Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Weekly Recap for Tuesday, August 4, 2015 from Progressive Christianity in Gig Harbor, Washington, United States

 Weekly Recap for Tuesday, August 4, 2015 from Progressive Christianity in Gig Harbor, Washington, United States
How necessary is Spirituality to keep our lives together, to make sense of things, to provide a path... read Chris Glaser's thoughts. Thank you for your support and interest!

Last Week At ProgressiveChristianity.org...
We delved into the topics of Spirituality, Racism, Worship Materials and Blessings.
Visit our website to join in on the discussion and to view our thousands of spiritual resources!
ProgressiveChristianity.org is a global portal for authors, scholars, theologians and liturgists to share their resources for the progressive spiritual journey. Each week we will send you a recap of some of our new resources and each month you will receive an e-newsletter - our eBulletin- which are always full of articles, reviews, liturgies, events, videos, books, news and more! We are glad you are a part of this community!

Spirituality is Not OptionalChris Glaser
Recognizing and maintaining and building our spiritual infrastructure is necessary, not a superfluous “bonus” of life.
Reading a review of a book about America’s faltering infrastructure, I thought of how spirituality is our infrastructure—how necessary it is to keep our lives together, to make sense of things, to provide a path, and how little attention is paid to it by so many, just like the bridges and schools and roadways we take for granted and fail to attend and maintain.
I remembered Evelyn Underhill’s understanding in The House of the Soul that our spiritual house never stands alone, but as part of something larger, the “City of God.” We must tend to it, remembering the role it plays in our urban spiritual environment:
Christian spirituality…insists that we do not inhabit detached residences, but are parts of a vast spiritual organism; that even the most hidden life is never lived for itself alone. Our soul’s house forms part of the vast City of God…it shares all the obligations and advantages belonging to the city as a whole. … The way we maintain and use it must have reference to our civic responsibilities. …
So into all the affairs of the little house there should enter a certain sense of the city, and beyond this of the infinite world in which the city stands: some awe-struck memory of our double situation, at once so homely and so mysterious. We must each maintain unimpaired our unique relation with God, yet without forgetting our intimate contact with the rest of the city, or the mesh of invisible life which binds all the inhabitants in one.
So we maintain our spiritual house, in the apostle Paul’s words, our “temple of the Spirit,” not for ourselves alone, but for our neighbors and the citizens of the whole City of God.
Recently I was reminded of what I once asked volunteers at AIDS trainings:
What in your belief system prompts you to volunteer?
What is your spiritual community?
To me this was key to discerning their core spirituality, even apart from religion, a spiritual base line that might serve as an infrastructure for all they were about to face.
I encouraged them to be creative when it came to defining their spiritual communities. One woman had an ah-hah when she realized hers was a group of women with whom she had played tennis for years. “We shared births and deaths, marriages and divorces,” she explained, “Supporting one another through them all.”
Recognizing and maintaining and building our spiritual infrastructure is necessary, not a superfluous “bonus” of life.
At the conclusion of his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus described this spiritual infrastructure. He said that one who hears his teachings and does them will be like one who builds a house on rock as opposed to another who builds a house on sand. The first house remains standing in the storm and flood, but the second is swept away.
Originally published here by Chris Glaser

Muslims Raised Over $100,000 To Help Rebuild Black Churches In The SouthCarol Kuruvilla
“We hope this campaign encouraged non-Black Muslims to support the BlackLivesMatter Movement and remain committed to ending anti-Black racism in America”
Three Muslim organizations have raised over $100,000 to rebuild black churches in the South.
In the days following the shooting of nine people inside Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, a string of church fires at black worship centers in the South raised alarm on social media.
Authorities have not indicated that the fires are connected to Charleston, but the blazes made headlines in the wake of what many believe to have been the worst incident of racist terrorism in years. The Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative, the Arab-American Association of New York and Ummah Wide wanted to make sure these churches were restored as soon as possible.
The organizations joined forces to launch the “Respond With Love” campaign on July 2, stating on their fundraising page that “ALL houses of worship are sanctuaries, a place where all should feel safe.”
The fundraiser started off with a goal of $10,000, but they hit that target within hours, Linda Sarsour, executive director of AAANY, said to HuffPost in an email. They increased the target amount a few more times, and the support kept flooding in.
The campaign closed on July 18, just after the end of the holy month of Ramadan, with a final total of $100,470.
Faatimah Knight, a theology student and one of the campaign’s organizers, believes “Respond With Love” went viral because it contributes to a colorful, nuanced narrative about the Muslim community.
“It awakens [in] some and confirms in others that Muslims are diverse and varied and that many of our concerns are domestic concerns,” Knight wrote in an email to HuffPost. “Also, Respond with Love is an anti-racism effort and there are many people in this country who are tired of racist rhetoric and racist motivated violence.”
Sarsour guesses the majority of the donors were Muslims, based on the surnames of the 2,016 people who donated.
“Our campaign gave people the opportunity to take an extra step beyond just verbal solidarity,” Sarsour said to HuffPost. “Our campaign united people of all faiths, it resonated and the fact that it was lead by Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan gave the campaign more meaning and legitimacy.”
Sarsour said the Respond With Love team is leaning towards donating the money to the larger “Rebuild The Churches Fund,” which was organized by the Episcopal Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis, Missouri. That campaign has independently raised over $200,000 to rebuild six churches in Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida — other churches may be added to the list.
“We hope this campaign encouraged non-Black Muslims to support the BlackLivesMatter Movement and remain committed to ending anti-Black racism in America,” Sarsour said to HuffPost. “We have a [lot] of work to do. This is just the beginning.”
Originally published by Huffington Post Here

Worship Materials: Beginnings and Endings of the Day and BlessingsWilliam Wallace
From the Celebrating Mystery Collection - Hymns, Prayers, Affirmations, Graces, Blessings and Reflections.
Through the star-filled realms of evening. (BL)
Thank you, thank you, thank you God. (BL)
Call of the songbird rising to Heaven. (BL)
Rise, O my heart.
May awareness be my companion,
love my friend
and amazement my expectation.
This day shall be a day of kindness
kindness to my body,
kindness to my mind,
kindness to my spirit,
kindness to all I meet and
kindness to the earth itself
for I AM humankind.
Within the boundaries I shall sing,
beyond the boundaries I shall dance,
in the mystery I will rest.
Today I will live life with more awareness,
more compassion and
more delight
than ever before.
Day l greet you!
Life I delight in you!
Love I embrace you!
O God, no matter what this day holds for me,
help me to live it as an adventure
in meeting, accepting and communicating with other people,
that I may hear what you are saying to me through each of them.
Dear God , help me to accept this day as a precious gift from you,
that I may appreciate its beauty,
respect the people I meet,
courageously bear the sufferings which it may hold
and seek in all things to love you more fully.
This day I shall let the hills embrace me,
the trees comfort me,
the waves wash over me.
This day I shall let the sap rise within me
and unfolding dance the music of the Cosmos.
O God, this is a wonder-filled day!
you are wonder-filled!
life is wonder-filled!
and I am aware.
Therefore I will laugh with you,
sing with you,
dance with you and
weep with you.
World you are delightful,
life you are exhilarating,
nature you are nurturing,
love you are embracing,
divine you are around
and within me.
I greet you all with reverence
and honor your intertwining.
May the freshness of the dawn enliven my spirit,
May the rising of the sun enlighten my mind,
May the noon-tide of the day warm my heart,
May the benediction of sunset clothe my being
with restfulness.
May sleep bring the mantle of peace,
May dreams bring enlightenment,
May forgiveness be my benediction.
Gracious God, I commit into your hands the joys and frustrations,
successes and failures of this day;
free me from its destructive forces
and grant that the power of its beauty and love
may grow within me to make me a more effective ‘Friend of Jesus.’
BLESSINGS (of people)
May wonder be our companion in work,
hope our strength in grief,
belonging our friend in joy
and Earth our sustenance
in each moment of living.
May beauty delight us,
May tenderness envelop us,
May love nurture us and
May silence give us peace.
May the womb of the divine silence mother us
the encompassing of the nothingness confirm us
and the energy of the stillness fire us,
For I AM is everywhere and forever.
May the joy of life fill our minds,
the love of life fill our hearts
and the energy of life fill our whole being
this day and for the rest of our days.
GRACES (Food Blessing)
For past memories,
For continuing commitment,
For the hope of the future,
For love, life and health
and for this food and celebration,
we thank you God.
Blessed be this meal,
May it nourish our bodies,
awaken our sense of justice,
deepen our bonds of love
and enable us to be at one with all life.
I am greater than my mind,
I am greater than my heart,
I am greater than my pain,
I am greater than my fears,
I am greater than my birth,
I am greater than my death,
I am greater than my past,
I am greater than my dreams,
I have found the Christ within,
I have found my deepest self,

LOGO NOTE: At the heart of the mystery all the separate boxes disappear and all is one, all is love.
Text and graphic © William Livingstone Wallace but available for free use.

Weekly LiturgyWeek of: July 26th - August 1st
The old adage to “count your blessings” is still good advice... Because whatever you focus your energy on, your blessings or your misfortunes, is what you will inevitably draw more of into your life.
READ ON ... 

Worship Materials: Beginnings and Endings of the Day and Blessings
May awareness be my companion,
love my friend
and amazement my expectation.
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Worship Materials: Beginnings and Endings of the Day and Blessings
From the Celebrating Mystery collection
by William Wallace
Through the star-filled realms of evening. (BL)
Thank you, thank you, thank you God. (BL)
Call of the songbird rising to Heaven. (BL)
Rise, O my heart.
May awareness be my companion,
love my friend
and amazement my expectation.
This day shall be a day of kindness
kindness to my body,
kindness to my mind,
kindness to my spirit,
kindness to all I meet and
kindness to the earth itself
for I AM humankind.
Within the boundaries I shall sing,
beyond the boundaries I shall dance,
in the mystery I will rest.
Today I will live life with more awareness,
more compassion and
more delight
than ever before.
Day l greet you!
Life I delight in you!
Love I embrace you!
O God, no matter what this day holds for me,
help me to live it as an adventure
in meeting, accepting and communicating with other people,
that I may hear what you are saying to me through each of them.
Dear God , help me to accept this day as a precious gift from you,
that I may appreciate its beauty,
respect the people I meet,
courageously bear the sufferings which it may hold
and seek in all things to love you more fully.
This day I shall let the hills embrace me,
the trees comfort me,
the waves wash over me.
This day I shall let the sap rise within me
and unfolding dance the music of the Cosmos.
O God, this is a wonder-filled day!
you are wonder-filled!
life is wonder-filled!
and I am aware.
Therefore I will laugh with you,
sing with you,
dance with you and
weep with you.
World you are delightful,
life you are exhilarating,
nature you are nurturing,
love you are embracing,
divine you are around
and within me.
I greet you all with reverence
and honor your intertwining.
May the freshness of the dawn enliven my spirit,
May the rising of the sun enlighten my mind,
May the noon-tide of the day warm my heart,
May the benediction of sunset clothe my being
with restfulness.
May sleep bring the mantle of peace,
May dreams bring enlightenment,
May forgiveness be my benediction.
Gracious God, I commit into your hands the joys and frustrations,
successes and failures of this day;
free me from its destructive forces
and grant that the power of its beauty and love
may grow within me to make me a more effective ‘Friend of Jesus.’
BLESSINGS (of people)
May wonder be our companion in work,
hope our strength in grief,
belonging our friend in joy
and Earth our sustenance
in each moment of living.
May beauty delight us,
May tenderness envelop us,
May love nurture us and
May silence give us peace.
May the womb of the divine silence mother us
the encompassing of the nothingness confirm us
and the energy of the stillness fire us,
For I AM is everywhere and forever.
May the joy of life fill our minds,
the love of life fill our hearts
and the energy of life fill our whole being
this day and for the rest of our days.
GRACES (Food Blessing)
For past memories,
For continuing commitment,
For the hope of the future,
For love, life and health
and for this food and celebration,
we thank you God.
Blessed be this meal,
May it nourish our bodies,
awaken our sense of justice,
deepen our bonds of love
and enable us to be at one with all life.
I am greater than my mind,
I am greater than my heart,
I am greater than my pain,
I am greater than my fears,
I am greater than my birth,
I am greater than my death,
I am greater than my past,
I am greater than my dreams,
I have found the Christ within,
I have found my deepest self,

LOGO NOTE: At the heart of the mystery all the separate boxes disappear and all is one, all is love.
Text and graphic © William Livingstone Wallace but available for free use.
Menu of Blessings
Whatever our beliefs may be or holiday meals that we celebrate, I hope that these “transfaith” blessings may help to nurture focus and gratitude.
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Menu of Blessings
by Richard Holdsworth
Awake My Soul
Awake my soul and sing Glory to my God and all things bright and beautiful,
(Followed by the doxology, with gusto!).
In Celebration (Inspired by the love that surrounded a birthday celebration for Roseanne Miller)
God of Rhythmic Tides, Lord of Soaring Winds, Creator of Joy across the face of mother earth; we offer thanks as one faith-family to celebrate our meal in open love.
One in Faith
Oh, Sacred Spirit, embodied on earth, we open our hearts to your uniting Grace. We vary in our expectations, ambitions and temptations, but we become unified in reconciliation. Oh, Sacred Spirit, imprinted in our souls; open our minds to your transforming Grace. We differ in our education, inclinations and appreciation, but we are one in gratitude at your blessed table.
God of Abundant Grace
God of Wonder, each item of food is the gift of a miracle: a miracle of birth in every seed; a miracle of life in growth and maturation; a miracle of new seeding, wintering, and returning for spring’s rebirth. We give thanks for transforming miracles, and the renewal of our own lives in a harvest of blessings.
Whatever our beliefs may be or holiday meals that we celebrate, I hope that these “transfaith” blessings may help to nurture focus and gratitude. They are selected from the original collection that was written for the Felix H. duPont Memorial House, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
Downward Mobility
More and more and then some more
is nothing more than more.
More is rarely better.
More is simply more.
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Downward Mobility
by Alice Smith
More and more and then some more
is nothing more than more.
More is rarely better.
More is simply more.
When all that is accumulated
fails to fill and fascinate,
listen to the emptiness
buried underneath.
Giving up on keeping up
opens wide the door
to letting go and letting go
and finding less is more.
Topics: Fiction and Poetry, Spiritual Exploration & Practice, and Worship & Liturgy. 8 Points: Point 4: Act As We Believe and Point 5: Non-Dogmatic Searchers. Seasons & Special Events: All Seasons. Resource Types: Liturgical Element and Poetry.

Events and Updates
Confronting the Powers: An Anti-Racism Workshop
Are you unsure what the difference is between racism and personal prejudice? How is racism a system beyond individual choices? Why does racism still grip the United States? And how can we participate as people of faith in its dismantling internally and socially?
Confronting the Powers: An Anti-Racism Workshop
Are you unsure what the difference is between racism and personal prejudice? How is racism a system beyond individual choices? Why does racism still grip the United States? And how can we participate as people of faith in its dismantling internally and socially?
If these questions interest you, you should consider attending PCU’s fall 1.5 day workshop, organized in collaboration with the Pro-Reconciliation/Anti-Racism Committee of the Disciples of Christ! You don’t have to have been trained before. All it requires is some time and an open heart and mind. Activists, laity, clergy, and allies are all welcome!
The training will be at Westminster Gardens in Duarte, CA. Costs will be minimal other than for food and hotel (if you live too far away to commute). More details and a registration page to come soon! Visit our Website Here.
Friday-Saturday 9/18-19, Anti-Racism Training
We will have the Revs. Sandhya Jha and David Bell leading a 1.5 day retreat on combatting racism in our world, our churches, and our lives. Jha and Bell are excellent facilitators; you don’t want to miss this! Cost is $10.
Friday, September 18
1 PM – 8 PM
Saturday, September 19
9 AM – 5 PM


View all upcoming events here!
Job Listings


In our Weekly Recap of July 14th we included a quote from Pope Francis that has since been proven not to have been said by the Pope. We apologize for this error and any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Our mailing address is:
4810 Pt. Fosdick Dr. NW#80
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335 United States

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