Resurrection West,
I look outside this morning and see twinges of green. Even though the sky is filled with clouds you can still see the shoots of green grass and the buds on the trees - spring is coming! Easter is near! I hope you are joining us in reading the Gospel of Luke this lenten season. You can connect to the daily GPS reading here at
I often speak of spiritual accountability in my conversations and in my teaching. I believe deeply in this concept and I received one incredible gift of accountability this past week. One of our young boys came up to greet me following worship. He handed me a laminated page he had recently turned in for a class project. He was tasked with writing about his "Favorite Kansas-Citian". He chose me!
I was honored and overwhelmed, especially after reading what he wrote. I couldn't help but thinking that I fall so very short of the words he used to describe me. I thanked him for choosing me and explained how much that meant to me. I felt so unworthy of this honor, but then I realized the incredible gift this was - spiritual accountability! You see, I may never live up to the ways this young man described me in his writing, yet I was reminded and encouraged - held accountable if you will - to do my best, to give my best to God! Thanks for that Nick!
I want to thank the many volunteers and staff that helped create our first campout, campfire, and work day on the new trail over spring break. We had an amazing time and you can see pics on our facebook page here at
Pastor Adam continues The Gospel of the Nobodies series this Sunday with a message on Prostitutes and Prodigals. This will be an inspiring and challenging message for us all. I don't want you to miss it, so plan to be in worship this Sunday. Last Sunday was an incredible day with over 900 in attendance!
Here are some upcoming opportunities for ministry.
Summer trip with pastor Jason and his family
Women's Monday morning Bible Study
Women's Thursday Live Spring Sessions coming!
Journey 101 - Knowing God - Begins April 7
Women's Lenten Luncheon - April 10
Rezlife Student Ministry Purity Conference - April 25
Interested in a New York Broadway experience?
Easter is coming!
Resurrection West Summer Trip - YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO, June 1-6 (come days before, stay days after). We will offer a worship service each morning June 2-5, with a campfire together the evening of June 5. Additional activities, transportation, room booking, lunch and dinner are on your own. Room cost includes hot buffet breakfast each morning. Each household will be asked to pay $100 to cover Pastor expenses, devotional booklet and t-shirt for each participant and worship supplies. We have reserved ten rooms (each room sleeps up to six), and will add rooms if the trip grows. Visit rezwest. org/summertrip to learn more.
Women's Monday Morning Bible Study - Join us Monday, March 31, as we begin the Journey 101: Loving God study. Our group meets Mondays from 9:30-11:30am downstairs in the Bible Theater. For more information, contact Bette Tranbarger at
Women's Thursday Live Spring Sessions - Join us April 3, 10, 17, 24; May 1, 8, 9:30-11:30 am. Childcare available. Register at Choose from two studies:
5 Conversations to Have with Your Son by Vicki Courtney, facilitated by Gretchen Aerni and Nicole Conard. Moms - help your sons build foundations of faith that will equip them for life. Learn how to talk about the tough topics and teach him about life, love and faith!
What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa TerKeurst, facilitated by Andrea Lloyd, Amber Thomas and Kathy Shilling. Hear inspiring stories of what it means to partner with God in all decisions and actions, and how honoring God produces a life of deep joy and great purpose.
Journey 101: Knowing God - Explore what it means to develop a personal relationship with God, and gain a better understanding of the Christian faith, the church and God's will for your life. Classes meet on Mondays, April 7 - May 19 (will not meet April 21) from 6:30-8pm. The cost is $10 per participant. To register, visit
United Methodist Women's Lenten Luncheon - Enjoy fellowship and uplifting messages while learning how everyday items convey the meaning of Easter, Wednesday, April 10, 12:30 pm, Leawood Campus Rm. B206. Register at
Rezlife Purity Conference - Friday, April 25, 7-10pm - We'll tackle the tough issues related to love and relationships with candor, insight and humor, while challenging young people to get the abstinence advantage. Students in 6th-12th grades, parents and those who work with teens are encouraged to attend this event in the Leawood Campus Student Center. Featured speaker is Pam Stenzel, author and expert on this issue. Register at
Love New York? If you are interested in taking a trip to New York City to see Broadway shows, dine out and enjoy fellowship, then mark your calendars for a planning meeting Monday, April 28, from 6:30-8pm in The Theatre Room. Trip dates under consideration are Dec. 2-5. Email to express interest. No reservations required for the meeting.
Easter at Resurrection West - Join us for these Holy Week Activities:
Maundy Thursday Worship Service - April 17, 7pm
Good Friday Day of Prayer - April 18, 7am-7pm
Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, April 19, 3pm-5:15pm
Easter Worship Services - Saturday, April 19, 5:30pm*
Sunday, April 20, 8am*, 9:30am, 11:15am, 5pm*
*Please consider attending one of these services so we can make room for the many visitors we are expecting. Please also consider volunteering to serve at one of the Easter activities and/or services (usher, greeter, childcare) allowing Resurrection West to show radical hospitality to all who come. Visit for more information on Easter at Resurrection West and opportunities to serve.
Finally, as you are considering your summer plans, don't forget to plan for Vacation Bible Camp here at Resurrection West. Registration opens on April 1st. VBC has a special place in my heart as it's where my faith journey began. My family and I were invited by another child to come to VBC at the First United Methodist Church of Jasper, Florida. This forever changed my life and my family's life. Who could you reach out and invite to be a part of this summer's VBC? We will need many volunteers to reach the children in western Johnson county with the love of Christ. For more information go to
Looking forward to worshipping with you on Sunday,
Pastor Jason
connect with me on twitter at
connect with me on facebook at
Resurrection West Campus
24000 West Valley parkway Olathe, Kansas 66061
For an after hours urgent pastoral care need call 913-314-6058
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