Trinity United Methodist Church’s Tuesday Word for Tuesday, 28 January
Dear Friends,
It's good to look back over the past year and recount some of
the highlights of our life together. We
have to send in certain figures to the Annual Conference office, so we thought
we would also share them with you. In
2013 we had:
A. 111 new members join Trinity (current membership is 4187); 48
of these were by profession of faith; 41 baptisms, and 29 of our members passed
into life eternity.
B. We spent $2,691,184 in our ministry/operational budget; in
addition, $891,058 for the mortgage (it stands now at $494,000) and $775,000
toward Missions.
C. We sent out 109 people on 5 mission trips (approximate).
D. We gave out 2,000 Thanksgiving baskets.
E. We helped launch a new United Methodist Children's Home - The
Madison Youth Ranch.
F. We partnered with
scores of local helping agencies to serve those in need.
G. We nurtured thousands of children in preschool, Sunday school,
Cheers, Rejoice, UPWARD Sports (you should see the crowds on Saturdays!)
H. We supported our youth
group, Sonlight, ASP, and Boy Scouts.
I. We launched a new
worship service, a new playground, and much, much more.
I just wanted you to know some of what God did through you this
past year.
As I said on Sunday, so much of our society is "following
the wrong car." YOU, TRINITY, are
being the right car! Or, as Jesus said
in the Sermon on the Mount, "You are the light of the world...let your
light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your
Father in heaven." Be the lead car
so that others may follow (As I promised, my notes/lists are provided at the
end of this Tuesday Word).
Remember to get a copy of the book (Walk across the Room) Rev.
Esther is leading on Wednesday nights in February. And also read below how our folks are leading
the way against human trafficking, and attend the events when you can,
especially the special light event this Saturday night from 6:00 - 7:00 here at
Finally, between now and June 1, your pastors will be preaching
around our sub-theme here at Trinity:
"A Place to Belong, A Place to Become and a Place to Make a
Difference; here's the plan:
February 2 - 23:
"Belonging" - A Series on Evangelism/Sharing the Good News.
March 2 - April 27:
"Becoming" - A Series on Discipleship (Lent); based on the
Songs of Ascent (Psalm 120 - 134).
May 11 - June 1: "Making a Difference" - A Series on
Missions and Outreach. Please Pray for
This Sunday, I get to preach at the Modern Worship Service and
Rev. Esther will preach at all three in the Worship Center.
Love & Prayers,
Sermons may be accessed by clicking here. Sunday Sermons are usually available to view
by Monday afternoons.
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Sunday Service
Worship Center
8:15, 9:40
& 11:00
Rev. Esther
Youth Building
Modern Worship
Rev. Dan
1/29 - Cheers
- 2 :00, Rejoice - 4:00
1/29 -
Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30
1/29 - 6:35
Worship Service, Chapel, with Rev. Esther Rodriguez
1/29 - Legacy
Journey, 6:30, rm 232
1/29 - Israeli
Folk Dancing, 6:30, rm 228/229
2/2 - SOUPer
Bowl Lunch - Fundraiser for Sonlight (after 9:40 and 11 am services)
2/7 - Parent's
Night Out
2/8 -
Playground Work Day
2/10 -
Stepping Stones Registration begins for Trinity members & MOPS
2/13 - AARP
Smart Driver Course
2/16 - House
of Hope, Prayer Walk 3 pm, grounds of Trinity
Church Office
Monday -
8:30 am - 4:00
8:30 am - 12
6:35 Worship
Please join us for The 6:35 Worship Service tomorrow, Wednesday,
January 29 at 6:35 in the Chapel with Rev. Esther Rodriguez
Join us on Wednesday Nights for Food, Fun & Fellowship
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday, January 29 Menu:
Sausage with Tomatoes, Peppers and Onions
White Cheddar Grits
Fish Nuggets
Broccoli Sauté
Biscuits, Soup, Salad
Meal Costs:
Adult - $7; Child - $3 (ages 0-5 eat free); $25 family cap
Dinner is served from 5:30 - 6:30; dining open until 7:00.
Please pay by cash, check or charge at the door.
Please feel free to come and participate in any of our Wednesday
Night Opportunities as your schedule permits.
Following supper is the 6:35 Contemporary Service: at 6:35 pm;
in the Chapel
Other Wednesday Night Opportunities:
The Legacy Journey: 6:30 - 8:30 pm (rm 232)
Israeli Folk Dancing: 6:30 pm, rm 228/229
Upcoming for February:
Mark your calendars! Going along with our February sermon series on
Evangelism, Rev. Esther is doing a book study on the book 'Just Walk Across the
Room' on Wednesday evenings for the month of February. In the book, Bill Hybels explains how
evangelism is as simple and as scary as making your way across a room, and how
anyone can tell their story and be an evangelist for Jesus -- no matter how
simple your story may be. If you have
any questions feel free to e-mail Rev. Esther. You can soon purchase your books
at our bookstore or find them in bookstores everywhere. Stay tuned for more information.
Ted Grueser
This week's mission box supports PET which stands for Personal
Energy Transportation. Most of us never
give it a second thought. However, for more than 20,000,000 people in
developing countries who are unable to walk, it is a major concern. These
individuals have suffered the loss of mobility because of landmine explosions,
illness, birth defects, disease, or accidents.
The three-wheeled, hand-powered PET wheelchairs, manufactured by
PET-Florida (and other PET affiliates), provide a means for these physically
challenged individuals to achieve the "gift of mobility". For more information visit their website.
Did you know that the mission team from Trinity that was in
Guatemala last week was able to drill a 195 ft. deep well? This new well is able to produce 215 gallons
per minute. Because of your prayers and support the village people in
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala have the gift of clean water.
The blue BOGO bin is back in the Narthex. Please remember to bring your kid- friendly
food donations on Sunday morning and drop off in the bin. Peanut butter, canned meat, snack items are
always great.
If you're looking for a place to serve in 2014, Trinity has many
opportunities to serve both here in Alachua County an around the world. Please contact Ted Grueser in the Mission
Department and see where God wants you to make a difference in the world.
Carmen Nelson
Are you interested in joining Trinity UMC?
If you are looking for a church home and want to learn more
about the vision, mission and ministries of Trinity United Methodist Church, we
invite you to attend one of our upcoming Coffee with the Pastors. It is a
casual gathering in which you'll learn more about the United Methodist Church,
who we are at Trinity and what is expected of members. The class is designed
for visitors and gives you the opportunity to meet our ministers and learn
about the many ways to become involved in our church family.
The next Coffee with the Pastors is February 2, at 10:45 in the
Atrium. To register for Coffee with the Pastors click on this link or e-mail
Carmen Nelson to receive the form via e-mail. We would love to meet you and to
welcome you into the membership of our church!
Adult Ministries
David Leonard
Adult Sunday School Trinity Singles Sunday School Class meets at
11 am, room E227. We are a group of
singles (most of us are over 40) and we usually discuss incorporating Christian
teachings with everyday life. Singles,
if you are interested, come join us. For more information contact Ruth
Parents of Youth Sunday School Class meets at 11 am, rm
E204. We are a group of Youth Parents
(with children ranging from 6th grade to 12th grade) that focuses on
stimulating group discussion relating to a variety of topics centered on God's
Word. For more information contact Kim
Youth Ministry
Julie Mishoe
Super Bowl Parties This Week:
We will have two Super Bowl Parties this week, one for Middle School and
one for High School, from 6pm-halftime.
High School will be at Pam Russell's house and Middle School will be at
the Kirby's. Directions will be in this
week's Shout Out email on Thursday, or you can contact the youth office. Bring $8.
This Sunday, February 2, is the deadline to register for the
Middle School Mystery Retreat! Click
here to find out more and download your form.
Forms and deposit are due Sunday, February 2.
Coming up: Parent Meeting
next Sunday, February 9 at 4:30 in the Youth Building.
Children's Ministries
Elizabeth Jones
Come "Be my Valentine" at our next Parent's Night Out
on Friday, February 7, from 5:30-8:30!
Our "themed" Parent's Night Out will be a fabulous night of
dinner and Valentines activities for all ages, 12 months through 5th
grade! Cost is $12 per child with a $30
cap per family. Please register and pay
on-line by Wednesday, February 5.
Mark your calendar for the February events:
February 2: 9:40-1st
Grade FROG Party (Fully Rely on God!)
February 7: 5:30-8:30: Parent's Night Out
February 9: 11:00 Baptism Orientation, rm. 108
February 12: 2:45 Easter
Egg Sorting Party (Sort and Bag Easter Eggs)
February 21-22: Church
wide Trinity Camp out
February 23: 9:40 4th Grade Scavenger Hunt
Attention Parents of 3rd-5th Graders: Are you looking for a FUN, high-energy week
long, overnight camp for your child?
Warren Willis Camp has it all!
Sign up now for an exciting chance to try new things, meet new friends
and renew your relationship with Jesus Christ. The cost of the overnight camp
is $395 for a week. Scholarships are
available! Visit here for more
Save the Date for Vacation Bible School: June 9-13 from 9-12:00. Registration begins on April 20. Can't volunteer? Make a donation! In order to keep costs at a minimum for
families, we are asking for monetary donations to help with the purchase of
shirts, backpacks, craft materials and snacks.
If you'd like to be a "sponsor" please email Elizabeth.
Childcare Team Members Needed!
Are you interested in working with young children? We are looking for energetic team members who
can work mornings and/or evenings.
Please contact McCall for more information.
Last Flag Football Evaluation this Sunday (February 2) at
Trinity anytime between 1 and 4 pm at the sports fields.
Trinity Campout February 21-22. Please register online. Optional
meal plan (Dinner and Breakfast), $10 for adults and $5 for kids
General Announcements
bibleb.jpg "Teaching the Bible as Literature in
China." Zongying Huang, Professor
of British and American Literature at Beijing Union University, is coming to
Gainesville, tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29, 5:00-6:30 p.m., at Santa Fe
College, Building WA 104, to explore how the Bible is approached in
contemporary Chinese classrooms.
Professor Huang has published books and articles on T.S. Elliot, Robert
Frost, colonial American poetry, as well as the Bible as a literary text. The
presentation is free and open to the public. For more information, call 395
My friend and Dean of Duke Divinity School, Dr. Richard Hays
will be presenting an important lecture under the auspices of the Christian
Study Center on Thursday night, January 30 at 6:15 at UF, at Weil 270, which is
the building just south of the football stadium, near the Journalism and
Engineering buildings. Richard has
written several acclaimed books, including "The Moral Vision of the New
Testament." I encourage you to
attend. Dan
Next Sunday, February 2, Sonlight Youth Choir will present
"SOUPer Bowl Lunch" as a fundraiser for their summer tour. Lunch will include a choice of 4 soups: Corn
Chowder, Chicken Tortilla, Franny's Chili, or Tomato Bisque, along with
crackers, a roll, and delicious dessert for only $5.00 per person! Pick up your SOUPer Bowl Lunch in the Atrium
after the 9:40 and 11:00 service or in the Worship Center after the 11:00
service. Stay here and eat, or get the whole deal to go!
Welcoming all able bodies to our Playground Workday on February
8! We need volunteers to help us do some
ground work and keep production of the new playground rolling. Lunch will be provided. If you have any of the following tools,
please bring them: axes, picks, narrow trench shovels, square blade shovels,
and post hole diggers. We look forward
to seeing our parents there!
For over 35 years, Stepping Stones Preschool has been diligently
caring for the preschool aged children of our community. We offer half day and full day options as we
focus on your child's cognitive, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual
development. We would like for YOUR
family to be part of our preschool family!
Enrollment starts February 10 for Trinity church members and MOPS. Then we will open up enrollment to the public
starting February 18! Hope to see you
The AARP Smart Driver Course is being offered in a one day
session convenient for Trinity United Methodist Church members in the Education
Building Room 222 on Thursday, February 13. This classroom refresher for
motorists age 50 and older is offered for a modest fee and you do not have to
be an AARP member to register for the class. For course registration call Mrs.
Lynda LeGrow at (352) 333-3036."
Prayer Walk - For the House of Hope: Sunday, February 16, 3 pm,
beginning at the Trinity Chapel with three stations: Memorial Garden, Memorial
Bricks, and Praying Hands Sculpture with special music by Nan Gordon. Sponsored
by Trinity United Methodist Women. For more information, contact Rita Lipsius, at
352-332-1398 or email.
The theme for this year's Lenten Devotional booklet is
Reflections on/of Jesus. This is, once again, a time when we can share
personally. Please include a scripture
verse; your reflection of 250 words or less; a prayer to close the thought for
the day. We look forward to this time
yet again. Our deadline is February
23and we need 47 writings, one for each day between Ash Wednesday and Easter. E-mail submissions are appreciated; please
send them to Jim Cook.
The Alliance "Spring Bling" Fundraiser for Haven Hospice, February 25, 2
pm - 5:30 pm at Haven Hospice E.T. York Care Center. Come join us for an afternoon of shopping and
Sunday Morning Altar Flowers - If you wish to reserve the
Worship Center altar flowers in honor or memory of someone or to the Glory of
God, please contact Tammy. The cost is
$30 per arrangement.
As promised by Rev. Dan here is the following:
"What to Expect When You're Following the Right Car"
1. An intense desire
"never to let it out of your sight" and an increasing desire to love
God more and more.
2. An abiding inner
peace. "He" knows where He's
3. An appreciation of the
view along the way.
4. An ability to be
concerned for others around you and a desire to serve them.
5. A loss of fear about
your destination and the path to it.
6. A sense of fulfilling
your responsibility for those in the car with you (your family).
7. An ability to let go
of the fears of the past.
8. Frequent attacks of
Six Rules For Healthy Living (from "Younger Next Year"
and Common Sense:
1. Exercise six days a week for the rest of your life (a
vigorous 60 minute walk if possible)
2. Some kind of strength
training - for healthy bones and muscles - two days a week.
3. Spend less than you
make (de-stress your life).
4. Eat only healthy
foods/drink 8 glasses of water a day.
5. Care for and serve
6. Connect and Commit (Be
a friend, Be Committed in your relationships): Be the Church
On Being Fit to Live With (10 Rules):
1. Love from the center
of who you are; don't fake it.
2. Run for dear life from
evil; hold on to good.
3. Be good friends who
love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.
4. Don't burn out; keep
yourselves fueled and aflame.
5. Don't quit in hard
times; pray all the harder.
6. Help others in need;
be inventive in hospitality.
7. Bless your enemies.
8. Laugh a lot - with
your happy friends, and cry with them when they're down.
9. Make friends with
10. Discover beauty in
everyone. (From Romans 12: 9-18)
Volunteer Opportunities
We are in need of volunteers for the Front Reception Desk,
please contact Susan Kovi for details.
If you want to volunteer but don't see anything that interests
you, contact Susan Kovi. Susan can help
you help Trinity!
Hospitality volunteers needed one Sunday per month for the new
Modern Worship service in the Youth Building.
Please contact Franny or call her at 352-416-3027 if you would like to
Communion Stewards are still needed for all three Sunday
services - especially the 9:40 and 11:00 services. No experience is needed. Volunteers may help as they are available. No short or long term commitment. Please contact Pam Goad or Chuck Goad.
Kitchen Volunteers Needed: The food service ministry needs your
help. Please contact Franny.
A call for volunteers! We
need your help! If you have a desire to
serve, we have many opportunities for you to use your gifts and graces in our
Modern Worship service. Greeters,
Communion Servers, Hospitality, set up/tear down, to name a few. Please contact Rev. Esther or check out our
list at here .
Weekly Bible Studies
-Tuesday Morning Moms, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30, E203
-Women Growing in Faith, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30, E232
- Men's Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7:00 am, E232
- Wednesday Morning Pastor's Bible Study, Wednesdays at
9:15 am, Chapel
- Exploring Jesus' Teachings Bible Study, Thursdays at 10:30am,
- Dan Johnson's Daily Scripture Email is available upon
Trinity Members in the News
We would love for you to share any news involving our Trinity
family. Please contact Tammy or call
Family Matters
Birthday Balloons
If you are celebrating your 80th, 90th, 90th plus birthday and
would like it announced in the Tuesday Word and/or the bulletin, contact Tammy
Death Notice Christian Love & Sympathy is extended to John Beagle and Family on the January 11
passing of John's mother Carolyn Beagle, to
Michele Suarez and Family on the January 15 passing of her husband Jorge
Suarez and also to Janet Covington and Family on the January 18 passing of her
husband Frank Covington. A Celebration
of Life service for Frank will be held on
Saturday, February 8, 3 pm at Oak Hammock in the Oak Room.
Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32653 United States
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