First United Methodist of Redondo Beach |
Weekly News
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Sunday, September 6
Pastor Molly, preaching
8:30am in the Epworth Lounge
9:30am First: Study group in Epworth Lounge
Adult Bible Study in Heath Chapel
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Sunday's Sermon & Scripture:
"Naming Our Idols" Deuteronomy 5:6-10
Scripture Text: Deuteronomy 5:6 “‘I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, where you lived as slaves.
ב 7 “‘You are to have no other gods before me. 8 You are not to make for yourselves a carved image or any kind of representation of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath or in the water below the shoreline — 9 you are not to bow down to them or serve them; for I, Adonai your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the parents, also the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 10 but displaying grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my mitzvot.
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for Deuteronomy 5:6-10
Verse 7
[7] Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
There being little said, concerning the spiritual sense of the Ten Commandments, in the notes on the twentieth of Exodus, I think it needful to add a few questions here, which the reader may answer between God and his own soul.
Thou shalt have none other gods before me — Hast thou worshipped God in spirit and in truth? Hast thou proposed to thyself no end besides him? Hath he been the end of all thy actions? Hast thou sought for any other happiness, than the knowledge and love of God? Dost thou experimentally know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent? Dost thou love God? Dost thou love him with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength; so as to love nothing else but in that manner and degree which tends to increase thy love of him? Hast thou found happiness in God? Is he the desire of thine eyes, the joy of thy heart? If not, thou hast other gods before him.
Verse 8
[8] Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:
Thou shalt not make any graven image — Hast thou not formed any gross image of God in thy mind? Hast thou always thought of him as a pure spirit, whom no man hath seen, nor can see? And hast thou worshipped him with thy body, as well as with thy spirit, seeing both of them are God's?
Verse 7
[7] Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
There being little said, concerning the spiritual sense of the Ten Commandments, in the notes on the twentieth of Exodus, I think it needful to add a few questions here, which the reader may answer between God and his own soul.
Thou shalt have none other gods before me — Hast thou worshipped God in spirit and in truth? Hast thou proposed to thyself no end besides him? Hath he been the end of all thy actions? Hast thou sought for any other happiness, than the knowledge and love of God? Dost thou experimentally know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent? Dost thou love God? Dost thou love him with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength; so as to love nothing else but in that manner and degree which tends to increase thy love of him? Hast thou found happiness in God? Is he the desire of thine eyes, the joy of thy heart? If not, thou hast other gods before him.
Verse 8
[8] Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:
Thou shalt not make any graven image — Hast thou not formed any gross image of God in thy mind? Hast thou always thought of him as a pure spirit, whom no man hath seen, nor can see? And hast thou worshipped him with thy body, as well as with thy spirit, seeing both of them are God's?
Sermon Story "Our Idols" by Gary Lee Parker for Sunday, 6 September 2015 with Scripture: Deuteronomy 5:6 “‘I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, where you lived as slaves.
ב 7 “‘You are to have no other gods before me. 8 You are not to make for yourselves a carved image or any kind of representation of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath or in the water below the shoreline — 9 you are not to bow down to them or serve them; for I, Adonai your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the parents, also the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 10 but displaying grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my mitzvot.
Too often, we hear comments that we do not worship idols as people in Moses day that make idols out of stone, wood, or iron or even think the leader of the nation is god, but what do we tend to worship that draws us away from full allegience to God and His way? We realize that there are still people that make items out of wood, stone, or metal as their gods, but too often there are areas in our life that keeps us from paying full allegience to God alone. There are many things in society that we have a tendency to think more important than God whether it is job, position, socio-economic status, fame, career, money, houses, social media, cars, political or religious leaders, or family. Yes, these could draw us away for God's call upon our lives even family for may reasons depending on the individual. In my own life, there have been areas that drwe me away from God's call upon my life attempting to improve my own socio-economic status over being obedient to what God was and still is calling me to be and do for His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. In this journey, there have been occassions where the noticing of pastors attempting to find a church to pastor that has the correct salary and benefits before they even consider to be the pastor of the church without relying upon God to lead them and provide for their needs for their family. In the Church of the Nazarene as compared to the United Methodist Church, the pastors are chosen and elected by the church board and the congregation than anual reviews by the church board and district superintendent while the United Methodist Church appoints the pastors by the Bishop in charge of the annual conference in consultation with the district superintendents. The United Methodist Church has guarateed appointments appointments for the clergy and the clergy are members of the conference while in the Church of the Nazarene the clergy are members of the church they are pastoring or if they are not pastoring or working for the district or denominational responsibilities the clergy are members of the Nazarene church they live close to while still reporting to the district they live in while the Methodist clergy are members of the conference they begin in or were ordained in whatever their responsibilities outside the conference. The hardest part in both denominations is placing clergy to into a small church that cannot afford the salary and benefits they they are in within the Methodist church or what they need to live on within the Nazarene church. There is another area that has been questionable is the fact the the clergy or one of his family members have some kind of disability. In the past, churches or district superintendents or bishops would not even consider a person who had a disability or had a family member who had a disability. The denominations have made reat strides to find churches to be filled by pastors in this kind of situation, but too often the idol image of having a pastor and their family members with no health issues. They even have listed in the Nazarene Manual and the Methodist Book of Discipline still has suggestions for the pastor to either take medical leave until they are eligible to reitre or take medical disability retirement. This is a form of idoatry when we seek people who have n sign of some kind of disability to be clergy or lay leaders in the church where God calls all people t be a part of His Kingdom and church on earth as it is in Heaven. What does the church have to do to change the attitude of people? How is repentnce for past attitudes towards people who have a disability? How do you vie these issues of church's attitudes? We come to the time of taking the Body of Jesus and eating it and taking His Blood and drinking in through the Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist to receive His Spirit and Mine for these issues. We come to receive from God singing the Hymn "Just a Closer Walk with Thee" by Anonymous
1. I am weak but Thou art strong;
Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
I'll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.
Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
2. Thro' this world of toil and snares,
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.
Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
3. When my feeble life is o'er,
Time for me will be no more;
Guide me gently, safely o'er
To Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore.
Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
In This Issue
Parking Reminder
Parking Fundraiser
Set the Stage Sunday
Golf Tournament
From the Lay Leader
"Joseph" Musical
Book Club
Meals and More
Rummage Sale
MB Hometown Fair
Altar Flowers
Quilt Ministry
Women's Retreat Weekend
Like us on Facebook
This Week at Church...
Men's Breakfast

The Church office is regularly open from 9am - 4pm, Monday to Thursday.
Adult Bible Study
The Pastor's Bible Studymeets Thursdays at 11:00amin May Day Parlor.
Adult Sunday School:Bible Study in Health Chapel
9:30-10:15amThe class is a Bible Study and discussion. Led by Helen Stockwell.
A Church That Responds to the Needs of the Community
Every Wednesday, with help from neighbor congregations and many volunteers, we host Shared Bread, a free meal for the community.
(Click the logo for more information.)

Groceries = $ for Church
Looking for an easy way to support our church? Now you can do your grocery shopping and the store will give a percentage back to FUMCRB! Click the image on the left to learn how you can sign up for this easy giving program. Our Stewardship Team can answer any questions!

You may also visit the new website for the entire denomination of United Methodist Church here.
Want to see photos of past church activities and events?
Check out our
Flickr page and ourFacebook page
Do you have concerns, ideas or input about our church that you want to be heard?
You are welcome to reach out to our leaders!
You can contact our Pastor, Molly Vetter.
Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee, which is responsible for staff and pastoral oversight, is led byDarrell Uran.
Nina Dooley is the Chair of our Church Council.
Johnna Kosnoff is our Lay Leader.

Priorities and Detours
This Sunday, we begin a new four-week study series, "First: Putting God First in Living and Giving."
It's an invitation to put your priorities in good order. I don't know about you, but I am often easily distracted. If you ask me to talk about what's important, I'd have a short list of the things that matter most: my relationship with God, my family, being faithful in pastoring. But if you looked at a record of how I spent my time or my money, these big priorities aren't always as easy to see. I get distracted by lots of things that pull my attention away. Sometimes they're things I care about, but they take me on detours that end a long way away from the things I meant to put in the center of my life. Then, it becomes far too easy to lose perspective.
But then there's God, inviting us back, again and again. So we come to worship to regain perspective, to turn our focus to the things that matter most, and to find community to help us in that work.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Molly
Please note: The church office will be closed this Monday, September 7, to observe the Labor Day Holiday.
Contact Info
Pastor Molly Vetter
310-372-8445 x 102
Fall Sermon Series and Study: First
Putting God First in Faith and Finances

During the month of September, our church will hear about God's generosity and our response as we experience our stewardship program, first: putting GOD first in living and giving, developed by author and pastor Mike Slaughter of Ginghamsburg Church. There will be opportunities in worship, in small groups, in youth and children's classes, and in devotions that can be used at church or at home.
We are made in God's image and are meant to be creators of life and hope, not the consumers of our culture's shiny gods. We have the ability to change the world and create a legacy that will live forever in the lives of generations to follow. That legacy starts when each of us takes the hard steps of financial discipline and fulfilling the call to generosity that God has placed in all of us.Read more here...

Devotional and Study Books Available:
Make this Study even more meaningful by using the four-week daily devotional or study book that accompany it. Both books areavailable online or in the church office: The Devotional (First - Devotional) is available for $7, and the Study Book (Shiny Gods: finding freedom from things that distract us) is available for $11.

Parking Reminder
Parking Fundraiser
Set the Stage Sunday
Golf Tournament
From the Lay Leader
"Joseph" Musical
Book Club
Meals and More
Rummage Sale
MB Hometown Fair
Altar Flowers
Quilt Ministry
Women's Retreat Weekend
Like us on Facebook
This Week at Church...
Men's Breakfast
The Church office is regularly open from 9am - 4pm, Monday to Thursday.
Adult Bible Study
The Pastor's Bible Studymeets Thursdays at 11:00amin May Day Parlor.
Adult Sunday School:Bible Study in Health Chapel
9:30-10:15amThe class is a Bible Study and discussion. Led by Helen Stockwell.
A Church That Responds to the Needs of the Community
Every Wednesday, with help from neighbor congregations and many volunteers, we host Shared Bread, a free meal for the community.
(Click the logo for more information.)
Groceries = $ for Church
Looking for an easy way to support our church? Now you can do your grocery shopping and the store will give a percentage back to FUMCRB! Click the image on the left to learn how you can sign up for this easy giving program. Our Stewardship Team can answer any questions!
You may also visit the new website for the entire denomination of United Methodist Church here.
Want to see photos of past church activities and events?
Check out our
Flickr page and ourFacebook page
Do you have concerns, ideas or input about our church that you want to be heard?
You are welcome to reach out to our leaders!
You can contact our Pastor, Molly Vetter.
Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee, which is responsible for staff and pastoral oversight, is led byDarrell Uran.
Nina Dooley is the Chair of our Church Council.
Johnna Kosnoff is our Lay Leader.
Priorities and Detours
This Sunday, we begin a new four-week study series, "First: Putting God First in Living and Giving."
It's an invitation to put your priorities in good order. I don't know about you, but I am often easily distracted. If you ask me to talk about what's important, I'd have a short list of the things that matter most: my relationship with God, my family, being faithful in pastoring. But if you looked at a record of how I spent my time or my money, these big priorities aren't always as easy to see. I get distracted by lots of things that pull my attention away. Sometimes they're things I care about, but they take me on detours that end a long way away from the things I meant to put in the center of my life. Then, it becomes far too easy to lose perspective.
But then there's God, inviting us back, again and again. So we come to worship to regain perspective, to turn our focus to the things that matter most, and to find community to help us in that work.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Molly
Please note: The church office will be closed this Monday, September 7, to observe the Labor Day Holiday.
Contact Info
Pastor Molly Vetter
310-372-8445 x 102
Fall Sermon Series and Study: First
Putting God First in Faith and Finances
During the month of September, our church will hear about God's generosity and our response as we experience our stewardship program, first: putting GOD first in living and giving, developed by author and pastor Mike Slaughter of Ginghamsburg Church. There will be opportunities in worship, in small groups, in youth and children's classes, and in devotions that can be used at church or at home.
We are made in God's image and are meant to be creators of life and hope, not the consumers of our culture's shiny gods. We have the ability to change the world and create a legacy that will live forever in the lives of generations to follow. That legacy starts when each of us takes the hard steps of financial discipline and fulfilling the call to generosity that God has placed in all of us.Read more here...
Devotional and Study Books Available:
Make this Study even more meaningful by using the four-week daily devotional or study book that accompany it. Both books areavailable online or in the church office: The Devotional (First - Devotional) is available for $7, and the Study Book (Shiny Gods: finding freedom from things that distract us) is available for $11.
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sundaymornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio, for those who choose to bike to church. Thanks for your consideration.
Parking Lot Fundraiser on Labor Day
It looks like the hot weather will be here for the Labor Day weekend, so we will be renting out the parking lot on Sunday afternoon (September 6) and Labor Day (September 7). But we could use some help. If you can work a two-hour shift, please contact Paul Caldwell.

Parking Lot Fundraiser on Labor Day
It looks like the hot weather will be here for the Labor Day weekend, so we will be renting out the parking lot on Sunday afternoon (September 6) and Labor Day (September 7). But we could use some help. If you can work a two-hour shift, please contact Paul Caldwell.
Thanks to everyone who was a part of our "Set the Stage!"
Ministry Fair and Breakfast last Sunday!
It was a special joy to reconnect with you all, and to see the many faithful ways we are involved in ministry together. If you missed last Sunday, there are still so many ways to be involved--everyone has a part to play and a gift to share as we do the work of church together.

Ministry Fair and Breakfast last Sunday!
It was a special joy to reconnect with you all, and to see the many faithful ways we are involved in ministry together. If you missed last Sunday, there are still so many ways to be involved--everyone has a part to play and a gift to share as we do the work of church together.
Reminder: Our Annual GOLF TOURNAMENT will beSeptember 12, with a first tee time 10 a.m.
All proceeds will go to support the ministry of our church. Questions? Call the church office.

All proceeds will go to support the ministry of our church. Questions? Call the church office.
The Lay Looker, Bob Peterson
a view from the pew from a longtime member of our church
"The last Sunday in August we were asked to attend church a bit early for "breakfast." Well I have been to many buffet breakfasts, but this was the most unusual. Every table had a bit of an item or food needed to gather and eat breakfast. Each location had people eager to sign us up for one or more jobs, committees, or activities at church. If we signed up, we could move on to another table for napkins, fruit, sausage or pastries or something else to eat, but beware of signing on for too many church activities or perhaps you would be at church seven days a week.
I must say the food was good and there was a great deal of fellowship and camaraderie amongst church members, visitors, kids, adults and seniors. It seemed rather like a party and several made it into the sanctuary a bit after 10:30 AM, for worship, which Pastor Molly began on time. Then we..."
Read the rest of Bob's recent Lay Looker columns on our website by clicking here. "A Great Deal of Fellowship" by Bob Peterson
The last Sunday in August we were asked to attend church a bit early for “breakfast.” Well I have been to many buffet breakfasts, but this was the most unusual. Every table had a bit of an item or food needed to gather and eat breakfast. Each location had people eager to sign us up for one or more jobs, committees, or activities at church. If we signed up, we could move on to another table for napkins, fruit, sausage or pastries or something else to eat, but beware of signing on for too many church activities or perhaps you would be at church seven days a week.
I must say the food was good and there was a great deal of fellowship and camaraderie amongst church members, visitors, kids, adults and seniors. It seemed rather like a party and several made it into the sanctuary a bit after 10:30 AM, for worship, which Pastor Moly began on time. Then we heard outstanding music, a great sermon and concluded with communion practically on time.
If you were like me you found yourself admiring the table monitors and their eagerness to sign us up for their particular interest group. I wished I could sing, but the choir would be thrown out of church if I and my six note range tried to join them.
I also learned that our church will be producing a youth and children’s musical in November called “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” It makes me wonder if there is time to do all these things, but more power to our busy staff, the children and parents. I’ll plan to attend and enjoy it as much as anyone.
On a recent August Sunday, our 8:30 service was visited by one of our former Associate Ministers, Rev. Natalie Houghtby-Haddon. She was at our church serving with Rev. Winfried Ritter beginning in 1984 for a few years. I did not get to see her but Pastor Molly has a photo of them on her iPhone and she looked great.

a view from the pew from a longtime member of our church
"The last Sunday in August we were asked to attend church a bit early for "breakfast." Well I have been to many buffet breakfasts, but this was the most unusual. Every table had a bit of an item or food needed to gather and eat breakfast. Each location had people eager to sign us up for one or more jobs, committees, or activities at church. If we signed up, we could move on to another table for napkins, fruit, sausage or pastries or something else to eat, but beware of signing on for too many church activities or perhaps you would be at church seven days a week.
I must say the food was good and there was a great deal of fellowship and camaraderie amongst church members, visitors, kids, adults and seniors. It seemed rather like a party and several made it into the sanctuary a bit after 10:30 AM, for worship, which Pastor Molly began on time. Then we..."
Read the rest of Bob's recent Lay Looker columns on our website by clicking here. "A Great Deal of Fellowship" by Bob Peterson
The last Sunday in August we were asked to attend church a bit early for “breakfast.” Well I have been to many buffet breakfasts, but this was the most unusual. Every table had a bit of an item or food needed to gather and eat breakfast. Each location had people eager to sign us up for one or more jobs, committees, or activities at church. If we signed up, we could move on to another table for napkins, fruit, sausage or pastries or something else to eat, but beware of signing on for too many church activities or perhaps you would be at church seven days a week.
I must say the food was good and there was a great deal of fellowship and camaraderie amongst church members, visitors, kids, adults and seniors. It seemed rather like a party and several made it into the sanctuary a bit after 10:30 AM, for worship, which Pastor Moly began on time. Then we heard outstanding music, a great sermon and concluded with communion practically on time.
If you were like me you found yourself admiring the table monitors and their eagerness to sign us up for their particular interest group. I wished I could sing, but the choir would be thrown out of church if I and my six note range tried to join them.
I also learned that our church will be producing a youth and children’s musical in November called “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” It makes me wonder if there is time to do all these things, but more power to our busy staff, the children and parents. I’ll plan to attend and enjoy it as much as anyone.
On a recent August Sunday, our 8:30 service was visited by one of our former Associate Ministers, Rev. Natalie Houghtby-Haddon. She was at our church serving with Rev. Winfried Ritter beginning in 1984 for a few years. I did not get to see her but Pastor Molly has a photo of them on her iPhone and she looked great.
From the Lay Leader, Johnna Kosnoff
bi-weekly thoughts and reflections from our church Lay Leader
Read the rest of Johnna's recent "From the Lay Leader" column on our website by clicking here.

Youth and Children's Musical
Our youth and children's ministries are staging "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" this November 14 & 15--and we're looking for lots of help NOW!
We are looking for cast (ages 3-18) and crew (including adults, too)! There are a lot of parts, and lots of ways to be involved, and we hope you might join the fun.
For adults: We are building a team to help with the production, including sets, costumes, lighting, sound, stage management and more. Join our organizing meeting on Sunday, September 6, at 11:45am.
For youth and children: We need lots of actors for this show! We will hold regular rehearsals on Thursday evenings, and Sunday mornings and afternoons, as well as occasional other times. We encourage all kids to come to a first read-through of the show on Sunday, September 13 from 11:30am-2pm. We will cast the show after the read-through.
In addition to the named characters, we will have a
-Children's Chorus: ages 3-10. This group has the fewest rehearsals.
-Elementary Ensemble: Grades 1-4. Participates in Children's Chorus songs, as well as several other pieces of the show.
More info about the show is available online.
At the show's performance on Saturday, November 14, we will also host a dinner and silent auction. Proceeds will support our church ministries--including youth and children's ministry--as well as upgrades to our theatre facilities. We are currently looking for donations of items (or baskets of items) for the auction--consider how you might be able to donate or recruit donations! To volunteer to help with this event, contact Laura Thatcher.

bi-weekly thoughts and reflections from our church Lay Leader
Read the rest of Johnna's recent "From the Lay Leader" column on our website by clicking here.
Youth and Children's Musical
Our youth and children's ministries are staging "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" this November 14 & 15--and we're looking for lots of help NOW!
We are looking for cast (ages 3-18) and crew (including adults, too)! There are a lot of parts, and lots of ways to be involved, and we hope you might join the fun.
For adults: We are building a team to help with the production, including sets, costumes, lighting, sound, stage management and more. Join our organizing meeting on Sunday, September 6, at 11:45am.
For youth and children: We need lots of actors for this show! We will hold regular rehearsals on Thursday evenings, and Sunday mornings and afternoons, as well as occasional other times. We encourage all kids to come to a first read-through of the show on Sunday, September 13 from 11:30am-2pm. We will cast the show after the read-through.
In addition to the named characters, we will have a
-Children's Chorus: ages 3-10. This group has the fewest rehearsals.
-Elementary Ensemble: Grades 1-4. Participates in Children's Chorus songs, as well as several other pieces of the show.
More info about the show is available online.
At the show's performance on Saturday, November 14, we will also host a dinner and silent auction. Proceeds will support our church ministries--including youth and children's ministry--as well as upgrades to our theatre facilities. We are currently looking for donations of items (or baskets of items) for the auction--consider how you might be able to donate or recruit donations! To volunteer to help with this event, contact Laura Thatcher.
Book Club: Sep 3, 7pm-May Day Parlor
With several new members, the club has selected as its next read, "Cry, the Beloved Country." Written by Alan Paton and published in 1948, this impassioned novel is the deeply moving story of a native pastor and his son, set against apartheid South Africa, a land and a people riven by racial injustice. Remarkable for its lyricism, unforgettable for character and incident, the book is a classic work of love and hope, courage and endurance, born of the dignity of man. The novel is available on Amazon. All are welcome. For information, contact Ann Gallagher
or Laura Thatcher

Do You Know ProTools or Logic?
The Music Department is looking for someone who knows ProTools, Logic, or some other comparable program for recording and mixing the services. If you are familiar with a program like this, please contactJim Raycroft.

A Caring Community
Did you know that we have a ministry that organizes meals and other assistance for church folks in times of need? In the past, we've helped arrange rides to medical appointments, meals for people recovering from surgery, and more. Leila Grantz coordinates this ministry, using online sign-up tools. If you want to be a part of the group that she emails when there is an opportunity to help, or if you know someone who's in need of a little help, please contact the church office or Leila.

It's Almost Time for Our Rummage Sale
Our United Methodist Women's Bi-Annual Rummage Sale is Coming! October 2 & 3
Come shop all day Friday, October 2, or Saturdaymorning, October 3. Volunteers needed for set-up, staffing the sale and more!
Game Booth at the Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair
Join our Stewardship Committee is hosting our game booth at the Hometown Fair, October 3 & 4. This is a fun way for our church family to be visible in the community, and to help raise funds in support of our many ministries! Families and individuals are encouraged to sign up to help. Contact Linsey and Kirk Miller to volunteer.
Tell Us About Yourself...
We hope you will take a moment to tell us about your skills and interests through our online questionnaire. Our Membership Committee
With several new members, the club has selected as its next read, "Cry, the Beloved Country." Written by Alan Paton and published in 1948, this impassioned novel is the deeply moving story of a native pastor and his son, set against apartheid South Africa, a land and a people riven by racial injustice. Remarkable for its lyricism, unforgettable for character and incident, the book is a classic work of love and hope, courage and endurance, born of the dignity of man. The novel is available on Amazon. All are welcome. For information, contact Ann Gallagher
or Laura Thatcher
Do You Know ProTools or Logic?
The Music Department is looking for someone who knows ProTools, Logic, or some other comparable program for recording and mixing the services. If you are familiar with a program like this, please contactJim Raycroft.
A Caring Community
Did you know that we have a ministry that organizes meals and other assistance for church folks in times of need? In the past, we've helped arrange rides to medical appointments, meals for people recovering from surgery, and more. Leila Grantz coordinates this ministry, using online sign-up tools. If you want to be a part of the group that she emails when there is an opportunity to help, or if you know someone who's in need of a little help, please contact the church office or Leila.
It's Almost Time for Our Rummage Sale
Our United Methodist Women's Bi-Annual Rummage Sale is Coming! October 2 & 3
Come shop all day Friday, October 2, or Saturdaymorning, October 3. Volunteers needed for set-up, staffing the sale and more!
Game Booth at the Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair
Join our Stewardship Committee is hosting our game booth at the Hometown Fair, October 3 & 4. This is a fun way for our church family to be visible in the community, and to help raise funds in support of our many ministries! Families and individuals are encouraged to sign up to help. Contact Linsey and Kirk Miller to volunteer.
Tell Us About Yourself...
We hope you will take a moment to tell us about your skills and interests through our online questionnaire. Our Membership Committee
encourages you to "Check into Church" for 2015, to let us know how you might have gifts to use in ministry here.
Volunteers Always Needed
We are always looking for volunteers for a variety of church ministries. Currently, we are looking for:
-anyone with skill in refinishing wood floors to help refinish the stage.
-volunteers to purchase and set out Communion elements for Sunday worship
-choir members to sing at Wednesday night rehearsals and Sunday worship
-and so much more!
We will have some of these opportunities posted on the church bulletin board. Check them out on Sunday.
Altar Flowers 2015
Would you like to purchase altar flowers for the sanctuary for Sundayworship? It's easy! Just click this link and fill out the order form.
Cost: $45
New Shelves for Shared Bread's Food Storage
Thanks to Nathanael Griffith for a wonderful Eagle Scout Project
Our thanks to Nathanael Griffith for building new storage for Shared Bread in the store room behind Heath Chapel. With the help of other volunteers, he designed and built shelving, organized donations, and built a work table. His project makes the space much more usable and is a great blessing to our ministry. Thanks, Nathanael!
Prayer Quilt Ministry:
Next Workshop on Friday, September 25, 10am-noon
For our September prayer quilt meeting, we will work on several of the project we started, and begin a project with the fabrics we dyed in August! New people are always welcome--no experience necessary.
Know someone in need of prayer? You can sponsor a free prayer quilt for them. More information is online.
Reserve your spot now...
First UMC Redondo Beach
Women's Spiritual Weekend Retreat
February 5 - 7, 2016
La Casa de Maria
Santa Barbara, California
We will learn about leading a simple, beautiful and amazing life.
Our four sessions will include:
Expectation Be Gone! Are We Happy Yet?
Pause for Peace and Living a Simple Life, Home and Faith.
Come and be refreshed!
Leader: Rev Nicole Reilley
Total Cost: $275 (for two nights, six meals, program)
Limited space available - reserve your spot TODAY!
($100 non-refundable deposit required to reserve your spot)
Questions? Contact any of the following:
Peggy Mercer -
Eloise Elder -
Rebecca Thomas -
Susanne Paulson -
Community Events and Other Opportunities:
click these headings for links for more information
Riviera UMC's Rejoice in Art! Fine Art Fair and Exhibition:October 16 & 17, 2015
(show continues thru Oct 30)
California-based artists are invited to enter the juried show "An Ocean View."
Deadline to enter is August 19. Click here for more info
West District Training Conference: for Current and Emerging Leaders January 30, 2016 , 8am - 2pm @ Holman UMC Click here for more info
Visit the page and "like" us so you can see and share the latest photos, news and links from the church.
This Week at Church...
Book Club: TONIGHT, 7pm in May Day Parlor
Office Closed: Mon, Sept 7, Labor Day Holiday
Women's Retreat Planning Mtg: Tue, Sept 8, 7:30pm, May Day Parlor
Nursery (6 weeks+):
The Nursery is open during both services, for ages 6 weeks to 6 yrs old.(Three year olds and older attend Sunday School.) Located right off of the parking lot across Epworth Lounge. Any questions email the NurseryCoordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry (age 3 - 3rd Grade & Church R Us: grades 4-5):
10:30am: This is our kick-off week for our new year of Sunday School!
Join us in church at the beginning of the service for a special Children's moment and welcome. Then we will leave for the Shared Bread pantry to categorize and sort food for this amazing ministry. All Children are invited to bring some canned food to contribute to the cause. Next week CRU and Sunday school will meet at 10:30am in their designated rooms.
Youth Group (6th-12th grade):
- Sunday School for Middle School? Nope, next week (Sept 13th)!
-Youth Group This Sunday? Nope! Cancelled because so many of us are out of town. However, you're allowed to hang out with each other. It's OK.
- Sunday, September 20th (6pm) we're celebrating Worship Feast with other local UMC youth groups at Torrance First United Methodist Church. It'll be awesome!
-We're doing a color run Saturday, September 26th (10:30am-3pm, is the actual event)! It will be at Lazy W Camp (where some of us went to summer camp) in San Juan Capistrano, and the cost will be $15. PLEASE RSVP by emailing Stephen by Wednesday!
- Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat: Remember the meetingSunday after church in Epworth! Come to hear more details, and begin discussing what role you might have in the play or the fundraiser!
For more info on upcoming youth events, check our website!
Men's Breakfast: Our next breakfast is Monday, September 7, at 7AM.Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd) All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
20/30 group: This young adult group is a casual gathering of people intheir 20's and 30's looking to connect with other young adults who attend the same church. Contact Amanda Kuczun for info on upcoming events!
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
310-372-8445 main
310-372-5696 fax
Reverend Molly Vetter, Lead & Teaching Pastor
Ernie Valenzuela, Administrative Assistant x101
First United Methodist Church
Reverend Molly Vetter, Lead & Teaching Pastor
Ernie Valenzuela, Administrative Assistant x101
First United Methodist Church
243 South Broadway Street
Redondo Beach, California 90277 United States
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