Thursday, June 11, 2015

Weekly eNote from Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton from The Resurrection United Methodist Church of Leawood, Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Friday, 5 June 2015

Weekly eNote from Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton from The Resurrection United Methodist Church of Leawood, Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Friday, 5 June 2015

Dear Resurrection Family,
33 years ago today LaVon and I were married. How profoundly grateful I am for the love and partnership we have shared over these years. She is my closest companion and my dearest friend. There have been so many blessings but also a few challenges along the way as well. We’ve had seasons where we were deeply in love with one another, and a few where we struggled. Today I love her more than ever. I believe most of you at Resurrection know this, but this church would not be what it is today without LaVon. She’s not an upfront person. She doesn’t like the limelight. But we’ve dreamt together, prayed together and shared together these 25 years of Resurrection’s history. Here is our engagement picture, I’ve shared with some of you before:

Today as you read this I’m speaking to the 1,200 pastors and laity attending the West Michigan Annual Conference. Thank you to all who have been praying for these pastors and churches. Please remember me in your prayers today as I speak, that God would use me to inspire, encourage and equip these leaders for renewal in their churches. I’ll be back tomorrow night, then on to Iowa on Sunday speaking to the Iowa Annual Conference Sunday night and Monday. Wednesday I’ll be at the Great Plains Annual Conference before heading to Daytona Beach for the Florida Annual Conference on Thursday night and Friday. Please remember me and these pastors and churches in your prayers this week.
This weekend Pastor Scott Chrostek will preach once more at the Leawood campus on the importance of practice and preparation for baseball and for the Christian life as we continue our June sermon series, Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Jason Gant will preach on the same topic at West and Penny Ellwood will preach at Blue Springs. It’s going to be another great message. Wear your Royal’s gear, or at least something blue, and join us for worship!
This coming week is Vacation Bible Camp at Leawood (Rez West VBC is June 22-25, Rez Downtown VBC is June 15-18, and Rez Blue Springs is having two mini-camps that you can check out at the website. We have 1200 children and 400 adult and youth volunteers who will have a blast learning about Finions in this year’s Disciple Me VBC. The children will make friends, do crafts, enjoy skits and play games. Please take a second and pray for the teachers, helpers and students who will be in Vacation Bible Camp; that they will grow in their faith while at VBC.
As a part of VBC we’re having Family Movie Night next Thursday, June 11 when you can bring your family for a free night at the movies. We’ll show Despicable Me 2 in the sanctuary and Minion Short Films (30 minutes) in the Bible Theatre. Both start at 6:15 pm. You don’t need to be a member or participating in VBC to attend. Register HERE so we have enough popcorn.
This summer once again we will participate in Bless the School. We will serve at Welborn Elementary in KCK this year. Welborn is one of our larger partner schools with a population of about 535 students and classrooms in two buildings. Volunteers will paint, lay carpet squares, install cork and whiteboards and build and install shelving in the classrooms. Morning, afternoon and evening shifts are available Monday-Thursday, June 15-18; morning and afternoon times on Friday and Saturday, June 19-20. To learn more or register go to We hope to provide lunch for the volunteers who are on site all day and if individuals or small groups would like to help with this they can contact Teta Rentie at We have six partner schools and every five or six years we repaint and spruce up each school. This is a great way to serve and you’ll be blessed as you bless the kids and teachers at Welborn!
This week I was in the office for a couple of days of meetings before heading to Michigan. At one point I ran into our Sunflower Bakers – all participants in our Matthew’s Ministry. They were testing a new recipe for a blueberry tart (excellent by the way – I love it when the Sunflower Bakers ask me to test a new product!). I learned that one of our Matthew’s Ministry participants, Caroline McVay, was just crowned Miss Kansas Teen Amazing in the Miss Amazing pageant. This is a nationwide pageant for girls and women with disabilities. I am so proud of Caroline. She’s an amazing young woman who is very active in our church. Here’s a picture of her as she was being crowned. Caroline also won the Spirit Award. Congratulations Caroline!!!

If you missed receiving or reading our all church email that was sent on Wednesday I’d love for you to click here and read it. It has a lot of awesome opportunities for you to get plugged into the church and to serve in the community and broader world! It also lists all of our support and care groups in the church.
If you are interested in watching my talks at the West Michigan Annual Conference they are all being live streamed today and tomorrow, watch here. Today I’ll speak at 2:30 pm on Leadership and again at 7:00 pm on preaching and worship. Finally, tomorrow morning at 9:00 am I’ll speak on Missional Outreach and Evangelism.
I have to run. Thanks for your prayers today! I’m so grateful to serve a church that has a vision not only for our congregation, but for helping other churches to experience revitalization and renewal.
In Christ’s Love,
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States

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