A prayer by Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey of the Louisiana Annual Conference, leading the United Methodist Church in “Praying Our Way Forward” for the week of October 29-November 4, 2017.
Gracious and merciful God we come to you this week in the smallness of our humanity with feeble words yet know that you hear the cries of all of your children. Even in the midst of the storms in our lives you are there holding us in the very palm of your hand.
Give us eyes to see and hearts to know of the comfort we experience when we fully rely on you. So often we become buried in despair and cease to see your miracles all around us.
May we not underestimate your power and presence in the lives of every part of your kingdom including our beloved United Methodist Church. May that power and presence be with each member of the Commission on the Way Forward as they pray, discern and seek a way of being the church that stretches us to the margins to reach those who need to hear the Good News of your love and grace so that we might experience your kingdom on earth as in heaven.
Give us the courage, compassion and strength to consistently hold nothing sacred but the mission – to make disciples in your name. It is then, and only then, our world will be transformed.
In the powerful, joyful and mighty name of your son Jesus Christ we pray. Amen
Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey is asking all United Methodists in Louisiana to pray each day at 4:49, using Philippians 4:4-9 as our grounding Scripture. To see Bishop Harvey’s video and to download the daily prayer notes, visit here.
Week of Prayer
The Louisiana Conference is being asked to participate in the Council of Bishops’ Praying Our Way Forward Initiative, a yearlong United Methodist prayer vigil in 2017.
Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey is asking all United Methodists in Louisiana to pray each day at 4:49, using Philippians 4:4-9 as our grounding Scripture.
Our Scripture Focus
Philippians 4:4 Be glad in the Lord always! Again I say, be glad! 5 Let your gentleness show in your treatment of all people. The Lord is near. 6 Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. 7 Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus. 8 From now on, brothers and sisters, if anything is excellent and if anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things: all that is true, all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, and all that is worthy of praise. 9 Practice these things: whatever you learned, received, heard, or saw in us. The God of peace will be with you.
Bishop Harvey's Prayer
Gracious and merciful God,We come to you this week in the smallness of our humanity with feeble words yet know that you hear the cries of all of your children. Even in the midst of the storms in our lives you are there holding us in the very palm of your hand. Give us eyes to see and hearts to know of the comfort we experience when we fully rely on you. So often we become buried in despair and cease to see your miracles all around us.
May we not underestimate your power and presence in the lives of every part of your kingdom including our beloved United Methodist Church. May that power and presence be with each member of the Commission On the Way Forward as they pray, discern and seek a way of being the church that stretches us to the margins to reach those who need to hear the Good News of your love and grace so that we might experience your kingdom on earth as in heaven.
“Give us the courage, compassion and strength to consistently hold nothing sacred but the mission - to make disciples in your name. It is then, and only then, our world will be transformed.
In the powerful, joyful and mighty name of your son Jesus Christ we pray. Amen
Suggested Daily Prayer Themes
Based on Philippians 4:4-9
Monday: “Gentleness for all” Pray for guidance on how the church can show gentleness toward all people and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal ways your church can show gentleness.
Tuesday: “Don’t be anxious” Pray for God to remove worry and anxiety from all aspects of your life, including anxiety over the church’s future. Leave God in charge.
Wednesday: “Peace” Give thanks for the power and presence of the God of peace in the midst of this time of prayerful discernment about a way forward.
Thursday: “Anything that is admirable” Give thanks to God for church leaders, both past and present, that you’ve admired and leaned on for understanding and growth in Christ.
Friday: “Focus on excellence” Ask God to reveal the excellence in your church and gives thanks for all the ways that excellence manifests itself in your life.
Saturday: “Worthy of Praise” Do you praise God enough? Ask God for help in showing you more ways to praise, both in your church and in your daily life.
Sunday: “Practice these things” Ask God for help in your daily practice of worship, praise and thanksgiving. Ask God to help the United Methodist Church continually practice its core mission: making disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.
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