5 Ways to Celebrate Imagine No Malaria
During Your Church's Fall Events
1. Trick or Treat or Trunk or Treat for Imagine No Malaria using INM donation boxes, which are available for free. Make sure to snap a picture of you or your kids with the box and tweet it with hashtag #MalariaIsScary or email it to inminfo@umcom.org!
2. Family game night featuring the malaria-themed Jeopardy game
3. Pumpkin decorating contest with voting for best pumpkin donations to Imagine No Malaria
4. Include an Imagine No Malaria display at your church's Fall Festival with facts about malaria deaths in Africa and facts about how The United Methodist Church is helping
5. Invite children to make Imagine No Malaria-themed crafts, including fans, donation boxes and pipe cleaner mosquitoes
#MalariaIsScaryOrder your donation boxes
810 12th Avenue South
Nashville, Tennessee 37203-4704 United Statesumcom@umcom.org
Phone: 615.742.5400
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