Wednesday, November 27, 2013

San Diego First United Methodist Church Newsletter – Open Hearts-Open Minds-Open Doors – Wednesday, 27 November 2013 “Adjusting the Contrast"

San Diego First United Methodist Church Newsletter – Open Hearts-Open Minds-Open Doors – Wednesday, 27 November 2013 “Adjusting the Contrast"
Adjusting the Contrast        
With Thanksgiving upon us and Christmas around the corner, we are once again in the midst of the cultural holiday season. In the weeks leading up to Christmas there will be a frenzy of shopping, engagements, and other events that will all culminate on December 25. There will be much to do and even much to eat prior to that date! Each year we engage in a similar routine, with the Christians seemingly having no difference from the rest of the culture. We will likely engage in the same preparation.
Advent is our season of preparation for Christmas in the Christian Community. The Eastern Orthodox call Advent a "Little Lent." Like the season prior to Easter, Advent calls us to introspection and even repentance. (You will notice that the clergy will vest in black during worship in observance of this "little lent.") Advent is not so much a season for celebration as it is a season for us to examine how we are embodying the virtues of hope, peace, joy and love. This year, First Church will be observing Advent through a series of messages called "Be." Each week we will reflect and make a commitment to "incarnate" these four special virtues in our own lives. Our goal is to prepare for Christmas a little differently than the rest of the world around us.
Sometimes our very best witness for Christ can be done simply by living a life that contrast with the norm of our day. May these coming four weeks be a time to adjust your contrast to the hurried and busy world around us. Let us together "be" different this year.
Craig +
NO VESPER COMMUNION THIS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27 -- Join us for the 33rd Annual Thanksgiving Eve Interfaith Service with Congregation Beth Israel ath 7:30 PM.
Text to read: Isaiah 2: Climb God’s Mountain 1-5 The Message Isaiah got regarding Judah and Jerusalem:
There’s a day coming
    when the mountain of God’s House
Will be The Mountain—
    solid, towering over all mountains.
All nations will river toward it,
    people from all over set out for it.
They’ll say, “Come,
    let’s climb God’s Mountain,
    go to the House of the God of Jacob.
He’ll show us the way he works
    so we can live the way we’re made.”
Zion’s the source of the revelation.
    God’s Message comes from Jerusalem.
He’ll settle things fairly between nations.
    He’ll make things right between many peoples.
They’ll turn their swords into shovels,
    their spears into hoes.
No more will nation fight nation;
    they won’t play war anymore.
Come, family of Jacob,
    let’s live in the light of God.(The Message)
John Wesley’s Notes-Commentary for Isaiah 2:1-5
II A prophecy of Christ's kingdom, and the calling of the Gentiles, ver. 1-5. And rejection of the Jews for their idolatry and pride, ver. 6-9. The great majesty and power of God, and his terrors on the wicked; with an exhortation to fear God, and not to trust in man, ver. 10-22.
Verse 1. The word - Or, the matter or thing, as this Hebrew word commonly signifies; the prophecy or vision.
Verse 2. In the last days - In the times of the Messiah. For Christ's institutions were to continue to the end of the world. The mountain - The temple of the Lord which is upon mount Moriah; which yet is not to be understood literally of that material temple, but mystically of the church of God; as appears from the flowing of all nations to it, which was not to that temple, nor indeed was fulfilled 'till that temple was destroyed. Exalted - Shall be placed and settled in a most conspicuous and glorious manner, being advanced above all other churches and kingdoms.
Verse 3. The law - The new law, the doctrine of the gospel, which is frequently called a law, because it hath the nature and power of a law, obliging us no less to the belief and practice of it, than the old law did.
Verse 4. He - Christ shall set up his authority among all nations, not only giving laws to them, but doing what no other can do, convincing their consciences, changing their hearts, and ordering their lives. Rebuke - By his word and Spirit, convincing the world of sin; and by his judgments upon his implacable enemies, which obstruct the propagation of the gospel.
Verse 5. The light - Take heed that you do not reject that light which is so clear that even the blind Gentiles will discern it.
Advent 1: Be Hope   
Daily Devotional
TRADITIONAL | 8 ~ 9:30 ~ 11 | Sanctuary | Rev. Craig Brown | Communion 
Prayer ministers will be available to pray with you at the end of each service. Come forward to the altar railing and lift up your joys and concerns.
Water's Edge | 9:30 | The Cove, United Methodist Ctr | Rev. Richard Smith | Band | Communion
Rachel House Sandwich Ministry this Sunday in the Cove
Take an active part in First Church local mission work during worship -- we'll make lunches for the women and children at Rachel House, a home for abused women and children in San Diego. Pastor Richard Smith will lead worship and communion during this special service. All ages are welcome! 
CHILDREN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL | 9:20 | Meeting in Trotter Chapel at 9:20, children are escorted to their Sunday School classrooms. Pick-up is in the amphitheater at 10:30.
Read Pastor Jessica's weekly message
Message from Pastor Jessica
November, for many, is a time in which to practice ‘days of gratitude,’ lifting up the joys of our hearts, and celebrating them with God and with friends. Thanksgiving is a reminder to us that giving thanks nourishes our souls and makes our hearts more attentive to loving as Christ loves. So I want to offer thanks today, lifting up one joy in particular. But before I do, I want to invite you to pause a moment and consider: what five people/events/things are you most thankful for today?
The Children’s Ministry ended their canned food drive yesterday, collecting over 300 items. What an exciting contribution to the many food ministry initiatives going on at FUMCSD this month! I give thanks to God for you - the children and families of our church, who give so willingly and generously. I admire the spiritual gifts of the children who use their allowance to buy and donate cans for the canned food drive, and of the parents/grandparents who teach their children the importance of generosity and service. It has been a beautiful and inspiring thing, in these weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, to see children bearing bags of cans, place them in the donation boxes, and celebrate with their friends as the boxes grow more and more full. From the 3 year-old proudly offering a can of vegetables, to the fifth grader excited enough to bring 60, the desire to care for others has been so wonderful to witness.
“Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to humankind. For he satisfies the thirsty, and the hungry he fills with good things.”(Psalm 107:8-9).
As you celebrate the goodness of God this week, may you be filled with the love of God, knowing that it embraces you and the whole world.
Pastor Jessica 
                 Pastor's Bible Study resumes Dec. 4 in Linder Lounge                 
5:15 PM - Vespers Sanctuary | Music for meditation | Communion               
        Come to the 33rd Annual Thanksgiving Eve Interfaith Service
        with Congregation Beth Israel
               at 7:30 PM. Reception follows.
6 PM - Dinner ($6) Linder Hall | RSVP to the office 619-297-4366 by Mon.
               Pastor's Bible Study resumes Dec. 4 in Linder Hall 
Advent Choral Concert
Handel's Messiah
Sunday, Dec. 8 & Monday, Dec. 9 | 7 PM | Sanctuary
Saturday, Dec. 7 | 2 PM | Sanctuary | Dress rehearsal
The Cultural Events Committee at First Church proudly presents Messiah on a grand scale as we conclude our celebration of the Music Series' 40th anniversary year with our church's annual Advent Choral Concert. The 180-voice combined Chancel Choir and Masterwork Chorale, Vocal Quartet, members and friends of the San Diego Symphony, Jeff Thayer, concertmaster, and Robert Plimpton, organist, all under the direction of Stanley M. Wicks. Free-will offering. Child care is available by RSVP to the church office: 619-297-4366. Learn more...
Afternoon Christmas Concert and Carol Sing
with Bob Plimpton and Michael Morgan
Wednesday, Dec. 11 | 1 PM | Sanctuary | Sponsored by Active Adults
"Hallelujah to the Newborn King" -- Come enjoy a delightful mix of Christmas spirituals, favorite Christmas solos (both vocal and organ), and spirited carol singing by all. First Church organist, Bob Plimpton teams up with Michael Morgan, First Church member and well-known singer and interpreter of African-American spirituals. Michael is the choir director of Christ Episcopal Church in Coronado and director of instrumental music at Warren Walker Middle School.
All are welcome to attend - congregation and friends. Enjoy lunch at 12 PM in Linder Hall prior to the concert. Lunch reservation deadline is 12 PM, Monday December 9 -- call 619-297-4366 to reserve. 
Carol Sing
Christmas Carol Sing-along - Something Old, Something New
with Stan Wicks
Wednesday, Dec. 11 | 6:45 PM | Linder Hall 
Come, learn about and sing carols that have been handed down to us from the earliest European and American traditions as well as those composed in recent years. Stay afterwards for Christmas goodies. Childcare is available by RSVP to the church office: 619-297-4366
Bagged Groceries
Thank you from the Loaves & Fishes Food Ministry
The Food Ministry would like to express the deepest gratitude to our congregation; Sunday School children, and Choir members, for helping us surpass our goal of making 150-plus Thanksgiving baskets. Thanks to your generosity we were able to distribute the fixin's for approximately 445 complete Thanksgiving dinners! The food was distributed at Wesley United Methodist Church on Sunday, November 24. There were many happy and grateful faces leaving the area that afternoon.
Many of our church members enjoyed sharing a meal and fellowship with approximately 200 guests at our Neighborhood Family Meal on Monday, November 25 at the Normal Heights United Methodist Church. On Monday, December 16, we will share a Christmas Dinner as well and look forward to our youth hosting a cookie decorating table as well as a good old fashion Christmas sing-a-long.
Message from Brenda Blake
Director Church and Community Work
The Social Action & Justice Committee invites members of our congregation to join us in two upcoming community events in December and January. 
Annual Project Homeless Connect - December 4  A day-long resource fair for homeless individuals and families at Golden Hall adjacent to the Civic Administration Building in downtown San Diego, Donations of hygiene items, new socks, used clothing, and hats are also needed. To volunteer, visit the San Diego Housing Commission website at .Donation items can be dropped off at Golden Hall the afternoon of December 3. 
Annual Point in Time Count - January 24
This event counts the visible unsheltered homeless from 4 - 7 AM.  To volunteer, visit the RTFH website at or email
Alternative Christmas Fair
Give gifts that can change and brighten the world!
Sundays, Dec. 1 & 8 | 9-12:30 PM | Linder Hall   
Instead of giving more stuff to friends and family, consider giving meaningful gifts that can change someone's life and demonstrate God's love. Make a donation to any of a variety of important and vibrant mission projects in our community and around the world. You choose the projects you want to support, "shop" by making a donation, and get a card to give as a gift to someone. Our online store opens Black Friday, Nov. 29!
Recent mission trips to New York and Mexicali
During the month of October, our church was involved in two mission work trips. Four people from our church joined a district led team and went to New York to offer construction assistance to those affected by Super Storm Sandy.
A team of ten, led by our church, including people from Camarillo, Descanso, and San Diegito United Methodist churches, went to Mexicali, Mexico to repair a water and earthquake damaged ceiling at a Methodist parsonage. To learn more about these trips, contact Rev. Jessica Strysko  and take a look at the photos from the Mexicali mission trip...
Seeking Youth Grades 7-12, and College-age Students for Angel Duty
Participate in the beauty of Christmas Eve at First Church by being an angel that carries the light of Christ into the congregation, lighting their candles. Youth in grades 7-12 are needed for 7 and 9 PM worship, and college-age students for the 11 PM service. There will be a practice on December 17, 4:30-5:30 and December 22, 12:15-1 PM. Contact Charlotte Watson or Kayleigh Neel to volunteer or for more information.
3rd Annual Family Christmas Tea
Saturday, December 14 | 12-2 PM | Linder Hall 2 | $5 / Family
The United Methodist Women are again sponsoring this festive lunch and tea served by dads, grandfathers, brothers, uncles! The tickets cost includes tea, sandwiches, and dessert. There will be music, singing, and the making of gingerbread houses for the children while adults have a fun quiz. Plan to come to this wonderful Christmas event.
Purchase tickets here ... 
Thanksgiving Eve Worship
33rd Annual Thanksgiving Interfaith Service with Congregation Beth Israel
Wednesday, Nov. 27 | 7:30 PM | Sanctuary 
Senior Rabbi Michael Berk will deliver the Thanksgiving message, and the Temple Choir and our Chancel Choir will participate. A reception follows the service in Linder Hall. Your help is appreciated to provide snacks. Sign-up sheet will be available in the church office and on the patio (11/24). We will again partner with Beth Israel in a food drive to benefit Mama's Kitchen. Collection bins will be available in Linder Hall and in the lower foyer that evening (11/27). Learn more...
Annual Advent (one-day) Retreat - Theme: Let it be.
Saturday, Nov. 30 | 8:30 AM (check-in) 9 AM to 3 PM | Linder Lounge
An exploration through contemplative prayer, reflection and open conversation of biblical traditions during Advent. Learn to let go of the unrealistic expectations of commercial Christmas and learn to ponder the season like Mary, the mother of Jesus. Goodies available at arrival and a modest lunch is provided. No cost. Free-will offering. RSVP online. The retreat is lead by Rev. Richard Smith, psychologist and poet Bill Stephenson, and Chris Hagen, San Diego Centering Prayer.
Telling Your Story - Small Group Experience
Wednesdays, Dec. 4 to 18|6:45 - 8 PM | Linder Lounge
Jesus, God-with-us. As we prepare for Christmas come share your experiences. On the first 3 Wednesdays of December join together to share, pray and listen to eachother's story. Dinner at 6 PM ($6) in Linder Lounge followed by small group time at 6:45 to 8 PM. 
 RSVP for class and dinner...
Explore First Church
Sunday, Dec. 8 | 12:15 PM | Linder Hall 2
Would you like to explore Christianity, Methodism and First Church? You are invited to gather for a meal and time with the pastors and staff. It will be a fun time to break bread, make some new friends and explore membership.
New members will be received on Sunday, December 15, 11 AM.
Christmas on the Plaza
Sunday, Dec. 22 | 3 PM | Lower plaza
Come join in Las Posadas following Mary and Joseph as they arrive at Bethlehem looking for room in the Inn. Have some refreshments and spend time with the animals of the living nativity. Robe in costumes and have your picture taken with the Holy Family. Follow them into worship at 4 PM. Sing Christmas carols with a praise band and participate in a beautiful candlelighting service. A wonderful way for the community to come together.
All Christmas Worship at First Church
Longest Night Vespers | Wednesday, Dec. 18 | 5:30 PM | Sanctuary
Christmas on the Plaza | Sunday, Dec. 22 | 3 PM | Lower Plaza
Family Candlelight Worship | Sunday, Dec. 22 | 4:15 PM | Sanctuary
Christmas Eve Services | Tuesday, Dec. 24 | 4:30, 7, 9 & 11 PM | Sanctuary
Christmas Day Worship | Wednesday, Dec. 25 | 11 AM | Sanctuary
UMCOR Typhoon Haiyan Donation Button
Donate here ...
Sponsor a Prayer Quilt for someone in need of prayer -- what ever the reason. Submit a request
or call Cheryl Johnson at 619-275-1578.
Friday Night Singles
 (50+ or -) meets every Friday at 
6 PM for a meal followed by various activities.
Email Karen Maczka or call 619-263-3743.
Our Mission Outreach Thrift Store is accepting donations this Sunday, Nov. 3. Items may be left at the Thrift Store tables on the patio near the entrance to Linder Hall or on the plaza. Donation revenue supports local missions.The storefront is located at 3186 Adams Avenue.
Memorial Garden representatives are available 1st Sunday of the month, from 9-9:30 and 10:30-11 AM in the Garden to provide information for niches, plaques, services, inurnments, engraving and costs. Meetings can also be arranged by appointment at 619-297-4366. Visit the Garden and let us assist you in this part of your estate planning.
Free Neighborhood Family Meal: Next meal is on Monday, December 16, 5:30-7 PM. Help provide and serve food and enjoy fellowship with families, teens, seniors and people in need of a nutritious, hot meal at Normal Heights UMC, 4650 Mansfield St. Volunteers prepare and bring a main dish, salad or dessert. Email Brenda Blake or call 619-297-4366 x125, to sign up. 
Prayers & Squares Prayer Quilt Ministry meets twice a month. For our next meeting, see our 2013 schedule.
The 2013 Altar Flower Calendar has openings for Sundays in December. Please help us fill those dates. Call Eleene in the church office at 619-297-4366 to make your reservation. Each bouquet is $50.
Christmas Cards for Prison Ministries. We collect new, unused Christmas cards for prison ministries. Bring your cards to the bin in Linder Hall marked "Prison Ministries."
Informational Gatherings for Pastor Craig's Christian England & Scotland Pilgrimage, October 2014
Sunday, Dec. 15 | 12:15-1:15 PM | The Cove
The 2014 Upper Room Disciplines are now for sale in the church office.
They are $15.
Baptism for Infants and young children will take place on Sunday, January 12, 2014, at 8, 9:30 and 11 AM services. If you are interested in having a child baptized call Demmie in the church office at 619-297-4366, ext. 108, or email her at
A wide variety of Christmas gifts, decorations, cards and dishes are now available to various prices. Additional items are being added every day.
Mission Outreach Thrift Store |3186 Adams Ave. | Open Monday to Saturday 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Proceeds from the Thrift Store support several local missions and the United Methodist Women. Last year we raised $35,000 for local missions.
In Our Prayers
We invite you to join us as we keep these individuals and families in our prayers this week.
Nancy Prince passed away on November 5. She was received into membership in 2007 by Rev. Molly Vetter and is survived by her son Bill Prince and his wife, Nyla Marson. No services are planned.
Ellen Berlin passed away on November 8. She was received into membership in 1983 by Rev. Mark Trotter and is survived by her daughters, Joyce Joseph and Judith Head, three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. A private service was held.
Don Fortin passed away Tuesday, November 19. He is survived by his wife, Judy, and three children: Amy, Joe and Liz, and five grandchildren. He was received into membership in 1966 by Rev. Hilka Green. Services are pending.
Harriett Loros passed away on November 14. She was received into membership in 1952 by Dr. McKee and is survived by her sister, Gladyce Hiscock. Services are pending.
William Sheehan passed away on November 10. He was received into membership in 2010 by Rev. Jim Standiford and is survived by his wife, Carol, and children, Jonathan, Jennifer, Brian, and Craig. Services are pending.
Anthony Starr passed away on March 29 in Gulfport, Mississippi. He was received into membership in 2005 by Rev. Jim Standiford.
Lee Albert passed away on October 21. He was received into membership in 2006 by Rev. Jim Standiford and is survived by his sister, Elaine. A memorial service was held in our sanctuary on Sunday, November 10, at 12:30 p.m.
Hospitalized (as of 11/19/13): none
Our sympathy is with Tom Large on the death of his brother, Charles Large, on November 2 in Stoughton, Massachusetts. Services were held November 12 in Stoughton.
Congratulations to Mark and Brooke Myers on the birth of a baby girl, Grace Evelyn, born on October 29. Proud big brothers are Peter and Jacob. Proud grandparents are Tom and Eleene Myers.
Members of our congregation in the military who are deployed and their families:
Sam Adams
Adam Beauregard
Jeffrey Njuyen
Doug Samples
Collin Sullivan
First United Methodist Church of San Diego
2111 Camino del Rio South
San Diego, CA 92108 United States

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