The Easter season reminds us of the central truths of the good news
of Jesus Christ. Paul captured this gospel of God beautifully:
The gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy
Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of
David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of
God in power by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord
(Romans 1:2-4, NIV).
The long-awaited promises of a Messiah through the Old Testament
prophets found fulfillment when Jesus came to earth. The Father
revealed Himself to us through His one and only Son. Jesus Christ
came both human and divine. In His human nature He descended from
David, fulfilling Jewish expectations of the coming Messiah. The Holy
Spirit revealed His divine nature to us in power by resurrecting Him
from physical death. The Spirit replaced the humiliation of the
Cross with the exaltation and glorification of resurrection. We now
proclaim the incredible confession: Jesus is Lord!
The Easter message offers us the opportunity to declare this life-giving
truth to our world. Jesus came to us humbly in word and deed to offer
new birth, restored relationship with His Father, and eternal life. The
Holy Spirit validated His earthly life and message when He raised Him
from the dead. His resurrection became the model for our resurrection
from a life of sin and the hope of our eternal resurrection.
Good news is in short supply in today’s world. We have this incredible
message to share with every man, woman, youth, and child. Join us in
sharing God’s truth to everyone. Join us is working together “to make
Christlike disciples in the nations.” Jesus is Lord!
Board of General Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene
David A. Busic
Gustavo A. Crocker
Eugénio R. Duarte
David W. Graves
Jerry D. Porter
J. K. Warrick
The Good News
of Easter!
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