San Diego First United Methodist Church’s Newsletter –
Wednesday, 1 January 2014 – “Including God in Your Resolutions: 4 Questions”
Editor's Note: We're ringing in the New Year with Pastor
Jessica's In Real Life blog post this week ... enjoy.
Including God in Your Resolutions: 4 Questions
New years are a turning point for us all. Not only do we have to
go through the phase of writing the wrong year by mistake several times, but we
have to adjust to the weirdness of it being 2014.
Maybe you have been anticipating 2014 for a long time -- perhaps
you will graduate this year or someone you love will have a child. Perhaps you
will celebrate a significant anniversary, or will travel somewhere exciting!
Or, perhaps, 2014 holds only mystery and "the usual" from what you
can see so far.
Whatever the circumstances that you find yourself in as we enter
2014, I encourage you to take time to reflect on the areas of your life that
you'd like to offer to God. We are called to love God with our heart, soul,
mind, and strength. If you can, take a moment to ask these questions
prayerfully. Maybe you'd like to write down your thoughts, or add these
thoughts to a list of resolutions you have already prepared:
1. How will you resolve to love God more regarding matters of
the heart?
2. How will you love God with all of your soul in 2014?
3. What steps will you take to love God with all of your mind?
4. What will you do to use your strength to love God in this New
May God give you the grace you need to love with all of your
heart, soul, mind, and strength. May you know that God loves you completely and
unconditionally - even when our love fails, God's love remains steadfast.
Finally, may God bless you in this New Year, and grant you peace.
Pastor Jessica
Text to read: Matthew The Visit of the Wise Men
2: In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem
of Judea, wise men[a] from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 asking, “Where is the
child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its
rising,[b] and have come to pay him homage.” 3 When King Herod heard this, he
was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; 4 and calling together all the
chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the
Messiah[c] was to be born. 5 They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it
has been written by the prophet:
6 ‘And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
are by no means least
among the rulers of Judah;
for from you shall come a ruler
who is to shepherd[d]
my people Israel.’”
7 Then Herod secretly called for the wise men[e] and learned
from them the exact time when the star had appeared. 8 Then he sent them to
Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have
found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage.” 9 When they
had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that
they had seen at its rising,[f] until it stopped over the place where the child
was. 10 When they saw that the star had stopped,[g] they were overwhelmed with
joy. 11 On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and
they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they
offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 12 And having been warned
in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another
a. Matthew 2:1 Or astrologers; Gk magi
b. Matthew 2:2 Or in the East
c. Matthew 2:4 Or the Christ
d. Matthew 2:6 Or rule
e. Matthew 2:7 Or astrologers; Gk magi
f. Matthew 2:9 Or in the East
g. Matthew 2:10 Gk saw the star
John Wesley’s Notes/Commentary for Matthew 2:1-12
Verse 1. Bethlehem of Judea - There was another Bethlehem in the
tribe of Zebulon. In the days of Herod - commonly called Herod the Great, born
at Ascalon. The scepter was now on the point of departing from Judah. Among his
sons were Archelaus, mentioned ver. 22; Herod Antipas, mentioned chap. xiv, and
Philip, mentioned Luke iii, 19. Herod Agrippa, mentioned Acts xii, 1; &c.,
was his grandson. Wise men - The first fruits of the Gentiles. Probably they
were Gentile philosophers, who, through the Divine assistance, had improved
their knowledge of nature, as a means of leading to the knowledge of the one
true God. Nor is it unreasonable to suppose, that God had favoured them with
some extraordinary Revelations of himself, as he did Melchisedec, Job, and
several others, who were not of the family of Abraham; to which he never
intended absolutely to confine his favours. The title given them in the
original was anciently given to all philosophers, or men of learning; those
particularly who were curious in examining the works of nature, and observing
the motions of the heavenly bodies. From the east - So Arabia is frequently
called in Scripture. It lay to the east of Judea, and was famous for gold,
frankincense, and myrrh. We have seen his star - Undoubtedly they had before
heard Balaam's prophecy. And probably when they saw this unusual star, it was
revealed to them that this prophecy was fulfilled. In the east - That is, while
we were in the east.
Verse 2. To do him homage - To pay him that honour, by bowing to
the earth before him, which the eastern nations used to pay to their monarchs.
Verse 4. The chief priests - That is, not only the high priest
and his deputy, with those who formerly had born that office: but also the
chief man in each of those twenty-four courses, into which the body of priests
were divided, 1 Chron. xxiv, 6-19. The scribes were those whose peculiar
business it was to explain the Scriptures to the people. They were the public
preachers, or expounders of the law of Moses. Whence the chief of them were
called doctors of the law.
Verse 6. Thou art in nowise the least among the princes of Judah
- That is, among the cities belonging to the princes or heads of thousands in
Judah. When this and several other quotations from the Old Testament are
compared with the original, it plainly appears, the apostles did not always
think it necessary exactly to transcribe the passages they cited, but contented
themselves with giving the general sense, though with some diversity of
language. The words of Micah, which we render, Though thou be little, may be
rendered, Art thou little? And then the difference which seems to be here
between the prophet and the evangelist vanishes away. Micah v, 2.
Verse 8. And if ye find him, bring me word - Probably Herod did
not believe he was born; otherwise would not so suspicious a prince have tried
to make sure work at once?
Verse 10. Seeing the star - Standing over where the child was.
Verse 11. They presented to him gifts - It was customary to
offer some present to any eminent person whom they visited. And so it is, as
travelers observe, in the eastern countries to this day. Gold, frankincense,
and myrrh - Probably these were the best things their country afforded; and the
presents ordinarily made to great persons. This was a most seasonable,
providential assistance for a long and expensive journey into Egypt, a country
where they were entirely strangers, and were to stay for a considerable time.
“Power for Living”
Daily Devotional
8 ~ 9:30 ~ 11 | EPIPHANY - COMMUNION ALL SERVICES | Sanctuary |
Rev. Craig Brown
PRAYER MINISTERS after worship | Sanctuary Altar | No
10:40 Communion today
Water's Edge 9:30 | The Cove, United Methodist Ctr | Rev.
Jessica Strysko | Band | Communion
| 9:20 | Meet at Trotter Chapel. Children will be escorted to their
classrooms. Pick up at 10:30 in the Amphitheater.
Read Pastor Jessica's weekly message—See be Text to read: See
the beginning of the newsletter!
10:30 AM -Pastor's Bible Study | Linder Lounge
No Pastor's Bible Study today, 1/1 -- resumes next week,
5:15 PM - Vespers | Sanctuary | Music for meditation | Communion
No Vespers tonight, 1/1 -- resumes next week, 1/8
6 PM - Dinner ($6) Linder Lounge| RSVP to the office
619-297-4366 by Mon.
No Dinner tonight, 1/1 -- resumes next week, 1/8
6:45 PM -Pastor's Bible Study | moving to Linder Hall
No Pastor's Bible Study tonight, 1/1 -- resumes next week,
Health Exchange Workshop
Sunday, Jan. 5 | 11 AM - 12 PM | Linder Lounge
Learn more about the Affordable Care Act/Covered California: who
qualifies, tiers, myths and truths. Facilitated by Alana Kalinowski, Community
Dev. Coordinator for 2-1-1 San Diego. Presented by the Health Ministry Task
Youth Ministry
Parent Meeting
Sunday, January 5 | 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM | Linder Hall 2
Student Ministries Director, Richard Annett, is calling a
meeting for all parents that will discuss upcoming youth events and future
plans for youth ministry.
Baptism Scheduled Sunday, January 12
All services
Baptism for infants and young children will take place on
Sunday, January 12, 2014, at 8, 9:30 and 11 AM services. If you are interested
in having a child baptized call Demmie in the church office at 619-297-4366,
ext. 108, or email her at
Parents' Night Out/1-Day VBS
The Incredible Race through the Wilderness!
Saturday, January 25 | 3-7 PM
| $5/child
Come race with us at Parent's Night Out/1-Day VBS -- The
Incredible Race Through the Wilderness invites children ages 4 through 5th
grade to learn from biblical pacesetter -- John the Baptist -- and his
championship race through the wilderness. John the Baptist will tell us all
about his incredible commitment to Jesus, and how we, too, can put Jesus first!
If you have children, we hope you'll go enjoy some time
together, and let us watch your kids! We'd love for them to join us for all of
the stations and activities, including Bible stories, crafts, games, worship,
dinner, and more. Registration is required for each child participating,
childcare is available for younger siblings. Cost: $5, registration includes
program, snack and dinner. Sign-up online at, or
contact Pastor Jessica for more information at We still
need volunteers, so please contact Jessica!
Youth Ski/Snow Retreat
Youth Ski Retreat, January 31 - February 2
Join your church friends for our All Youth Ski Retreat!
Fellowship, staying in a great cabin, games/fun activities,
worship, thoughtful spiritual discussion, oh -- and snowboarding/skiing and
Cost: $160 due January 20.
Please contact Richard Annett for more information and to register.
Women, Food and God Wednesday Book Study
Wednesdays, Jan. 15 - Feb. 5 | 6:30 PM | Home of Nancy Sunday
The holidays are a time when many of us struggle with food
issues. Guilt and worry over what or how much we did or did not eat is ever-present.
Geneen Roth's book, Women, Food and God, offers some insights into our
relationship with food that can help us to a healthier path.
Join with other women in a safe, supportive atmosphere to
discuss this book and our own experiences. We will meet on four Wednesday
evenings the home of Nancy Sunday. Please purchase the book and read chapters
1-6 before the first meeting. Register here ... (location address is sent with
registration confirmation), or call Nancy for more information, 858-277-2110.
Real Men Christ-Care Book Study
Thursday, Jan. 16 | 6:30 PM | Linder Hall 4
Quiet Strength by former NFL coach Tony Dungy. Connect with
others in more authentic ways, and find your answers to the six questions that
men often deal with: What's my game plan? What's my strength? What's success?
Where's my security? What is my significance?
What's my legacy?
For further information, contact Tom Nehring 619-528-0940 or
Mike Sorce 619-291-5559. Real Men meets the first and third Thursdays of the
New Adult Classes to begin the New Year!
Two 3-week practicum classes on Sunday and Wednesday to get you
started in the New Year. Each class will offer a time for instruction,
spiritual practice, and discussion. Then, the classes will be offered again on
different days in February! On Wednesday, consider joining us for Vespers at
5:30 and a meal at 6 before class time!
Sundays, January 5, 12, 19 | 11:15 AM - 12 PM | The Cove
Wednesdays, February 5, 12, 19 | 6:45-7:30 PM | Linder
Led by Rev. Greg LaDue.
RSVP ....
Wednesdays, January 8, 15, 22 | 6:45-7:30 PM | Linder Lounge
Sundays, February 2, 9, 16 | 11:15 AM - 12 PM | The Cove
Led by Dr. Elbert Kim.
RSVP ...
Financial Peace University
A 9-week course, starting Sunday, January 26 | 12:15 PM |Linder
Hall 5
Free previews are offered Sunday, January 12, 9:45 AM and 12:15
PM in the Sanctuary Meeting Room directly below the Sanctuary.
Whether you are struggling to make ends meet or are financially
secure, FPU has something for everyone. This course is based on biblical
guidance and financially sound practices that offer a proven method to
eliminate debt and manage money through simple, no nonsense applications. Learn more...
Grief Share
A 13-week program starting Jan. 19 | 11 AM - 12:30 PM | Trotter
Did you recently lose a loved one? Built on videos with experts
talking about the grief journey followed by discussion, Grief-Share is a
friendly, caring group of people who will walk along side you through one of
life's most difficult experiences. Contact Rev. Ken Licht 619-297-4366, ext.
111, for more info.
Harvard University Glee Club
Sunday, Jan. 19 | 7 PM | Sanctuary
Music Series 2014 presents the oldest college choir in America.
Sacred and secular music from Renaissance to present. Tickets $15 advance, $20
door, students free. Tickets will be available Sundays 1/5, 1/12, and 1/19 on
the Patio and online now.
We are looking for host families to house the men of the Harvard
University Glee Club on Sunday night, January 19, following their concert. You
would feed them breakfast then bring them back to the church in the morning
(more specific details will follow). If you can take two or more, please email
Demmie Divine or call her at: 619-297-4366, ext. 108.
MLK Day of Service
MLK, Jr., Day of Interfaith Service
Monday, Jan. 20 | 9-11:30 AM | Morley Field - Balboa Park
Join a growing group of faith communities in interfaith
community service in Balboa Park, part of the National Day of Service in memory
of Martin Luther King, Jr. In its sixth year, all are invited to help beautify
a local treasure, Balboa Park, during a morning of hands-on community service.
Meeting at 9:00 a.m. near Morley Field at Texas and Upas
Streets, the group will work outdoors clearing and hauling brush, mulching and
planting. You are also invited to bring-your-own picnic on the lawn. Find out
more about the diverse congregations involved and register through January 16
or show up the day of the event.
Our Mission Outreach Thrift Store is accepting donations this
Sunday, January 5. Items may be left at one of the Thrift Store tables on
either the patio near the entrance to Linder Hall or the Plaza.
Memorial Garden representatives will be available this Sunday,
January 5, from 9 to 9:30 and 10:30 to 11 AM. in the Garden to provide
information for niches, plaques, services, inurnments,
engraving and costs. Meetings can also be arranged by
appointment at 619-297-4366. Visit the Garden and let us assist you in this
part of your estate planning.
Active Adults meet Wednesday, January 8, for their monthly lunch
and program. At 1 PM First Church member Tom Large will present "Australia
and New Zealand Travels with Tom, Part 1," images and video from Tom's
October 2013 trip. Lunch ($5) served at 12 PM in Linder Hall -- please call to
RSVP by Monday, Jan. 6, 619-297-4366.
Friday Night Singles (50+ or -) meets every Friday at 6 PM for a
meal followed by activities. Email Karen Maczka or call 619-263-3743.
We have a new web page for Just Men. Please, visit the site and
explore some of the ministries that are for the men in our church. If you are
interested in expanding this area, or notice something missing, please contact
Beckett Kirk,
The Interfaith Shelter Network will take place on our campus
from February 9-23. Volunteers are needed for overnight hosting and bringing
meals for our shelter guests. Sign-ups will begin on Sunday, January 5, on the
patio. Please feel free to email or call Brenda Blake at or
619-297-4366, ext. 125.
The 2014 Upper Room Disciplines are now for sale in the church
office. Price $15.
Loaves & Fishes food distribution needs drivers that can
help transport the food from church to
Wesley UMC the second Sunday of the month. You need to be available from 2-4
PM. If you feel called to help, email Brenda Blake or call 619-297-4366
Next Neighborhood Family Meal is Monday, Jan. 27, 5:30-7 PM at
Normal Heights UMC. Help provide and serve food and enjoy fellowship with
families, teens, seniors and people in need of a nutritious, hot meal at Normal
Heights UMC, 4650 Mansfield St. Volunteers prepare and bring a main dish, salad
or dessert. Email Brenda Blake or call 619-297-4366, x125.
The Altar Flower Calendar has openings for Sundays in January
and February 2014. Please help us fill those dates. Call Eleene in the church office
at 619-297-4366 to make your reservation. Each bouquet is $50.
Sponsor a Prayer Quilt for someone in need of prayer -- whatever
the reason. Submit a request
or call Cheryl Johnson at 619-297-7575.
Our "Just a Little Gift' Shop" is open Sundays from 9
AM. to 12:30 PM. It's located below the sanctuary and through the sanctuary
meeting room.
Save the
F5 Jan.19 | 11 AM | Linder Hall
Explore First Church, Sunday Jan. 26, 12:15 PM, Linder Hall 2.
Lunch with the pastors.
New job postings at Point Loma Nazarene University: Associate
Director for Human Resources, Academic Records Specialist, Records Assistant,
Groundskeeper, Programmer/Analyst. PLNU continually updates their employment
opportinities; for more information please visit the PLNU website.
3186 Adams Ave. | Open Monday to Saturday 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Our Mission Outreach Thrift Store has an "Eastlake"
Drop Leaf Table, late 1800's, with drawer for $450. Additional items are being
added every day.
Proceeds from the Thrift Store support several local missions
and the United Methodist Women. Last year we raised $35,000 for local missions.
In Our Prayers
We invite you to join us as we keep these individuals and
families in our prayers this week.
Everett C. Mehner passed away on December 12. He was received
into membership in 1956 by Rev. Stanley McKee and is survived by his brother,
Gerhart, and niece, Pam (Don) Hiller. A memorial service will be held on
January 18, at 11:00 a.m., Dr. Elbert Kim officiating.
Mary Ann Shekelton passed away on December 10 in Seattle. She
was received into membership on April 12, 1987, by Rev. Mark Trotter. She was
predeceased by her husband, Jack, and is survived by her children, Beatrice
Anita and Phillip Ross, sisters, Lorraine and Yvonne and their families. A
memorial service will be held on Friday, January 24, at 1:00 p.m. in Trotter
Chapel, Rev. Ken Licht officiating. A reception will follow in Linder Lounge.
Elizabeth Turley passed away on December 19. She was received
into membership in 1985 by Rev. Mark Trotter and is survived by her children,
Judy (Duane) and John, and one grandchild. Services in Berkeley, California are
Members of our congregation in the military who are deployed and
their families:
Sam Adams
Adam Beauregard
Jason Constantine
Jeffrey Njuyen
Doug Samples
Collin Sullivan
First United Methodist Church
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