San Diego First United Methodist Church’s Newsletter – Wednesday,
22 January 2014 “Designed by Jesus”
Many of my friends and family know that I am fond of Apple
products. I have used an Apple computer
since 1984! I am always curious to look at new items from Apple to see where
they have been made. The language is usually the same, "Designed by Apple
in California - Assembled in China!" (For what it’s worth, Apple is now
manufacturing a computer in the USA again!) I always appreciate the elevated
status they give California, naming it as if it is nation of its own. Where an
item is designed tells you something about the people who created it. Apple
products were designed in California. Enough said.
Beginning this Sunday, we start a new worship series called
"Designed by Jesus" which will be a six-week series exploring the
parables of Jesus. With each week we will discover the importance of our lives
and God's Kingdom because each are designed by Jesus.
So, if someone were to take a look at your "label," who
would that person say designed you? It tells others everything they need to
Craig +
Text to read: Luke 15: The
Parable of the Lost Sheep
1 Now all the tax collectors and sinners were coming near to
listen to him. 2 And the Pharisees and the scribes were grumbling and saying,
“This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
3 So he told them this parable: 4 “Which one of you, having a
hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the
wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? 5 When he has
found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. 6 And when he comes home,
he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me,
for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ 7 Just so, I tell you, there will be
more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous
persons who need no repentance.
The Parable of the Lost Coin
8 “Or what woman having ten silver coins,[a] if she loses one of
them, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she
finds it? 9 When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors,
saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.’ 10 Just
so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one
sinner who repents.”
a. Luke 15:8 Gk drachmas, each worth about a day’s wage for a
laborer (New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition)
Text to read: Lukas 15:1 Now all the mochesim (taxcollectors)
and the chote’im (sinners) were coming near Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach to listen
to him.
2 And both the Perushim and the Sofrim were grumbling, saying,
This one gives a kabbalat panim reception to chote’im (sinners) and eats at
tish with them.
3 And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach told them this mashal, saying,
4 What man of you, if he has meah kevasim (a hundred sheep) and
has lost from them one, does not leave the tishim vteshah (ninety-nine) in the
open pasture, and go for the one which has been lost until he finds it?
5 And when he has found it, he puts it on his shoulders with lev
same’ach. [TEHILLIM 23;119; YIRMEYAH 31:10; YECHEZKEL 34:11-16]
6 And when he returns to his bais, he calls together his
chaverim and his shchenim (neighbors), saying to them, Make a simcha with me,
because I have found my keves (sheep), the one that was lost!
7 I say to you that in the same way there will be more simcha in
Shomayim over one choteh (sinner) who becomes a baal teshuva than over tishim
vteshah tzaddikim who have no need of teshuva.
8 Or what isha having asaret (ten) drachmas, if she loses one
drachma, will not light a licht (light) and sweep the bais and search carefully
until she finds it?
9 And having found it, she calls together chaverim and shchenim
saying, Have simcha with me, for I have found the drachma which I lost.
10 In the same way, I say to you, there is simcha in the
presence of the malachim Hashem over one choteh (sinner) who becomes a baal
teshuva. (Orthodox Jewish Bible)
John Wesley’s Notes/Commentary for Luke 15:1-10
Verse 1. All the publicans - That is, all who were in that
place. It seems our Lord was in some town of Galilee of the Gentiles, from
whence he afterward went to Jerusalem, chap. xvii, 11.
Verse 3. He spake - Three parables of the same import: for the
sheep, the piece of silver, and the lost son, all declare (in direct
contrariety to the Pharisees and scribes) in what manner God receiveth sinners.
Verse 4. Leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness - Where
they used to feed: all uncultivated ground, like our commons, was by the Jews
termed wilderness or desert. And go after - In recovering a lost soul, God as
it were labours. May we not learn hence, that to let them alone who are in sin,
is both unchristian and inhuman! Matt. xviii, 12.
Verse 7. Joy shall be - Solemn and festal joy, in heaven -
First, in our blessed Lord himself, and then among the angels and spirits of
just men, perhaps informed thereof by God himself, or by the angels who
ministered to them. Over one sinner - One gross, open, notorious sinner, that
repenteth - That is, thoroughly changed in heart and life; more than over
ninety and nine just persons - Comparatively just, outwardly blameless: that
need not such a repentance - For they need not, cannot repent of the sins which
they never committed. The sum is, as a father peculiarly rejoices when an
extravagant child, supposed to be utterly lost, comes to a thorough sense of
his duty; or as any other person who has recovered what he had given up for
gone, has a more sensible satisfaction in it, than in several other things
equally valuable, but not in such danger: so do the angels in heaven peculiarly
rejoice in the conversion of the most abandoned sinners. Yea, and God himself
so readily forgives and receives them, that he may be represented as having
part in the joy.
8 ~ 9:30 ~ 11 | Sanctuary | Rev. Mary Allman-Boyle
10:40 Communion | Sanctuary Altar
Water's Edge 9:30 | The
Cove, United Methodist Ctr | Rev. Elbert Kim | Band | Communion
This week join us for our monthly potluck & birthday
celebration in the Cove after the service.
| 9:20 | Meet at Trotter Chapel. Children will be escorted to their
classrooms. Pick up at 10:30 in the Amphitheater.
Weekly 11 AM Worship Starts February 2
Good news! Our F5 Modern Worship Service starts exhibiting
weekly at 11 AM beginning Sunday, Feb. 2 as we build to our launch with the
Pastor Craig has invited you to prayerfully consider responding
to a call from God to attend F5 from February through September to support this
important ministry of the church. Register yourself and your family members
10:30 AM - Pastor's Bible Study | Linder Lounge
5:15 PM - Vespers | Sanctuary | Music for meditation | Communion
Through April, Organist
Bob Plimpton will divide Vespers planning and playing duties with
Assoc. Organist Charles
Pestinari while Bob participates in the Impact 195 evangelism and discipleship training program, a ministry
of the Rock Church.
6 PM - Dinner ($6)| Linder Hall| RSVP to the office 619-297-4366
by Monday!
6:45 PM - Pastor's Bible Study | Linder Hall
6:45 PM - The Practice of Personal Bible Study | Linder Lounge
OFF-CAMPUS: Women, Food and God book study | 6:30 PM | Home of
Nancy Sunday
Parents' Night Out/1-Day VBS
The Incredible Race through the Wilderness!
Saturday, January 25 | 3-7 PM
| $5/child
"Let us run...the race." (Hebrews 12:1). Join us for a
1-Day VBS that includes worship, Bible stories, crafts, games, dinner, and
more. The cost is $5 per child. Child-care is available for younger siblings,
and that cost is also $5. Please register all children online at, or contact Pastor Jessica for more information at Free aftercare until 8 p.m. to the first 20 registrants!
Children's Ministries Expands Sunday Morning Options
Starting February 2
We are excited to announce that we are expanding (in fact, more
than doubling!) the ministry that we are offering to the children and families
of our church! This will be a two-part transition, beginning on Sunday,
February 2. Children's Ministry will run from 9:30 AM - Noon. Read about all
the details and options here ...
This! Is! It! One Big Fundraiser for Student Ministries
Youth Silent Auction -- Donations Needed!
Sunday, March 23 | 7:30 AM - 12:45 PM | Lower Plaza
Student Ministries will be holding only one fundraiser a year
and the Youth Silent Auction is it! We need donations and would love you all to
donate items by March 9. Donation ideas: football tickets, baseball tickets,
gift cards, toys for little ones, basket of chocolate, gifts bags, vacation
timeshares, party boats, anything you think others would like to bid on! To
donate, contact Richard Annett, 619-297-4366, x118.
Interfaith Shelter Network
Interfaith Shelter Volunteers Needed
February 9-22
In its 27th year, the Interfaith Shelter Network is a
collaboration of 120 congregations in seven areas of San Diego working together
to house homeless women, children, and men. Several of our rooms will become
"home" for 12-15 people who are working towards finding permanent
We need many volunteers to help our guests feel welcome and
comfortable while they are here. You can help by preparing the evening meal or
staying as an overnight host. Donations of sheets, pillows, towels, and
toiletries, as well as cash contributions are greatly appreciated. Please stop
by the table on the patio on Sundays through February 2 to sign up to
volunteer, or contact Brenda Blake (619-297-4366 ext. 125) with questions.
Peace University
A 9-week course, starting Sunday, January 26 | 12:15 PM |Linder
Hall 5
Whether you are struggling to make ends meet or are financially
secure, FPU has something for everyone. This course is based on biblical
guidance and financially sound practices that offer a proven method to
eliminate debt and manage money through simple, no nonsense applications.
Learn more...
Practicum Classes Continue
Wednesdays, February 5, 12, 19 | 6:45-7:30 PM | Linder Lounge
Led by Rev. Greg LaDue! RSVP ...
Wednesdays through Jan. 22 | 6:45-7:30 PM | Linder Lounge
Sundays, February 2, 9, 16 | 11:15 AM - 12 PM | The Cove
Led by Dr. Elbert Kim! RSVP ...
San Diego School of Christian Studies presents
Illuminating the Word with Dr. Lori Anne Ferrell
Lunch & Learn | Sunday, Feb. 23 | 12:15-3 PM
Tuition: $10, students free with ID | Lunch $7, optional Register here ...
Why would anyone cut apart a Bible? Why was such sacred
"scrapbooking" the rage of the Age of Enlightenment? Lori Anne
Ferrell (Claremont Graduate University) will explicate the motives behind the
eccentric hobby of "extra-illustration," whereby pious collectors and
bibliophiles tailored scripture to reflect their aesthetic tastes, turning the
good book into a cabinet of art, memorabilia, and curiosity. This talk comes
with lots of pretty--or pretty striking pictures. Come prepared to ooh and ahh!
Or scream in protest. Read more here ...
Run the Race All-Church Celebration Sunday
Sunday, Feb. 9 | 12:15-1:15 | Linder Hall | Pizza/salad Lunch,
$5 Donation
You are invited to an all-church Celebration Sunday! There will
be food and a good time had by all. We are celebrating many many things as
together we Run the Race, including: the launch of full-service Children's
Ministry, new vision for the youth, F5 going weekly at 11 AM, and new Senior's
Ministries. Join us for worship in F5 and be ready to stay for lunch and all
the fun.
Alternative Christmas Gift Fair Thank You - A big thank you to
the congregation for the overwhelming support for the Alternative Giving Fair
this year. The various missions involved in the Fair are very grateful for your
support, some of them receiving the bulk of their support at this event. By
sharing your gifts with others you fulfilled Jesus example of love and allowed
amazing things to happen for others. The Global Missions Task Force
Prison Ministries Thank You - This year the congregation donated
approximately 4,400 Christmas cards for inmates in State prison to send to
their families and loved ones. Without your donations, the inmates would not
have been able to build those relationships at Christmas as the prison does not
provide them with cards. First Church Prison Ministry and the inmates thank you
for your participation!
Friday Night Singles (50+ or -) meets every Friday at 6 PM for a
meal followed by activities. Email Karen Maczka or call 619-263-3743.
Burial plots available. First Church is offering a number of
burial plots to members and friends of FUMC. This is an excellent opportunity
for someone who might be interested in selecting a burial location as part of
their pre-burial arrangements. While this is not something we often think
about, burial sites can quickly become a much-needed commodity when final
arrangements are not made in advance. Each site is well below the current
market value of the properties. More information here ... or contact Saundra
Sinn, 619-297-3442.
The 2014 Upper Room Disciplines are now for sale in the church
office. Price $15.
Next Neighborhood Family Meal is Monday, Jan. 27, 5:30-7 PM at
Normal Heights UMC. Help provide and serve food and enjoy fellowship with
families, teens, seniors and people in need of a nutritious, hot meal at Normal
Heights UMC, 4650 Mansfield St. Volunteers prepare and bring a main dish, salad
or dessert. Email Brenda Blake or call 619-297-4366, x125.
The Altar Flower Calendar has openings for Sundays in January
and February 2014. Please help us fill those dates. Call Eleene in the church
office at 619-297-4366 to make your reservation. Each bouquet is $50.
Sponsor a Prayer Quilt for someone in need of prayer -- whatever
the reason. Submit a request or call Cheryl Johnson at 619-297-7575.
Prayers & Squares Prayer Quilt Ministry meets twice a month.
For our next meeting, see our 2014 schedule.
Our "Just a Little Gift' Shop" is open Sundays from 9
AM. to 12:30 PM. It's located below the sanctuary and through the sanctuary
meeting room.
Save the
Active Adults monthly program | Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1 PM | The
Organ/Piano Recital | Sunday, Feb. 23, 7 PM | Music Series 2014
presents Robert Plimpton, organ, and Bryan Verhoye, piano.
drop-leaf table
NOW $295
Pussycat doll
3186 Adams Ave.
Open Monday to Saturday 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Additional items are being added every day.
Proceeds from the Thrift Store support several local missions
and the United Methodist Women.
Last year we raised $34,000 for local missions.
In Our Prayers
We invite you to join us as we keep these individuals and
families in our prayers this week.
Sheldon Brockett passed away on January 17. He was received into
membership in 1983 by Rev. Mark Trotter and is survived by his children
Katherine Deal and David Eastman. A memorial service will be held on Friday,
January 31, at 2:00 p.m., Rev. Mark Trotter officiating. A reception will
follow at the Town and Country.
Roger Drinkwalter passed away on January 14. He was received
into membersihp in 1967 by Rev. C.A. McClain and is survived by his wife, Ann,
and daughters, Julie and Jane. A memorial service will be held on Thursday,
January 24, at 11:00 a.m., Rev. Ken Licht officiating. A reception will follow
in Linder Lounge.
Jeanette Krueger passed away on December 28. She was received
into membership in 1983 by Rev. Mark Trotter and is survived by her husband,
Gary, sister, Lois Ward, daughter, Karen (Joerg) and two grandchildren. A
memorial service will be held in our sanctuary on Monday, January 27, at 2:00
p.m., Rev. Ken Licht and Rev. Greg LaDue officiating. A reception will follow
in Linder Hall.
Mary Ann Shekelton passed away on December 10 in Seattle. She
was received into membership on April 12, 1987, by Rev. Rev. Mark Trotter. She
was predeceased by her husband, Jack, and is survived by her children, Beatrice
Anita and Phillip Ross, sisters, Lorraine and Yvonne and their families. A
memorial service will be held on Friday, January 24, at 1:00 p.m. in Trotter
Chapel, Rev. Ken Licht officiating. A reception will follow in Linder Lounge.
Prayer Quilts were presented on Sunday, January 19, for Carrie
Burnham, Millie Kearney and Mona Sisson. Please keep these individuals in your
A memorial service for Harriett Loros will be held on Sunday,
January 26, at 2:00 p.m., Dr. Elbert Kim officiating.
A memorial service for Gene Stevenson will be held on Saturday,
Janaury 25, at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary.
Members of our congregation in the military who are deployed and
their families:
Sam Adams
Adam Beauregard
Jason Constantine
Jeffrey Nguyen
Doug Samples
Collin Sullivan
First United Methodist Church
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