Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Prayer Mobilization Line - The following are praise reports and prayer requests from Nazarene Missions International for Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Prayer Mobilization Line - The following are praise reports and prayer requests from Nazarene Missions International for Wednesday, 26 February 2014
"The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."--Matthew 25:40 NIV  
Eurasia Region Answered Prayers
  Each year, in preparation for Nazarene World Week of Prayer (NWWP) NMI asks the regions how God answered the prayers raised in the previous year’s NWWP. Below are a few of the many ways God responded to the prayers of His people for Eurasia Region requests:
Original request: Please pray for safety and protection for ministry leaders in Nepal, as well as for a continued outpouring of the Spirit and God’s blessing for His glory on His church in these nations.
God’s answer: God has done so! Praise His holy name.
Original request: Please pray for the preparation of a program to teach South Asian leaders in an MA program by extension. The theological work in the various countries urgently needs qualified teachers. 
God’s answer and update: Praise the Lord that the process for this program to come to reality has been started! Please continue praying for the formation and development of this program to continue.
Original request: Please pray for the three district superintendents in Bangladesh. Please remember to pray for protection from persecution of the church in Bangladesh. 
God’s answer: Thank you for praying – God’s people have been protected!
Ukraine Turmoil
  Thank you for praying for the situation in Kyiv, Ukraine. Due to the recent turmoil, the decision was made to evacuate Nazarene mission corps personnel and they have safely made it out of the country. However, Ukrainian Nazarene pastors, leaders lay men, women, and children remain in their homeland. Ask the Lord for His provision and covering of safety over them and all people in areas that have come under assault. 
Nazarene World Week of Prayer
  The annual Nazarene World Week of Prayer (NWWP) is nearly here. The dates this year for NWWP are Sunday, March 2 – Saturday, March 8. During NWWP, we encourage churches to develop a plan to involve their people in praying specifically for requests received from each Global Mission region. The requests are posted on the NMI website and can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.  We will also include some NWWP requests in PML for the next four weeks. This week’s NWWP requests are: 
Persecuted Church (Global, not necessarily Nazarene)
Prisoners: Today, more than 50 years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declared religious liberty to be a fundamental human right, there are multitudes of Christians in forced-labor camps and prisons worldwide. Many of them are imprisoned on trumped-up security, economic, and criminal—not religious—charges. The world's imprisoned Christians must endure unsanitary conditions, cruelty, and suffering that may include torture, starvation, and threats of violence to family members. Please pray for Christians imprisoned for their faith, that their faith will be preserved, their spirits uplifted, their souls restored, their strength renewed, their wounds healed, their hope encouraged, their fear dissolved, and their witness blessed. 
(Excerpted from “Prayer Needs of the Persecuted Church”
by Elizabeth Kendal, posted on
Mesoamerica Region: 
The Maximum Mission project, to be held May 1-5, 2014, in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, as part of the GENESIS project.
The six young missionary volunteers in the region who have already been classified to be part of the GENESIS project.
Unity of the regional mission ministry team, as well as new strength to persevere. We have 59 missionaries (global and regional) and 18 volunteers from 17 countries on the Mesoamerica Region.
Africa Region 
Please pray for stability in our governments. South Africa is scheduled for general election on 10 May 2014. 
Please pray against the scourge of human trafficking and slavery in parts of Africa. 
Please pray for the areas where the church is gently establishing a Gospel foothold against much opposition and persecution. Ask God to protect the missionaries, pastors and other support groups. 
Much of Africa struggles to provide education for its people. Pray that God will open more opportunities for education, and that the church will have the resources to provide education opportunities in Africa. 
Let us continue to pray for all people across the African continent to have access to clean water and electricity. 
Asia-Pacific Region
Chinese Ministries (CM) Field: 
Pray for the discipling and church planting team in Mongolia, that they would see fruit of their labor, and that a strong church with Godly national leaders can be developed in this country of 3 million people where only 3–4 percent are currently followers of Jesus.
Pray for those who are working in creative areas of the CM field building relationships, training leaders, and leading house groups. 
Pray for the development of strong national leaders on the CM field who can give Godly servant leadership to the church. 
Pray for the development and expansion of the church in Taiwan and Hong Kong and for an increased passion to make Christlike disciples.  
South America Region
Pray for the South America’s Field Strategy Coordinators who will gather for a retreat in Cartagena, Colombia.
Pray for the 10 cities in which we are planning to open new work for the Church of the Nazarene: Cartagena de las Indias (Colombia); Macapá (Brazil); Durazno (Uruguay); Ciudad Ojeda (Venezuela); Ica (Perú); Cobija (Bolivia); Ciudad del Leste (Paraguay) Antofagasta (Chile); Ushuaia (Argentina); Ambato (Ecuador)
Eurasia Region
Please pray that the regional child development ministries, projects, and goals are in accordance with God's will.  There are thousands of children coming every day to our Child Development Centers spread out across the region Pray especially for the schools in the Middle East, that the Lord will provide the finances needed to operate.  Also pray for the safety and protection of all kids in Eurasia and against any kind of abuse that could hinder their future.  Pray for their families and communities. 
Pray for the pastors and leaders in the CIS Field and our task of reconciling people with God. This is the core value of our ministry while being Christian, missional, and proclaiming a life of Holiness.
For the Armenia District, the pastors, and church people.  For the youth and children’s ministries.
Church registration in Armenia.  This is our goal in 2014.  We need to pray and fast for the Lord to give us the people needed to legally register our church.
USA/Canada Region
Pray that the young people on the USA/Canada Region will continue to love the church and find a place of service.
Pray that 200 new churches will be planted in 2014. We need all kinds of churches for all kinds of people.
Pray for the Mission 2015 (M15) Conference to be held February 9-11, 2015 in Kansas City, Missouri.
Pray for NYC to be held July 8-12, 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky.
March Missionary Prayer Focus
  The following are a list of missionaries who Vern Ward, director of Global Mission will be praying specifically for during the month of March. Please join Dr. Ward and pray for:
Jorge and Ana Betsy Banos, Costa Rica
Jon and Shirley Fischer, Ecuador
Hermann and Brigitte Gschwandtner, Germany
Brian Helstrom, USA/Canada
Tomo and Ceny Hirahara, Thailand
Jorge and Irma Julca, Argentina
Timothy (Byung-Gi) and Lydia (Hyun-Soon) Kim, Philippines
Manuel and Lidia Lima, Brazil
Edwin and Ana Martinez, Guatemala
Mario and Irma Martinez, Guinea-Bissau
George and Nancy Miller, Solomon Islands
Stephen and Annette Morley, Ireland
David and Sylvia Potter, Vanuatu
Wilmer and Jessica Rojas, Argentina
Linda Russel, Russia
Nikolaj and Lydia Sawatzky, Eurasia Region
Arthur and Antje Maria Snijders, Eurasia Region 
Ulises and Kelly Solis, Guatemala
Please remember to pray also for missionaries who serve in creative access areas. While we are not able to list their names here, we do ask that you pray for God’s protection and that each one of their needs are met by the Father.
Board of General Superintendents 
  Please pray for the ministry and safety of the General Superintendents as they travel this month: 
Jerry D. Porter
J. K. Warrick
Eugénio Duarte
David W.Graves
David A. Busic
Gustavo A. Crocker
Venezuela and Thailand Unrest
  In addition to praying for peace in Ukraine, please remember the people in Caracas, Venezuela, and Bangkok, Thailand, where protests have taken place recently. May Christians in these areas be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Jamie Weberg
  Please pray for Jamie Weberg who has recently been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (a type of bone cancer). Lord, we ask you to put your healing touch on Jamie's body. May he and his young family sense your overwhelming presence, especially during the days ahead. Jamie is an associate pastor at the Penticton Church of the Nazarene in British Columbia.
Family of Hannah (Johnson) Capen
  Hannah Capen was killed in a car accident on February 22 as she and her husband, fellow youth pastor Nathan Capen, were on their way to a Nazarene Youth International event in Montana. Another passenger, a 9-year-old, traveling in the same car was also killed. Nathan remains hospitalized and was moved out of ICU on Monday. Please pray for the families, friends, and congregation at the Missoula Church of the Nazarene as they grieve these unexpected and tragic losses. To read more, click here for the NCN story.
Family of Estela Gonzalez Rivera
  The aunt of Liliana Reza (missionary serving in Argentina) and Estela Reza (Mission Corps/365m Ireland) passed away suddenly in her sleep Saturday night, February 22, 2014. Her name was Estela Gonzalez Rivera. This was a shock to both Liliana and Estela and they request prayer for their family during this time of grief. Estela Gonzalez leaves behind three children and her husband, Miguel. Liliana and Estela’s parents will be traveling from Oklahoma to California for the service. Liliana and Estela will not be able to be with their family during this difficult situation. Thank you for your prayers for them.
Family of Sylvia Parrett
  Sylvia Parrett, mother of workers in a creative access area, passed away early on Friday morning, February 21. A funeral service will be held February 26 in Huntington, Indiana. Please pray for the Parrett family during this time of grief. 
Thank you for praying. 
"Only when our greatest love is God, a love that we cannot lose even in death,
can we face all things with peace. Grief was not to be eliminated but seasoned
and buoyed up with love and hope"--Timothy Keller, Author and Pastor 

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