Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Luther Seminary of Saint Pual, Minnesota, United State for Wednesday, 9 December 2015 "God Pause Daily Devotional" Philippians 4:4-7

Students sitting outside Bockman
The Luther Seminary of Saint Pual, Minnesota, United State for Wednesday, 9 December 2015 "God Pause Daily Devotional" Philippians 4:4-7
Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in union with the Lord always! I will say it again: rejoice! 5 Let everyone see how reasonable and gentle you are. The Lord is near! 6 Don’t worry about anything; on the contrary, make your requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. 7 Then God’s shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua.[Complete Jewish Bible]
"Do not worry about anything," writes Paul in his letter to the church at Philippi. Really, Paul? Not anything? But there is so much to worry about! Will I do well on this exam? Do I have enough money? Is my health OK? Can I keep my family safe?
Letting go of anxiety is easier said than done. This may be especially true in the pre-Christmas season, when the world ramps up its expectations for what our holidays should look like. Even churches can contribute to these high expectations, with Advent craft fairs and well-scripted candlelight services and nativity pageants. Of course, many of our worries reach far deeper than the stresses of the season. But Paul encourages us to give over even our most closely-held fears to God. Imprisoned and facing the possibility of death, Paul still exhorts the church at Philippi--and now us--to live with joy, gentleness, gratitude and peace, made possible only by handing over all our worries to God in prayer.
Cameron Howard
Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Luther Seminary
Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
5 Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.
6 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
[New Revised Srandard Version]

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