Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Year in Review from the Downtown Fellowship of San Diego, California, United States for Tuesday, 8 December 2015

 Year in Review from the Downtown Fellowship of San Diego, California, United States for Tuesday, 8 December 2015
"I still have that JOY!" - Year-End Update From the DOWNTOWN FELLOWSHIP

San Diego Downtown Fellowship of Churches and Ministries
Dear Friends,
Do you know what it’s like to have JOY? And really know it? This holiday season, we ask you to think of how you can spread and share true joy with those around you -- even with those you may think have the least reason to be joyful.
You can join the San Diego Downtown Fellowship of Churches & Ministries in being a collaborative hub in service to downtown San Diego. Our vision is for the spiritual and social renewal of downtown San Diego through church and community partnerships. And, with your help, we can do that and so much more!
Just to show you what we mean, here are two of our favorite stories:
Marco* had been in prison for years and accepted Christ there. At Connections Housing he heard the Celebrate Recovery lesson about forgiving others, receiving forgiveness, and making amends. The next week when the group was asked if anyone experienced forgiveness, he said: I called my daughter whom I haven't talked to in 30 years!
Over the course of several months, we have met Kellie* time and again in various programs, receiving services and trying to care for her daughter. Recently we met again, and she was back on the street. What's the difference? She is filled with joy, hope, and totally able to cope with her circumstances. She knows how to pray. She has a new and growing relationship with Jesus as her savior.
As you can see, lives are being touched and changed. This year has seen continued dedication to serving the community and some new developments. We will be providing more volunteer opportunities, coordinating funding for projects that impact lives, and continuing to push into new ways we can serve downtown San Diego. And that includes you! We are always looking for more ways you and your church can participate.
Some 2015 milestones we are very excited about (and we think you’ll be, too!):
The Downtown Fellowship presence at Connections Housing (on 6th and A St.) is a blessing to the residents. We continue to facilitate Real Life Skills classes, Bible studies, and to develop friendships with the residents.
New board members and additional staff (and a new website where we will be able to communicate even better and keep you informed about events & information)

Our first round of the Companionship program has begun well. The friendships that have developed are helping newly housed clients continue on a successful path.
We were able to help raise funding for some really great projects:
The churches of the Downtown Fellowship raised $10,000 for mobile showers with the Girls Think Tank.
In partnership with the San Diego Housing Commission and others, the Downtown Fellowship distributed care guides and provided hygiene kits for our street neighbors at Project Homeless Connect.
We've been able to help many people find transportation to new jobs.
Where do you fit in all of this? You can join us and make a difference in our 2016 Goals:
Expanded Companionship Program: we plan to hire a part time staff member to coordinate volunteers and assist more of the homeless as they transition into permanent housing in our community.
Doing It Better Together: we continue to expand our efforts to reach others who serve the downtown homeless on the streets. Our goal is to provide a more coordinated, holistic effort to assist the homeless in taking their next steps.
Advocacy: the San Diego Downtown Fellowship will strengthen our participation in more downtown civic and community groups.
New Collaborations: we will be expanding our efforts to include the areas of high risk youth and human trafficking.
But it’s not really about the programs or fundraising campaigns. Yes, with your help, that’s how the work is accomplished. But our clients know the efforts of the Downtown Fellowship are different. Paul* said, "I can tell you guys really care for me" and added "I love this class. Thank you for being here, being available to talk, and for your prayers!"
This year, we’re asking you to help us spread joy in our community. The San Diego Downtown Fellowship needs your help. Can you provide a special one time gift of $1000? Or a monthly donation of $100 to strengthen our coordination of activities at Connections Housing and continue responsible street outreach. A gift of $35 monthly will allow programs to continue. Even a one time gift of any amount will be very meaningful.

Your regular support and prayers allow this joy-filled partnership to continue. Join us and see first hand the work of spiritual and social renewal of our city.
Wishing You and Yours A Season of Christmas Joy,
Ben Montoya & Bruce Menser
Chairman and President of the Board
P.S. If you’re ready to share the joy that you have, so even more of our neighbors can join our clients and say, “I still have that joy!” please make a gift today.
P.P.S. Please share this email with a friend who might also be interested in knowing about the work and goals of the San Diego Downtown Fellowship.
* All names have been changed to protect the privacy of those we serve.
Contributions through the mail can be sent to SD Downtown Fellowship, 320 Date Street, San Diego, CA, 92101. Checks should be made out to “SD Downtown Fellowship”. Online giving is available at www.sddowntownfellowship.com/support-prayer/
Note: the San Diego Downtown Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, with complete tax exempt status from the IRS.
Downtown Fellowship of San Diego, California, United States
Our mailing address is:
Downtown Fellowship
320 Date Street
San Diego, California 92101, United States

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