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Coming Up on Jewish.tv
Laws Relating to Blessings for Recitation of Shema and Whether this Recitation Requires Concentration, Part 6
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
This webcast begins:
Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 6am ET
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Study one halacha or more each day from the Shulchan Aruch (code of Jewish law) authored by the Alter Rebbe, R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi.
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By Avraham Meyer Zajac
By Shmuel Kaplan
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Jewish.TV - Chabad.org Video Now on Jewish.TV: Samach Vav: Eileh HaDevarim, Part 7: Vulnerabilities in the service of the עבד נאמן - Yaakov Brawer"
Coming Up on Jewish.tv
Vulnerabilities in the service of the עבד נאמן
Although the Avodah of the נאמן עבד is the product of an absolute, selfless connection with the Adon based on limitless love, there are fluctuations in the quality of awareness of this connection as well as in the awareness of the transcendent superiority of the Adon. Thus the נאמן עבד does not represent the ultimate in true Avodah.
By Yaakov Brawer
Upcoming Webcasts
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
By Shmuel Kaplan
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Coming Up on Jewish.tv
When Affliction Is Golden
Studying Tehillim: Chapter 119 (verses of Tet, part 4)
King David concludes the “verses of ‘Tov’ = Goodness” by reflecting on the goodness of affliction and the silver linings it afforded him. We learn to understand the reason that physical privation segues into spiritual success, as in analysing these verses we become privy to David HaMelech’s value system and life's compass. Here, he expresses appreciation for the priceless value of Torah studied in this terrestrial world, which by far eclipses the enormous riches of gold and silver; even in their lofty spiritual iterations. Ultimately, we are taught that this seemingly lofty definition of true goodness can and should be relevant, meaningful and inspirational for every member of Am Yisrael.
By Mendel Kaplan
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Shulchan Aruch, Din Brachos l'Krias Shema 60:5b
Laws Relating to Blessings for Recitation of Shema and Whether this Recitation Requires Concentration, Part 7
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
Airs Thursday, January 18 at 6am ET
Talmud Avodah Zarah 4
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
Airs Thursday, January 18 at 6am ET
Why We Pray
By Shmuel Kaplan
Airs Monday, January 22 at 6pm ET
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By Tzvi Freeman
By the time Moses returned to the scene, his people had hit an all-time low. They worshipped idols, spoke slanderously of each other, and had wandered very far from the path of their forefathers. Perhaps he should have told them off, saying, “Repent, sinners, lest you perish altogether!”
But he didn’t. Instead, he told them how G‑d cared for them and felt their suffering, how He would bring about miracles, freedom and a wondrous future out of His love for them.
As for rebuke, Moses saved that for G‑d. “Why have You mistreated Your people?!” he demanded.
If you don’t like the other guy’s lifestyle, do him a favor, lend him a hand. Once you’ve brought a few miracles into his life, then you can urge him to chuck his bad habits.
By Tzvi Freeman
From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman. Subscribe and get your dose daily. Or order Rabbi Freeman’s book, Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, click here.
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The Rebbe vocally and repeatedly called for every individual to utilize his or her unique talents and abilities to help promote a spirit of G-dliness in the world.
Which species of animals, birds, fish and vermin are kosher, and which are not?
The Kabbalah of the Jewish months
Aaron L. Raskin
Learn how the terrifying grasshoppers that swarmed ancient Egypt in the 8th plague uniquely made a mockery of the Pharaoh.
By Mendel Kaplan
In the fortieth year, on the first day of the month of Shevat, Moses began translating the Torah into the various languages of his time. What is the significance of Moses' translation? Is translating the Torah always a good thing, or can it also have negative repercussions? (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 36, p. 38.)
By Moishe New
Bo Parshah Report
Dovid Taub & Jonathan Goorvich
Upcoming Webcasts
By Mendel Kaplan
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
By Shmuel Kaplan
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Coming Up on Jewish.tv
Parsha Curiosities: Bo
In the Biblical narrative of the 10th plague; the silence of the dogs seems deafening. Why does the Torah lavish so much attention to muzzled barking at a time of widespread death and devastation? During the course of this investigation, we reveal the unique Torah take on the close connection that people have had with dogs since the dawn of human history. Canine lovers will appreciate this fascinating class’s bark and bite, although the conclusion doesn't necessarily endorse the person-pet relationship paradigm.
By Mendel Kaplan
Upcoming Webcasts
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
By Shmuel Kaplan
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