin Bastin, will lead a time of laughter and discussion around the best and hardest parts of being single, with the understanding that singleness is not a problem to be solved. Come for delicious food, a chance to connect, and an acknowledgement that the church cares about you. Please register at Email Sarah.Brischle@cor.orgfor childcare. Reach out to Pastor Anne.Williams@cor.orgwith questions.
Parents’ Night Out
Friday night, Feb. 16, 6:15 - 8:15 pm. Let’s be honest…We all love our kiddos, but sometimes it’s nice to leave them with someone else and enjoy an uninterrupted conversation. So, give yourself a night out and drop the kids off at KiDSCOR, 1522 McGee. Register for childcare by emailing
RezDT “Gate Keepers” Parking Lot Volunteer Team!
As we continue to grow, we want to make it easy for new visitors to navigate one of the biggest obstacles when attending RezDT…PARKING. We are creating our own RezDT “GateKeepers” Volunteer Team! This team will serve during weekend worship to let people in to the gated parking lot (get it…Gate Keepers Volunteer Team!?!) at the south side of the parking lot (17th St) and assist those that are less familiar with our campus. We hope to launch this team starting in February. If you are willing to serve, take a moment and fill out this form. For more information, contact
Medical Mission Opportunities
Anyone in a medical profession who is interested in serving internationally, using those gifts, is invited to an informational meeting at Resurrection’s Leawood campus Tuesday, Feb. 13, 7 pm in Building B room 213. Contact Pastor Patrick at 816-979-1344 or at for more information.
Resurrection Business Owners Focus Group
Are you a business owner or hiring manager in the Kansas City area? We are looking for business owners and managers who are interested and willing to participate in a focus group to research, discuss and brainstorm ways that employers can find highly-qualified employees, and how these potential employees can find quality jobs - all within the Resurrection Community. If you are interested in helping with this effort or have questions, please email Pastor!
Hurricane Disaster Response Trips
Are you interested in serving in an area devastated by Hurricanes Harvey or Irma? Resurrection will send groups to Houston Feb. 3 – 10, and to Puerto Rico Feb. 17 – 24 and April 14 – 21. Safe Gatherings training is required for all overnight trips. To learn more about the requirements, trips, or to apply, email
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
1508 Grand Avenue
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