Oswald Chambers – My Utmost for His Highest – Tuesday, 28
January 2014 “But It Is Hardly Credible That One Could So Persecute Jesus!”
Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?--Acts 26:14
Am I set on my own way for God? We are never free from this
snare until we are brought into the experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost
and fire. Obstinacy and self-will will always stab Jesus Christ. It may hurt no
one else, but it wounds His Spirit. Whenever we are obstinate and self-willed
and set upon our own ambitions, we are hurting Jesus. Every time we stand on
our rights and insist that this is what we intend to do, we are persecuting Jesus.
Whenever we stand on our dignity we systematically vex and grieve His Spirit;
and when the knowledge comes home that it is Jesus Whom we have been
persecuting all the time, it is the most crushing revelation there could be.
Is the word of God tremendously keen to me as I hand it on to
you, or does my life give the lie to the things I profess to teach? I may teach
sanctification and yet exhibit the spirit of Satan, the spirit that persecutes
Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Jesus is conscious of one thing only – a perfect
oneness with the Father, and He says, "Learn of Me, for I am meek and
lowly in heart." All I do ought to be founded on a perfect oneness with
Him, not on a self-willed determination to be godly. This will mean that I can
be easily put upon, easily over-reached, easily ignored; but if I submit to it
for His sake, I prevent Jesus Christ being persecuted.
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