Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Advent: A Calendar of Devotions -The Word (Bonus Devotion!) from The United Methodist Communications of Nashville, Tennessee, United States for Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Advent: A Calendar of Devotions -The Word (Bonus Devotion!) from The United Methodist Communications of Nashville, Tennessee, United States for Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Advent: A Calendar of Devotions
Bonus! Continued from Sunday, December 6.
The Word became flesh and made his home among us.[John 1:14]
Before walking up to her third-floor apartment on Christmas Eve, Taylor Caldwell looked into her mailbox. Inside, there were three large envelopes, which she was certain contained bills. Though she didn't have the heart to open them, Taylor tried to smile as she opened the door to her young daughter, whose eyes were dancing with anticipation. While they were preparing to eat a dinner of beans being heated from a can, the doorbell rang.
Seeing the delivery man with several packages, Taylor said: "You have the wrong address." The man asked, "Are you Taylor Caldwell?" She nodded, and the man said, "These packages are for you." Excitedly, Taylor and Peggy sat down on the floor to open them. There was a huge doll for Peggy, and a leather purse, gloves, and candy for her. The name on the card indicated that the sender was the schoolteacher to whom she had returned the umbrella. Taylor and Peggy hugged each other and began to decorate a small artificial tree.
After Peggy was asleep, Taylor felt strong enough to open the three envelopes she had retrieved from her mailbox and tackle the bills. To her amazement, one envelope contained thirty dollars. It was a Christmas bonus from a summer job. The check was the exact amount that she needed to pay the next month's rent.
The second envelope contained an offer of a permanent job, beginning on January 2. Tears were streaming down Taylor's cheeks. At that moment, she heard worshipers on their way to the Christmas Eve Service, singing, "O Come, All Ye Faithful." Taylor joined their singing while thinking, I am not alone, I have never been alone. God is with me.
Prayer: O God, help us to understand that you once lived among us, and that now you live within us. We are not alone. Amen.

The United Methodist Communications
810 12th Avenue South
Nashville, Tennessee 37203-4704 United States
Phone: 615.742.5400

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