Monday, January 27, 2014

Gospel for Asia: News and Features Digest – Reaching the Most Unreached – Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Gospel for Asia: News and Features Digest – Reaching the Most Unreached – Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Torment in the Land of Kings
Legend held that Laksh's homeland had been cursed for generations. Long ago, it is said, kings used it as a place to dispose of dead bodies and other refuse, and now spirits roamed the land, tormenting the people. When one of the spirits attacked Laksh's wife, however, he knew she wasn't suffering because of dead kings. This was the work of jealous neighbors.
Legend held that Laksh’s homeland had been cursed for generations. Long ago, it is said, kings used it as a place to dispose of dead bodies and other refuse, and now spirits roamed the land, tormenting the people. When one of the spirits attacked Laksh’s wife, however, he knew she wasn’t suffering because of dead kings. This was the work of jealous neighbors.
Neighbors Send Spirit to Attack Woman
Laksh and his wife, Udgita, lived a contented life with their two children, but their neighbors weren’t as fortunate. The family members often fought with each other, and it pained them to see Laksh and Udgita’s happiness. Unable to achieve the same fulfillment, they lashed out at Udgita with a spell of black magic.
One day, Udgita closed her eyes and began murmuring things no one could understand. When people came near, she grew fearful, thinking they were trying to harm her. The same episode happened again the next month and the month after that.
A local witch doctor named Daivya began treating Udgita as the monthly attacks came, but the attacks only worsened. Now, when the demon came, Udgita became violent with increased strength, ripping off her clothes and refusing to let others come near her.
One of Laksh’s relatives suggested visiting a Gospel for Asia pastor, Chanchal, who had prayed for other people possessed by spirits and had seen them released, but Laksh felt uneasy approaching a leader of another religion—a man he didn’t even know. He could only hope Daivya’s treatments would begin to work soon.
Torment in the Land of Kings Jealous of her good life, Udgita’s neighbors sent a spirit to torment her.
Pastor Offers Prayers
Udgita’s condition didn’t improve, and life still carried the same responsibilities. Laksh had bills to pay and errands to run. He was picking up some things from the store when he happened to run into Pastor Chanchal.
Casually chatting as they got ready to buy their things, Laksh put away his fear of the pastor and shared about the spell placed on his wife by their neighbors. Pastor Chanchal told Laksh about God’s love and assured him that he would visit the family soon.
Still worried, Laksh allowed Daivya to come over one more time, but while the witch doctor was in the middle of his rituals, Laksh saw Pastor Chanchal coming. Laksh told Daivya to leave the room and let the pastor take charge of Udgita’s situation, but Daivya wasn’t quick to give up his role.
“It will do more harm to your wife to involve two different religions in this matter,” Daivya warned. “I am almost at the end of doing rites. Let me complete it.”
Laksh insisted the witchdoctor stop, convinced Pastor Chanchal could save his wife. Several visiting neighbors supported his decision. While Udgita slept quietly in the other room, Pastor Chanchal sat down in the living room and began reading aloud from the Bible. Suddenly, Udgita began to shout.
Woman Lashes Out as Pastor Prays
Udgita demanded that someone close the door to her room and quickly became violent. She tore down the mosquito net over her bed and ripped off her clothes.
Unable to enter the now half-naked woman’s room himself, Pastor Chanchal told Laksh to go to Udgita and control her, but Laksh was afraid to approach her. His wife’s strength had been increasing under the demon’s power, making her violent display a serious threat to anyone who came near her.
Torment in the Land of Kings When Pastor Chanchal began reading from the Bible and praying for Udgita, the woman became so violent that even her husband feared her.
“Nothing will happen to you because I will be praying to the Lord here,” Pastor Chanchal assured him. Once again, Laksh swallowed his fear and, desperate to save his wife, faced the demon inside her.
Woman Released from Torment
Pastor Chanchal prayed fervently as Laksh walked into the other room, and to the amazement of Daivya and the other visitors, peace descended on the home. As the pastor spoke with His God, Udgita became calm.
As soon as he realized what had happened, Daivya rushed over to Pastor Chanchal and asked for the booklet he had used to drive out the evil spirit.
“I did not use any magic book like you,” Pastor Chanchal said, “but I used the Word of God. I have no Bible to give you, but what I can give you is this piece of literature. The Word of God is written in it. You may read it.”
That evening, Daivya couldn’t stop reading the literature. The next morning, he came to Pastor Chanchal’s house full of questions, and by the end of their visit, he had found his answers in Jesus Christ.
“I want you to come over to my house,” Daivya told the pastor, “and if you could help me remove all the religious booklets [and] charms, it would be so kind of you. I will now go to my teachers, and I will tell them of the new things I have learnt about Christ.”
Woman’s Husband and Witch Doctor Share Christ’s Love
Having seen God’s tremendous power, Laksh and Udgita also decided to follow Christ, and like Daivya, Laksh began telling his co-workers about the One who had given his family new life.
Torment in the Land of Kings Udgita’s witch doctor was desperate to know more about the Word Pastor Chanchal used to send away the spirit. He spent all evening reading the literature the pastor gave him.
Torment in the Land of Kings Now that they’ve seen the power of God’s Word, Udgita, her husband and her former witch doctor are dedicated to serving the Lord and telling others about His love.
For now, other villagers fear persecution too much to embrace Jesus, but some of them say they believe in God’s Word. As Daivya, Laksh and Udgita continue to share what He did in their lives, they trust their neighbors will one day have the courage to believe in Christ without reservation.
What more effective way to share God’s love than through His own Word? Put the Bible and other literature into the hands of missionaries like Chanchal, and see how God changes people like Daivya, Laksh and Udgita again and again.
Be Her Advocate - Veil of Tears
Be Her Advocate   
Be a catalyst in bringing the love of Christ to millions of desperate women and girls. Get your free advocate package today.
You can be an advocate for the women of Asia. There are millions of women in India alone who are culturally persecuted simply because they were born as girls. With your help, we can raise awareness of their rejection, persecution, abandonment, tragedy and even triumph. Be a part of bringing hope to women in Asia by sharing about solutions that help break these horrific, on going problems.
With the resources included in this package, you will be equipped to share about tangible ways your friends, church or small group can get involved through Veil of Tears. Be a catalyst in bringing the love of Christ to millions of desperate women and girls. Put your passion into action and Be Her Advocate!
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Bring Veil of Tears to Your City
Bring to your city
Want to see Veil of Tears in a theater near you? Check the list to see if your city or a city near you is listed. If you don't see it, consider starting a campaign to bring Veil of Tears to you.
How do I bring Veil of Tears to my city?
If you do not see your city listed, or a city close to you, here is how you can bring the movie to your city:
Go to and click on the red button that says "Bring the Movie to your city".
Enter your zip code. A drop down will appear with theaters near you.
Once you locate the theater of your choice, you will need to purchase 10 tickets to "start a campaign". This is part of Seatzy's requirements.
We have listed some facts below from the web site to help explain their process, so when you go to their web site, you'll have a clearer understanding of their process for "Bringing the Movie to your city."
Frequently Asked Questions from the Seatzy web site:
What if a SEATZY SELECT film is not opening in my market? How can I START A SEATZY CAMPAIGN?
No problem. There is a way for you to START A CAMPAIGN at a theater near you. Simply fill out the form, agree to a 10 ticket minimum reservation and wait for the producers to green light your market or theater choice. If they do so, a campaign begins immediately. Easy.
Why do I have to reserve ten tickets to start a campaign?
Because this shows your commitment to helping the producers. You are now an official marketing partner for the film in that market. And if the campaign is successful in booking the theater for a week, we will send YOU a free ticket to the movie, a signed movie poster and a private THANK YOU phone call from someone important attached to the film. How awesome is that?
Why do producers have to agree to starting a campaign if I am willing to reserve ten tickets on my creditcard?
Because they pay hard cash for per screen real-time measurement. And you will NOT be billed if the theater does not hit its goal. They are out the money for sure, and you may not be. So they call the shots.
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Veil of Tears: Hope is on the Way will be in theaters March 28 – April 3, 2014! We need your help to share about the release with those in your social group. Find out how you can help out.
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Gospel for Asia
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Carrollton TX 75010 United States


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