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add other discussion questions, or substitute other questions for the marked ones, at their discretion.
"A plea to return to God’s ways"
Saturday, 28 October 2017
Hosea 14:1 (13:16) Shomron will bear her guilt,
for she has rebelled against her God.
They will fall by the sword,
their little ones will be dashed to pieces
and their pregnant women ripped open.
2 (1) Return, Isra’el, to Adonai your God,
for your guilt has made you stumble.
3 (2) Take words with you, and return to Adonai;
say to him, “Forgive all guilt,
and accept what is good;
we will pay instead of bulls
[the offerings of] our lips.
As Luther more fully internalized his understanding of God’s gracious ways, he became more prophetic in challenging medieval practices like selling indulgences to release souls from purgatory. At one point, he wrote, “If the pope does have the power to release anyone from purgatory, why in the name of love does he not abolish purgatory by letting everyone out? If for the sake of miserable money he released uncounted souls, why should he not for the sake of most holy love empty the place?” * It was unimaginable that the gracious God would sell spots in heaven to raise money. How, then, did the church, called to be the body of Christ, dare to act in ways God would not act?
Ø God’s people have needed to listen to Hosea’s heartfelt plea (“Return, Israel, to the Lord your God”) many times through the centuries. As we remember Luther’s powerful living out of that plea
500 years ago, we are challenged to look at our own lives, and those of the churches in which we worship God. Are we living lives that share the light of God’s grace with everyone with whom we come in contact? Are we organizing and sustaining our church activities in ways that express God’s wonderful grace?
Prayer: Great God, you always stand ready to flood our hurting world with your grace. Keep me and my church open and receptive to living out that grace in all we do and say about you. Amen.
* Roland H. Bainton, Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1950; paperback edition by
Mentor Books, p. 62.
Family Activity: What is your family’s experience of going to church each week? Are you excited, joyful and gracious to one another? Do you complain about the weather and the walk from the parking lot? Are you struggling to get dressed and out the door on time? Is your home filled with words of encouragement, or frustrated, hurried words? To remind yourselves that you are going to worship our
gracious God, consider playing some praise music as you prepare. Maybe you could say a prayer for a soft heart and positive spirit the afternoon or evening before you go. Read a story from the Bible to help center your mind on God. Nothing works perfectly in family life, but choose one way to try this week to help all of you appreciate a more grace-filled experience in God’s house!
Steve is a Congregational Care Pastor at Resurrection Leawood.
Hosea 14:1-2. “Return to the Lord.” Free association.
Return to God after we’ve screwed up. A good thing. Indicates trust. Signals new beginning. Re-do. Start over. Fresh.
God delights greatly when we return after straying. “Rejoice with me. I have found that which was lost.” (Luke 15:6, 9)
We return to good places. Where we started. Even long ago. When we were little and blessed. (Ps. 71:17) A familiarity re-setting us free.
We return, desperate to be welcomed back. A son left home. Compromised his principles. Lost livelihood, identify, self-respect. Repentant, he set out for the family farm hoping against odds. An anguished dad surprised him with a running embrace, and kissed him home! (Luke 15:20)
After we return Jesus sends us back. We want time off. He says, “Not yet.” There was an unclean spirit. A man was made clean. He begged to stay. Jesus refused. “Go. Tell how much the Lord has done.” (Mark 5:19) Daily recommissioning. Jesus’ inaugural sermon. “Repent. Believe.” (Mark 1:15) Return that you may be turned.
Prayer Requests – cor.org/prayer
Prayers for Peace & Comfort for:
• Carol Beasley and family on the death of her mother Evelyn Spangler, 10/15
• Bill Walters and family on the death of his father Robert W. “Bob” Walters, 10/11
• Jason Orenzoff and family on the death of his mother Pauline Quickel, 10/11
• Roxanne Petter and family on the death of her mother Madge Broz, 10/9
• Patsy Shipley and family on the death of her mother Mary Lee Lockard, 10/5
• Christal Heier and family on the death of her grandmother Mary Lee Lockard, 10/5
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