Friday, September 4, 2015

Asia Pacific Region of The Global Church of the Nazarene's Around the Region for Saturday, September 5, 2015 Volume 3 / Issue Number 36

Asia Pacific Region of The Global Church of the Nazarene's Around the Region for Saturday, September 5, 2015 Volume 3 / Issue Number 36

In This Issue
Nazarene News from Around the Globe
NMI Highlight... September- Alabaster Offering
Putting People First in Your Leadership
Regional Praise Reports and Prayer Requests!
Drought in PNG Worsens- Please Pray!
Child Sponsorship:...Heavenly Returns
Let the Children Come to Me... Mango Tree Centre Does Just That!
Village Buried by Mud Flow - Pray for Myanmar!
David Phillips Provides Update on His Cancer Journey
Philippine Team Member's Battle with Cancer Continues
BGS Encourages Participation in Thank Offering 2015.
Global Compassion Conference Announced

Nazarene News from Around the Globe
Multicultural Ministries Forms South Asian Strategic Readiness Team
The Great Commission: Suggestion or Command?
NCM Center Becomes Life-Saving Resource Following Tropical Storm Erika in Dominica
Be An Answer to Someone's Prayer.
Argentina Leaders Gather for Ministry Training
East Tennessee kids Raise $17,000 for Mission Projects at Camp
Wood Shop Ministry Provides Training in Romania
Texas Church Inspires Hope in Hundreds through Special Initiative
Trevecca Students Serve Community
Funding the Mission Site to Receive Update
Peru Churches Planting Churches
Rusty Garman Passes Away while Attempting Record Dive.
Southern Florida District Celebrates 100 years of NMI through Haiti Mission Trip
Eurasia Region Prepares to Open Work in Greece in 2016
Spiritual Transformation in the Classroom
Tell THE Story Reaches 62 at MVNU
Indianapolis District Superintendent John Hay Passes Away
NNU Engineering Programs Achieve ABET Accreditation
From Tragedy to Triumph: Shelter Opens for Survivors of Human Trafficking
ANU Encourages Innovation During Impact Week
Argentina Church Planting Team Hosts Community Events
Young people Put Training into Practice in Dominican Republic
MVNU Awarded Full Approval by Ohio Board of Nursing
Ghana Youth Start Ministry to Help New Mothers
SANU Vice Chancellor Learns Alongside Higher Education Leaders at Workshop
Florida Pastor Retires from Reserve Chaplaincy after 27 years
SNU Receives Grant for LIFE Program
Cinda Kammermann Remembered
PLNU Mourns Loss of G.L. Forward
PLNU Launches Community College Partnerships
Missionaries Reach East Africa Refugees through Training, Literature
Touched by Jesus
NNU Student Team Launches Payload at NASA Facility
Global Praise Reports and Prayer Requests
GMC Employment Opportunities.
Moving Ministers: August 2015
In Memoriam
NMI Highlight - September - Alabaster
Alabaster Offering
In 1948, Rev. Elizabeth Vennum, Global Council member, was asked to think and pray about a challenging project for NMI. Rev. Vennum knew if God wanted the project to take place, He would provide the plan. On the return trip from Kansas City, God gave her His plan of giving "love" gifts. It was modeled after the sacrifice of the woman who anointed Jesus' head with expensive perfume poured from an alabaster jar (Matthew 26:6-13).
At the Global NMI Council meeting in 1949, Rev. Vennum told of the Alabaster plan God had given her. The Council unanimously adopted the plan, and the first offering was received in 1949.
The Board of General Superintendents approved the plan for Alabaster funds to be used exclusively for buildings and properties in cross-cultural ministries.
Now, more than 60 years later, Alabaster is still strong, having provided more than 9,000 projects since 1949. Faithful Nazarenes around the world have given over $100 million dollars for this much-needed ministry.
For more info click here

"Developing Leaders by Stan Toler
"3 Core Values that Guide Everything I Do"
You may have a brilliant idea or product, a well-crafted vision plan to capture its uniqueness, and a highly organized vision-casting team to communicate it, but if you don't have constituent or customer buy-in, your idea will probably gather dust on a shelf.
That's why leadership is first and foremost a people skill. Great leaders are great at connecting with people and connecting people to their vision.
Over more than 50 years in variety of leadership roles, I've learned that my own leadership style rests on three core values. You could think of them like the legs on a stool. I know I won't be successful if any one of these legs breaks.
1. Faith. My personal relationship with God has given me the opportunity to serve him in over 90 countries of the world with some of his best team members. But my faith has given me more - the firm conviction that the work I do matters to God and is therefore of great importance. That gives me the ability to persevere when things are difficult. I know I can't be successful without faith.
2. Relationships. Along the way, I have been inspired and challenged by the leadership of others. They have formed my thoughts on working and relating with people, and served as my teachers. And of course, my family and friends have affirmed and encouraged me in an awesome and loving way. Most important, I have developed deep relationships with many of the people whom I've led. I know that I will not succeed as a leader unless I develop, affirm, and value the people around me.
3. Love. I love what I do! To think that a boy from the poorest town in the poorest county of West Virginia could have an international network that includes people from nearly all cultures and economic groups is humbling, and beyond anything that I could have ever dreamed. What's more, I am motivated to do my work by my love for God and others. Leadership, for me, is not about getting ahead or even begins successful. I truly want to bless the people I meet.
Those are some of the keys to my leadership. And it's an ongoing journey. I am continually learning, growing, casting vision, and launching projects that will add value to the lives of others.
What are the core values that guide your leadership? Share your answer on Twitter or Facebook![Stan Toler]
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Regional Praise Reports and Prayer Requests
Asia-Pacific Region
Drought Worsens in Papua New Guinea - Rationing Food at College
Mud Flow Buries Village in Eastern Myanmar
Most Up-to-Date Prayer Requests & Praise Reports for the Global Church - Prayer Mobilization Line.
Wells are Dry, Gardens Have Died, Drought in PNG Worsens - Please Pray!
Papua New Guinea

Across the highlands of Papua New Guinea, the story is the same, "Rain is desperately needed!"
For several weeks now, the normally wet, fertile, rainforest of the highlands has been without life-giving rain.
Melanesia South Pacific Field Strategy Coordinator, Harmon Schmelzenbach, sent in this update on September 3rd:
"Melanesian Nazarene Bible College (MNBC), with its 128 resident students, and their spouses and children as well as staff and faculty, combined with Melanesia Nazarene Teacher's College (MNTC), collectively make for more than 600 residents on campus who are currently being severely affected by an unusual drought in Papua New Guinea. Gardens, which are the main source of food on campus, are mostly destroyed by the drought. Water is at critical levels."
Follow this link for the full story and how you could pray and do your part to help.

Papua New Guinea: Across the highlands of Papua New Guinea, the story is the same, “Rain is desperately needed!”
For several weeks now, the normally wet, fertile, rainforest of the highlands has been without life-giving rain.
Drought Impacts Papua New Guinea – August 14 Report
Melanesia South Pacific Field Strategy Coordinator, Harmon Schmelzenbach, sent in this update on September 3rd:
“Melanesian Nazarene Bible College (MNBC), with its 128 resident students, and their spouses and children as well as staff and faculty, combined with Melanesia Nazarene Teacher’s College (MNTC), collectively make for more than 600 residents on campus who are currently being severely affected by an unusual drought in Papua New Guinea. Gardens, which are the main source of food on campus, are mostly destroyed by the drought. Water is at critical levels.”
Simbu / Eastern Highlands District Council brings food to MNBC.
On September 1st, the Simbu / Eastern Highlands District Nazarene Missions International (NMI) council arrived with many 10kg rice bags and cases of noodles, to be rationed out to students over the next two weeks.
MNBC students thanking the NMI Council!
Gardens are completely finished. Students do not have funds to purchase food (they normally depend on their gardens) so the food disbursements have truly been a perfectly timed provision from the Lord.
The river that normally flows abundantly over the hydroelectric dam, has been reduced to a small stream.
Just fifteen minutes up the road, the Nazarene Hospital has also been affected by the drought. The river level is extremely low, affecting the normal operation of the hydroelectric plant for the hospital. Water for drinking, washing, cooking and hospital functioning is at a minimum.
The hospital staff was praising the Lord as they did receive a small amount of rain. Not nearly enough, but at least it has provided some water in their rain catchments.
Give to the food relief distributions by clicking on the above link.
Here are some very specific prayer requests:
  • Of course – RAIN!
  • Health issues of students and staff.
  • Proper management of the limited water and food.[Thank you to contributors: Michael & Diane Chapman, Erin Meier, Susan Myers, Harmon Schmelzenbach.]
Child Sponsorship: Heavenly Returns
Engage Magazine

Child Sponsorship, Changing lives

Ernalyn with Her Husband Nathan
When a woman from Oregon, in the U.S., decided in 1995 to sponsor a little girl from the Philippines, she couldn't possibly have known how God would honor that investment.
She didn't know that God would plant a dream in that child's heart that would bring her from poverty to a life of learning. That it would one day enable her to become the lead developer for the new website and begin to invest her life in others.
Read about how this young girl, Ernalyn Longcop, was the recipient of a tremendous blessing through child sponsorship, and how she herself caught the vision and today has continued the legacy.
Get to know Ernalyn and how her life was impacted through child sponsorship!

Child sponsorship: Heavenly returns by Carol Anne EbyWhen a woman from Oregon, in the U.S., decided in 1995 to sponsor a little girl from the Philippines, she couldn’t possibly know how God would honor that investment. She didn’t know that God would plant a dream in that child’s heart that would bring her from poverty to a life of learning that would one day enable her to become the lead developer for the new website and begin to invest her life in others. Ernalyn Longcop was selected and her amazing journey began.

Ernalyn was born in a small town in Dulag Leyte in the Central Philippines in 1987. At that time, she joined five other siblings, and their father who was a pastor struggled to support his large family. Later two more children joined the family. Often there was nothing to feed their children. Ernalyn’s mother shared how often she would call the children to the table and tell them to close their eyes and imagine their favorite food. Then they would thank God for it, drink their glass of water and go on to their tasks.
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries has always desired to help support national pastors and to help their children receive a good education.” Child sponsorship, Pastor Longcop says, ‘is one of the best things that ever happened to our family.” Child sponsorship assists with school fees, uniforms, books, supplies and even transportation and all for $25 a month. That is 82 cents a day. In the U.S., that is the price of a candy bar per day, a fast food meal a week, or a smart phone for a year, according to the child sponsorship web page.
Ernalyn was 8 years old when she was sponsored and it continued until she graduated from high school, a total of 10 years. From that day on Ernalyn determined to do her best.
”Since I got sponsored, I always had the passion to excel and to be on top since I knew someone was investing her money for me, and I needed to send my grades to her quarterly.”
From elementary days, through high school and into college, Ernalyn was always on the list of honor students and received several awards.
”It was always a joy for me to succeed in my academics because I knew someone was looking at me.”
Ernalyn’s passion for computers began in high school when the family moved to another city and another district, Central Visayas District, where her dad became the district superintendent. It was her first time to see and play with a computer. She would break it and then fix it with her father’s help.
Ernalyn knew just living in a parsonage did not guarantee her salvation. Her dad often reminded her of that and her mother’s fervent prayers were answered in a youth camp in 2000 when Ernalyn went to the altar and surrendered her life to Christ. She says, “Since then, the Lord has worked mightily in my life, changing me, my dreams, my plans, and my ministries.”
Ernalyn vividly remembers a district assembly where she met several leaders of the global and regional church: General Superintendent Dr. Nina Gunter presided along with missionary David Phillips, who was the field strategy coordinator of the area. She went to shake hands with them and felt really blessed and said to herself, “I want to be like them when I grow up. I want to serve the Lord globally. That was my first call. I cherished that dream and really prayed for it.”
That prayer was answered in March of 2007 when she became the administrative assistant to David Phillips in the Philippine Field Office. David also helped her to finish college as she had two years yet to graduate. She would work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and then go to school from 6 to 9 in the evening. On Saturdays she would attend school from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. The schedule was demanding, but she was determined to finish her education.
Ernalyn enjoyed her work in the field office, working with pastors all over the Philippines, dealing with statistic reports and graphics and doing some programming. In March of 2010, she told Phillips that she would like to have a job more in line with what she was studying to achieve a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Information Technology, and she also shared her dream of working for the Asia-Pacific Region. With Phillips’ blessing, she resigned, then applied for and received a job with World Missions Communications Asia-Pacific (WMC-AP) regional office in Manila.
She learned a lot during those first years at WMC-AP and continued pursuing her education: working during the day and going to school at night. She finished her degree in 2012 in Computer Technology with a major in Programming. She told the Lord, “I will be the best programmer I can be to work in your Kingdom.”
Then the opportunity she’d dreamed about finally happened. The Church of the Nazarene denomination wanted to do a major overhaul of its main, global organizational website. WMC-AP bid for the project and got it.
Ernalyn said, “When we got the contract to redesign the Nazarene web page, I was in awe as I looked back and saw how God had fulfilled my dream to become the programmer He could use for His kingdom. And now I would be serving the Lord globally! I am humbled at how he has used me.”
God brought more good things into Ernalyn’s life. When she was young she prayed to marry an engineer, who was also a pastor’s kid and a musician. God is good, and Nathan Fausto came into her life with all those requirements, the son of Revs. Radito and Raquel Fausto, now missionaries to Japan. They were married in January of 2015 and are expecting their first child in seven months.
When Ernalyn is not in front of her computer doing geek stuff, she leads a small group in her church, teaches a discipleship class and serves as a praise and worship leader. In the future she dreams of becoming a professional counselor and wants to pursue a Master’s degree in that field. She and her husband are also praying about a ministry in Japan, but would be willing to serve wherever the Lord leads.
“When it comes to Child Sponsorship, Ernalyn exemplifies the impact that we are praying will be achieved," said Todd Aebischer, communications coordinator for World Mission Communications Asia-Pacific Region. "Not only has she attained her dream and vision of being involved in Global ministry with the Church of the Nazarene, but she is now pouring her life into those following her, helping them to become Christlike disciples, and multiplying that investment that was made in her life.”
Ernalyn testifies that child sponsorship is life changing.
“It changed me and it challenged me to do the same for others.”
She began a program to teach computer literacy to out-of-school youth from the slums. She began with 14 students and delighted in their progress and motivation to pursue higher goals in their lives.
“For me to invest in a life is not just about the money, but it is about the life we share with each other. In doing so, we become a channel of God’s blessing and that is what we are ultimately made for.”
Heavenly returns in abundance.
Let the Children Come to Me... Mango Tree Centre Does Just That!
Kingdom of Tonga, South Pacific

But Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." (Matthew 19:14) NIV
The heart of the Lord must rejoice as He sees the impact being made in the lives of children with disabilities, thanks to the efforts of the Mango Tree Respite Center (MTRC) in the Kingdom of Tonga.
This is a story of God's people working together to build His Kingdom. The Ayeyarwady Delta Region is an area of the country that sustained the worst natural disaster in the recorded history of Myanmar, with more that 138,000 lives lost in 2008. Children's education and family counseling ministries are bringing new life back to these communities.
The month of August has been very busy and productive for MTRC, touching the lives of people and making great Kingdom impact!
Click here to find out more!
Kingdom of Tonga, South Pacific: But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” (Matthew 19:14) NIV
The heart of the Lord must rejoice as He sees the impact being made in the lives of children with disabilities, thanks to the efforts of the Mango Tree Respite Center (MTRC) in the Kingdom of Tonga.
Disability Bible Camp
August was a busy month for the MTRC as they started out with a Disability Bible Camp. For two days, youth and adults with disabilities joined in a passionate time of praise, worship, and fellowship!
“Our mission is to not only provide rehabilitation for the people with disabilities, but to also serve them and their families, both physically and spiritually,” said In-Kwon Kim, Administrator of the MTRC.
Later in the month, great roars of joy and cheering bursts could be heard from all around the MTRC, as they celebrated Disability Sport Week!
“We stood in awe as Iloa, who had been in bed all of his life due to his quadriplegia, let out laughter and lifted his hands to hit the ball that had been thrown his way,” said Kim.
Siaosi, a paraplegic and Maneo, a double amputee, playfully fought over who would get the ball, while the people with visual impairment came together around a table to play a game of soccer. It was a sight to behold, as the children listened intently to the sound of the rolling ball and then hit it into the opponent’s goal!
The Mango Tree Center is truly impacting lives, but not without the help of many nations! Earlier in the summer, students from the Lincoln University in New Zealand, came to the MTRC for 10 days, and built beautiful herb and flower gardens. The students designed the gardens and even raised the funds themselves.
Gardening is beneficial for the emotional health and social development of people with disabilities. Planting flowers and looking after them is especially helpful for rehabilitative therapy.
In many instances throughout the islands of the South Pacific, children who are born with disabilities are seen as “curses” from the gods. It is through serving as the tangible hands and feet of Christ, that the Mango Tree Respite Center is literally bringing these little children to Jesus. But not just the children, for when you love the children, their parents follow!
Serving as the tangible hands and feet of Christ…lives are impacted for eternity!
Please commit to pray for the ministry of the MTRC! If you would like more information, you can visit them by following these links:
Prayer Request: The Kims have been asking God to send a missionary (physiotherapist/occupational therapist) who would do mission work at the center through rehabilitative therapy.

Village Buried by Mud Flow - Pray for Myanmar!
Tuikhin Zang Village, Myanmar

On August 28th, at around 3 am local time, mud from a mountain began flowing through the village of Tuikhin Zang, one of the villages in the Kalaymyo Township, eastern Myanmar. Out of 180 homes in the village, when the mud flow subsided, only 4 houses remained.
Click here to read the update from one of our Nazarene pastors in the area!
Tuikhin Zang Village, Myanmar: On August 28th, at around 3 am local time, mud from a mountain began flowing through the village of Tuikhin Zang, one of the villages in the Kalaymyo Township, eastern Myanmar. Our Nazarene pastor in the area provided the following report.
There were 180 houses in the village. When the villagers noticed mud flowing inside their village, they began going door-to-door informing one another that they needed to evacuate. Shortly thereafter, the local news was indicating that the entire village was overwhelmed by this mud, destroying almost all of the homes. Only 4 remained, but even more tragic, is that 20 persons were reported missing.
Please keep the people of Myanmar, specifically the region surrounding Kalaymyo in your prayers. The church has significant work in this area of Myanmar.
Donations to relief can be made through Nazarene Compassionate Ministry’s Asia-Pacific Disaster Relief Fund by following this link.
Manila, Philippines

"Why is the Christian Church in North America declining?"
This was a question that one of Dr. Grant Zweigle's students threw at him during one of his classes as Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary, a big question which he believed could be answered in many different perspectives. Pressed for time, Dr. Grant responded to the question through a story from his pastoral experience in the US and Canada:
Dr. Grant was camping with a friend and his father, and upon learning that Dr. Grant was a pastor, his friend's father shared that he attended a Methodist church when he was young. Later, Dr. Grant told his friend, "I didn't know your dad grew up in the Methodist church," to which his friend replied: "I didn't know either, my dad never talked to me about that sort of thing."
How does this answer the student's question?
Visit Dr. Zweigle's blog to find out!
In North America today, there is now a whole generation of adults, like my friend, who never had a positive spiritual conversation about the Christian faith with mom or dad. A whole generation who were not offered Christian spiritual formation because mom and dad decided not to participate in the life and mission of a local church. A whole generation whose parents decided not to offer Christian education to their children because they wanted their kids to “find their own path.” These children are now adults. And many of these adults are not participating in the life and mission of a local church.
The most important influence in the faith formation of our beloved children is the witness of mom and dad within the context of a worshiping community that lives out its faith with love, passion and vibrancy. If mom and dad neglect this vital witness, a whole generation can be lost.
In Psalm 78, the poet sings the saving deeds of the Lord, saying: “We will not hide them from our children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” Evangelism begins at home. Our beloved children are the first constituents of our witness.
If you are a parent: Do your children know about the wondrous things the Lord has done in your life? Are you intentional about having spiritual conversations with your children? Do your children experience you as a vibrant and joyful participant in the life and mission of God within a worshiping community?
To learn more about our witness to the beloved children of the church, check out Worship, Wonder and Way: Reimagining Evangelism as Missional Practice.

Update on Rev. David Phillips' Cancer Journey
Columbus, Ohio

David Phillips and Jeremy Glovitch
We continue to keep prayer focused on Rev. David Phillips, Southeast Asia Field Strategy Coordinator, as he is receiving treatment in the United States.
Philippine Team Member's Battle With Cancer Continues - Please Keep Praying!
Manila, Philippines

Liza visits her office at APNTS for a time of prayer.
The other day, I heard my 14 year old son crying. I asked him why. He embraced me and burst in tears and told me he is asking why God gave me this cancer and that he is asking God to transfer my cancer to him.
Thank God for giving me enough strength to hold back my tears and giving me the right words to tell my son to trust God every moment of his life because God is in control and God knows what's better for us. I told my son how people are praying for us and helping us with my medication. After hours of conversation about trusting God, living a life that pleases God, why we should read the Bible regularly and praying regularly, my son looks happy again.
You see, your prayers are powerful. Your act of kindness is powerful. Children learn by what they see. My son is learning to trust God because he can see that God is working through you.
From a mother's heart, thank you. Thank you for praying and for giving us financial support. May God return what you have given.
Click here for more updates and how you can continue to pray.
BGS Encourages Participation in Thank Offering 2015

Global Ministry Center
To Nazarenes
around the world:
"Developing the Future" is the theme of the 2015 Thanksgiving, or Thank Offering. As we remember the Lord's unfailing love, the psalmist calls on us to "sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy" (Psalm 107:22). We join you in prayer and preparation for this annual emphasis in the Church of the Nazarene. Through this offering given to the World Evangelism Fund, we do more together than we ever could alone..
Click here to see the impact that past Thank Offerings have made around the world!
Global Compassion Conference Announced!

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries announces the Compassion Conference, to be held July 14-16, 2016, at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Illinois, USA.
We can no longer turn our heads in our communities. Compassion is the church in action. And the time is now to go deeper.
Follow this link to find out more, and how you can register!
Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary Highlights

APNTS NOW OFFERS Graduate Certificate in Language Teaching Ministry! Follow This Link for Information.
APNTS Announces PhD Classes for November-December 2015.
(For PhD in HCD, PhD in Transformational Learning, and PhD in Transformational Development)
Follow this link for more information.
Nov. 2-6 Dr. Laura Sandidge Learners with Special Needs (for PhD & Masters)
Nov. 2-13 Dr. Fletcher Tink & Dr. Melba Maggay Culture, Context, and Worldview (for PhD only)
Nov. 16-27 Dr. Dick Eugenio & Prof. Larnie Sam Tabuena Philosophy and Theology of Transformation (for PhD Only)
Dec. 7-18 Dr. Joanna Soberano Spirituality and Transformational Learning for PhD Only) - to be confirmed.
This newsletter is a ministry of your Asia-Pacific Regional Communications Office. Please submit questions or comments to: Regional Communications Coordinator
Connie Aebischer - Editor - Around the Region News
Writer: Laurice Maggay
World Mission Communications Asia-Pacific
Ortigas Avenue Extension
Taytay, Rizal, Philippines
Around the Region is released each week on Saturday. If you have news to share, please forward to our office by Friday at noon (PHT).
Strategic Partners Ltd | Ortigas Avenue Extension, Kaytikling
Taytay, Rizal

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