Resurrection West,
We had 28 join our church last Sunday at Coffee with the Pastors. Please welcome them to our church family here at West. We will invite them to stand in worship this Sunday to be recognized.
Jason and Nicole Hayles, Maya and Paige - Mike and Sally Hile - Margaret Landis - Mark and Holly Lehmkuhl, Alexandra and Dominic - Justin and Lauren Lueck, Michael and Polly Ortega, Alex, Luke, and Sam - David and Janet Oswalt, Nathan and Renee - Kevin and Jessica Pitts, Audine - Jeremy and Charity Smith, Arya
Pastor Adam concludes the “Searching for Truth” series this Sunday with a look at the closing words of the Apostle’s Creed – “the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting”. These are words of faith that followers of Christ cling to all over the world. We will also have a give-a-way magnet of the Apostle’s Creed you might display on your refrigerator or another place that reminds us of what we believe. Plan now to be in worship as we grow, pray, and connect together and with God!
Monday nights have been powerful as we journey together through Revival: Faith As Wesley Lived It. John and Sara Yost taught this past week on John Wesley’s life at Oxford University.
Many of you have commented how much you’ve enjoyed your table group discussion and my hope is that you will continue meeting and growing together in smaller groups – what we call “Group Life” here at Resurrection. We model this after the journey Jesus made with his small group of disciples. They did life together, grew together, challenged one another, held each other accountable, cared for one another, and served in mission and ministry together. Many of you are experiencing this each week in your homes, workplace, or here on campus. We have a NEW small group forming now for couples with children ages birth – 2, or expecting their first child. No start dates or times as of yet – just looking for couples and a date for a meet and greet. Contact for more information.
Check out these upcoming opportunities for growth and service.
Fall Festival plans underway - mark your calendar for Oct. 10th!
Stop Hunger now!
Serve on a church committee
Interested in baptism?
Bibles for our 3rd graders, register now - Sunday, Oct. 18th
Rezlife student ministries fall retreats - register now!
Upward basketball for age 5 - 6th grade - register now!
Fall Festival coming on October 10th, 5-7pm. The last two years we’ve welcomed well over 1200 to celebrate with us through the corn maze, hayrack ride, kids games, food, and so much more, and we will have our HUGE fireworks show at the end of the evening! Your fall fest team has been hard at work preparing and we will need dozens of volunteers to lead the game stations, and more. This is our biggest outreach day of the year after Candlelight Christmas Eve and Easter weekend, so please give an hour or more of your time to serve as we seek to change lives and transform our community here in western Johnson county! Interested in serving, contact Stephanie Makalous at
The Annual Neighborhood Food Drive kicked off last Sunday. Recent statistics show that one out of seven people in the greater Kansas City area will seek help for food insecurity this year. Donate nonperishable food items and encourage your neighbors and coworkers to help fight hunger in Kansas City. Pick up a “sack hunger” bag this Sunday (which contains everything you will need to participate). Donations accepted at Resurrection West through October 11. For more information, contact
Committee Nominations Underway – The following committees are seeking candidates to serve beginning in 2016: Finance, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Foundation, Nominations, and Lay Delegates to Annual Conference. You can refer someone you know, or indicate your interest in serving by completing and Online Interest Form by Sunday, Oct. 18th at
Pre-Baptism Class – If you are considering baptism in 2015, please attend this class with Pastor Jason Gant on Tuesday, Sept. 29, at 5:45 pm in the Sanctuary. Learn more at
Register your 3rd grader to receive their Bible in worship on October 18th - The presentation ceremony will take place during all 3 worship services. You may register your child to attend the service of your choice. All 3rd grade participants should check-in to their regular KiDS COR classroom 15 minutes before service. At the appropriate time, students will enter the worship service together for the ceremony, receive their Bibles along with a blessing, then return to KiDS COR to be picked up by families at the end of service. register your child at
Rezlife Student Ministries Metamorphosis Fall Retreat 2015 - A weekend filled with worship, large and small group activities and a time for students to grow deeper in their faith - held just down the road at Youthfront Camp South. These are always powerful weekends where students from all four campuses of Resurrection unite together in discipleship fun and growth!
Middle School students, Nov. 6-8
High School students, Nov. 13-15
Go to to register and click on the Metamorphosis link on the right. Contact with questions.
Upward Sports is underway…and it’s time to register for Basketball: Basketball registration is open for boys and girls age 5 through 6th grade for Winter 2016. The goal of this Christian-based sports program is to bring children and adults to know, love and follow Jesus through sports activities. Register at Contact for more information.
Finally, next week we will welcome almost 2000 ministry leaders from all over America and countries abroad for our annual Leadership Institute. Many come each year needing renewal and revival. It is a real privilege to welcome these guests as we live into our third vision of “renewing the church”!
Looking forward to worshiping with you Sunday,
Pastor Jason
Resurrection West Campus
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061 United States
For an after hours urgent pastoral care need call 913-314-6058
Follow on twitter @rezwest
Connect on facebook at
Pastor Jason Gant
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061 United States
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