Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Now on Jewish.TV: Consequences for Mitzvahs: Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 38 - Shmuel Kaplan from Jewish.TV - Chabad. Video for Tuesday, 2 September 2015

Now on Jewish.TV: Consequences for Mitzvahs: Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 38 - Shmuel Kaplan from Jewish.TV - Chabad. Video for Tuesday, 2 September 2015

Consequences for Mitzvahs
Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 38
By Shmuel Kaplan

This webcast begins:
Tuesday, September 01, 2015 at 7pm ET
About this webcast:
The second paragraph of the Shema (v’hayah) restates and expands on elements of the first paragraph, but in markedly different form. Also, the Torah informs us of the ‘reward and punishment’ for mitzvah observance, warning us not to abandon them.
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