Weekly E-News - Thursday, 24 March 2016
Upcoming x-citing Worship, Faith Development, Congregational Care, Next Generation Ministries, Compassionate Outreach and Employment Opportunities, all in one place!
Resurrection Sunday. He Is Risen! Mark you calendars and invite your friends to worship with us March 27 at 8 a.m. or 11 a.m. at the Paseo Campus or 10 a.m. at the Renaissance Campus. Dr. Emanuel Cleaver III - leads us in the celebration with the sermon "The Day That Changed the World". Come and be a witness, with our church family, God's true love for us. Every dawn tells of His Resurrection, Every sunset proclaims His glory!
Kidz Connect. Children ages 5-10 are invited to worship together every 4th Sunday at 8 a.m. worship and every Sunday at 11 a.m. Kidz Connect incorporates praise & worship, offering, communion, arts & crafts and science activities. Check-in and register 15 minutes before worship or anytime online.
Women's Day Choir. The United Methodist Women's Annual Women's Weekend Celebration is April 9-10, 2016. We're asking all women to help us fill the choir stand by participating in the Women's Day Choir. Rehearsals are Tuesdays, March 29th and April 5th at 6 p.m. and Saturday, April 9th at 11 a.m. We invite you to come raise your voices with us as we celebrate the theme, "Righteous Women of Hope in Action."
Maundy Thursday. Returning tonight, to the sanctuary after seven years, the table has been set for us to witness the events in the life of Jesus and the 12 Apostles through a live re-enactment of the Last Supper, Thursday, March 24th, at 7 p.m.
Good Friday.
Prayer Vigil. Stop by the Vaughan Chapel at the Paseo CampusFriday, March 25th between 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. for a time of prayer. Led by Pastor Macklin, the Pastoral Team, the Prayer Ministry and Congregational Care Ministers will each lead an hour of prayer.
Seven Last Words. The Music Ministry has prepared a special presentation of the Last Words of Christ. Join us is the sanctuary at 6:00 p.m. for the powerful event.
Easter Egg Hunt. As we officially launch our south campus, we will have a Community Egg Hunt Saturday, March 26th from 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. at our Renaissance Campus. There will be food, fun, a D.J. and children's activities. All children up to age 11 are invited to attend.
Couples Class. Are you married? Engaged? Give your relationship a spiritual boost by joining like-minded couples as we go through author Gary Chapman's book, The Four Seasons of Marriage. This new class begins next Sunday, April 3rd following 8 a.m. worship in Room 2D. Books can be purchased at Christian bookstores and online. Contact Charles Quinn at 816-654-2257 or cquinnsouthafrica@hotmail.com. No need to RSVP...just come ready to be blessed.
Prayer Class. Join this new class every 4th Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in the Vaughn Chapel. We will pray together and share tools needed for an improved personal prayer life. An introductory session will be held Sunday, March 27th after the Easter program. Contact Pastor Cunningham.
Do You Believe? This study looks at the stories of several desperate people who all come together one climatic night, and come to understand how God works in amazing ways. Evocative and moving, this sweeping story challenges you to ask: "Do you really believe in the power of the cross and if so, what are you going to do about it?" Participate in this four week study Monday nights at St. James Place from 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.beginning April 11th. The book, Do You Believe? by Travis Thrasher, is available at local book stores. Contact Cookie Gadson at 816-520-3616.
I am a Church Member. Without apology, this study addresses what is expected of those who join a body of believers. It is impossible to grow to spiritual maturity by oneself. You must be connected to the other parts of the body of the church. When a person's attitude is consistently biblical and healthy, matters of giving, serving and so forth fall into place more naturally. Participate in this seven week study Monday nights at the Renaissance Campus from 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. beginning April 11th. The book, I am a Church Member: Discovering the Attitude that Makes the Difference by Thom Rainer, is available at local book stores. Contact Danny Woods at 785-554-0867.
Short-Term Disciple Study. The Invitation to John study continues Tuesdays at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Royce Turner at 816-372-6069.
GriefShare Ministry. St. James will host an 11-week support and encouragement group for persons who are grieving the death of someone close to them. Participating in a GriefShare Support and Encouragement Group is like stepping into a room of grace where you will feel free enough to share your thoughts and feelings with people who understand and care. The groups are led by caring facilitators who have been there. They have struggled with similar grief related issues and found healing and hope along their journey in the grief process.
Grief Share groups are characterized by the following:
Confidentiality of information shared.
A safe and accepting environment to share your struggles in the grieving process.
Group members who share similar life experiences.
Biblical truth and guided curriculum regarding the journey from "mourning to joy."
Mutual care and loving support so you don't have to go the grieving process alone.
An information and registration session is scheduled for Thursday, April 7th at 6 p.m. The 11-week session begins Thursday, April 14th at 6 p.m.
Encouragement Ministry. As we continue to lift up those on our prayer list, please bring a get well or encouragement card on the first Sunday of each month. Please sign your name and feel free to add some words of encouragement. Write their first & last name on the envelope and drop it in the mailbox in the Narthex. The cards will be distributed to those individuals. If you would like a name added to the list, please contact Pastor Valentine at lvalentine@stjamesumc.com.
Bettylu's Closet. Bettylu's Closet will be open Wednesday March 30thfrom 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Spring cleaning is just around the corner so if you have gently used cutlery, dishes, glasses, small household appliances (blenders, toasters, mixers etc) and bed linens, rugs, we would be happy to accept your donations. Contact Bobbie Faulkner at 816-822-0299 orfaulkner.c@sbcglobal.net.
Youth Lock-In. "be YOU!" With so much peer influence and pressure to follow the latest trends, our youth are losing their individuality and spirituality. All youth ages 11-18 are invited to a lock-in April 15-16 here at the church. Along with food, fun and games, several activities are planned to equip our youth with the skills to unashamedly be who they truly are - children of God. Each youth is allowed to invite up to two guests. Registration and drop-off begins at Friday evening at 6 p.m. Pick-up is Saturday morning at 7 a.m. Contact Chris & Selma Nolan at chrisn4110@gmail.com or sblessed7706@gmail.com with any questions.
Girl Scout Cookies. Please support SJUMC's Girl Scout ministry by purchasing cookies. We will have a booth set up after 8 a.m. and 11 a.m.worship. Cookies are only $4/box with eight tasty varieties available. Give back by purchasing a box of cookies to be donated to our local USO service men and women. Thank you!
Graduating Seniors. If you are a high school senior, please forward your contact information to Tiffani Kintchen at kintchen22@gmail.com.
Applications are now available for graduating high school seniors who are current members of St. James United Methodist Church, please see how you can apply below.
Catherine A. Davis Book Scholarship. This scholarship is available to a young African American female who is a member of St. James United Methodist Church and is a 2016 graduating senior. All applications must be submitted by April 3, 2016 to the United Methodist Women Scholarship Award Committee, c/o Carolyn Celestine. Contact Carolyn at 816-820-6015 or rcelestine@att.net.
Alan & Austin Campbell St. James Acolyte Scholarship. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior, have been an active member of any combination of St. James ministries for two years and have actively served as an acolyte for at least two years. Applications must be postmarked by May 31, 2016. For additional information or questions, please contact Rachelle Hyder at rhyder@kcp.com.
Bessie L. Thompson Fleming Scholarship. This scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors who are seeking a degree in nursing. More information coming soon.
Membership Scholarship. This scholarship is open to any graduating high school senior of St. James who is beginning a post-secondary education (university, college, certification, professional training) in the 2016-2017 academic year. Applications must be postmarked by June 1, 2016. For additional information or questions, contact Tiffani Kintchen at816-812-6373 or kintchen22@gmail.com.
Mr. Bill Johnson Youth Scholarship* This scholarship is open to current active high school members who have displayed their commitment to being servant-leaders at St. James based on their spiritual commitment. Recipients are selected based upon academic excellence, and active participation in church ministry. Applications must be postmarked by June 1, 2016. For additional information or questions, contact Tiffani Kintchen at 816-812-6373 or kintchen22@gmail.com.
*College recipients of the Mr. Bill Johnson Scholarship: Renewals for the Mr. Bill Johnson Book Scholarship must complete the book scholarship application and provide a copy of their college transcript reflecting their student status and current cumulative GPA. Applications must be postmarked by June 1, 2016.
We are in search of a Nursery Staff for Wednesday evenings & Sundaymornings. The coordinator will have responsibility for providing care, implementing a curriculum of faith formation and working with volunteers for children (ages 1-4) in the nursery. The assistant will be responsible for helping to implement age appropriate activities, organize snacks and provide care to nursery children. We are looking to fill 3 positions:
Nursery Coordinator on Wednesdays between 6:30pm & 8:30pm
Nursery Assistant on Wednesdays between 6:30pm & 8:30pm
Nursery Coordinator on Sundays between 7:30am & 1:30pm
Please send your resume to Pastor Andre Fulton at afulton@stjmaesumc.com. Position will close Sunday April 10th.
Weekly E-News of St. James United Methodist Church of Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Thursday, 17 March 2016
Weekly E-News - Thursday, 17 March 2016
Upcoming x-citing Worship, Faith Development, Congregational Care, Next Generation Ministries, and Compassionate Outreach, all in one place!
Palm Sunday. Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II will deliver his annual Holy Week sermon this Sunday, March 20th. In these weary times, his words of inspiration and comfort will be blessing! Join us at our 8 a.m.,
10 a.m. or 11 a.m. worship celebration. This week our Ushers will be offering new "Resurrection Sunday" business cards inviting someone you know to worship with us on Easter Sunday, March 27th.
Resurrection Sunday. He Is Risen! Every dawn tells of His Resurrection, Every sunset proclaims His glory! Preaching this Easter Sunday will be Dr. Emanuel Cleaver III - sermon "The Day That Changed the World". Come and be a witness, with our family, God's true love for us. Mark you calendars and tell your friends to worship with us March 27 at 8 a.m. or 11 a.m. at the Paseo Campus or 10 a.m. at the Renaissance Campus.
Kidz Connect. Children ages 5-10 are invited to worship together every 4th Sunday at 8 a.m. worship and every Sunday at 11 a.m. Kidz Connect incorporates praise & worship, offering, communion, arts & crafts and science activities. Check-in and register 15 minutes before worship or anytime online.
Holy Week. Our Holy Week observance begins March 23rd at 7 p.m. during Wednesday Night Live with a service of healing, testimony and special music. Maundy Thursday, March 24th, will feature a re-enactment of the Last Supper at 7 p.m. A Prayer Vigil will be held Good Friday, March 25th from 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. in the Vaughan Chapel. Join us at 7 p.m. for the Seven Last Words of Christ.
Easter Egg Hunt. As we officially launch our south campus, we will have a Community Egg Hunt Saturday, March 26th from 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. at our Renaissance Campus. There will be food, fun, a D.J. and children's activities. All children up to age 11 are invited to attend.
Donations. Thanks to all who have donated plastic eggs and candy - we have reached our goal of 5,000 eggs! We still need individually wrapped pieces of candy. Being mindful of children with food allergies, please choose nut-free treats. Donations will be collected through March 20th.
Collection boxes can be found in the Newton Lounge and the Narthex.
Egg Filling. Volunteers will meet at the Renaissance Campus tonight, March 17th, at 6:30 p.m. to begin filling eggs. Park in the rear of the church and enter through the Fellowship Hall. See you there!
Chatterbox Study. Using the book Crash the Chatterbox: Hearing God's Voice Above All Others, this study focuses on four key areas of negative thoughts: insecurity, fear, condemnation and discouragement. Get a copy of the participant guide wherever books are sold. Contact Danny Woods at785-554-0867 with any questions.
Short-Term Disciple Study. The Invitation to John study continues Tuesdays at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Royce Turner at 816-372-6069.
Prayer Class. Join this new class every 4th Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in the Vaughn Chapel. We will pray together and share tools needed for an improved personal prayer life. An introductory session will be held Sunday, March 27th after the Easter program. Contact Pastor Cunningham.
Do You Believe? This study looks at the stories of several desperate people who all come together one climatic night, and come to understand how God works in amazing ways. Evocative and moving, this sweeping story challenges you to ask: "Do you really believe in the power of the cross and if so, what are you going to do about it?" Participate in this four week study Monday nights at St. James Place from 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.beginning April 11th. The book, Do You Believe? by Travis Thrasher, is available at local book stores. Contact Cookie Gadson at 816-520-3616.
I am a Church Member. Without apology, this study addresses what is expected of those who join a body of believers. It is impossible to grow to spiritual maturity by oneself. You must be connected to the other parts of the body of the church. When a person's attitude is consistently biblical and healthy, matters of giving, serving and so forth fall into place more naturally. Participate in this seven week study Monday nights at the Renaissance Campus from 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. beginning April 11th. The book, I am a Church Member: Discovering the Attitude that Makes the Difference by Thom Rainer, is available at local book stores. Contact Danny Woods at 785-554-0867.
"GriefShare" Ministry. The St. James UMC will host an 11-week support and encouragement group for persons who are grieving the death of someone close to them. Participating in a "GriefShare" Support and Encouragement Group is like stepping into a room of grace where you will feel free enough to share your thoughts and feelings with people who understand and care. The groups are led by caring facilitators who have "been there." They have struggled with similar grief related issues and found healing and hope along their journey in the grief process.
"Grief Share" groups are characterized by the following:
Confidentiality of information shared.
A safe and accepting environment to share your struggles in the grieving process.
Group members who share similar life experiences.
Biblical truth and guided curriculum regarding the journey from "mourning to joy."
Mutual care and loving support so you don't have to go the grieving process alone.
An information and registration session is scheduled for Thursday, April 7th at 6 p.m. The 11-week session begins Thursday, April 14th at 6 p.m.
Encouragement Ministry. As we continue to lift up those on our prayer list, please bring a get well or encouragement card on the first Sunday of each month. Please sign your name and feel free to add some words of encouragement. Write their first & last name on the envelope and drop it in the "mailbox" in the Narthex. The cards will be distributed to those individuals. If you would like a name added to the list, please contact Pastor Valentine at lvalentine@stjamesumc.com.
Bettylu's Closet. Bettylu's Closet will be open Wednesday March 30thfrom 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Spring cleaning is just around the corner so if you have gently used cutlery, dishes, glasses, small household appliances (blenders, toasters, mixers etc) and bed linens, rugs, we would be happy to accept your donations. Contact Bobbie Faulkner at 816-822-0299 orfaulkner.c@sbcglobal.net.
Youth Lock-In - "be YOU!". With so much peer influence and pressure to follow the latest trends, our youth are losing their individuality and spirituality. All youth ages 11-18 are invited to a lock-in April 15-16 here at the church. Along with food, fun and games, several activities are planned to equip our youth with the skills to unashamedly be who they truly are - children of God. Each youth is allowed to invite up to two guests. Registration and drop-off begins at Friday evening at 6 p.m. Pick-up is Saturday morning at 7 a.m. Contact Chris & Selma Nolan at chrisn4110@gmail.com or sblessed7706@gmail.com with any questions.
Girl Scout Cookies. Please support SJUMC's Girl Scout ministry by purchasing cookies. We will have a booth set up after 8 a.m. and 11 a.m.worship. Cookies are only $4/box with eight tasty varieties available. Give back by purchasing a box of cookies to be donated to our local USO service men and women. Thank you!
St. James United Methodist Church
St. James United Methodist Church
St. James United Methodist Church
5540 Wayne Avenue
Kansas City, Missouri 64110, United States
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