Tuesday, September 1, 2015

ICYMI- Field Poll report- Majority of Californians support #Health4All from #Health4All for Tuesday, 1 September 2015

ICYMI- Field Poll report- Majority of Californians support #Health4All from #Health4All for Tuesday, 1 September 2015

California received some very positive news this week!
A recent statewide poll conducted by Field Poll showed growing support for expanding health care to undocumented Californians. According to the findings, 58 percent of the state’s registered voters support the idea of extending Medi-Cal coverage to all, regardless of immigration status. That’s up from 51 percent in the same poll conducted last year.
A strong majority of Californians are beginning to recognize that undocumented Californians are part of our communities, contribute to our economy and deserve access to affordable, quality health care. Through #Health4All, the voices of our undocumented friends, family members and neighbors are being lifted up across the state, and Californians as a whole are clearly turning a page towards acceptance and inclusion.
But while this week’s encouraging Field Poll findings give us hope, we still have a long way to go. We will continue to blaze new trails so that all Californians have access to quality, affordable health care – regardless of immigration status.
Please read the report findings here.
Please share this report with your networks on Social Media and encourage others to join the #Health4All campaign.
Thank you for your efforts towards moving our health care system towards one that is inclusive of ALL Californians.
#Health4All Team

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