Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Now on Jewish.TV: What Is the Straight Path for Man?: Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels - Aaron L. Raskin from Jewish.TV - Chabad Video for Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Now on Jewish.TV: What Is the Straight Path for Man?: Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels - Aaron L. Raskin from Jewish.TV - Chabad Video for Wednesday, 2 September 2015

What Is the Straight Path for Man?
Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels
Aaron L. Raskin

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About this webcast:
Rebbi [Yehudah HaNassi] would say: Which is the right path for man to choose for himself? Whatever is harmonious for the one who does it, and harmonious for mankind. (Ethics of Our Fathers 2:1)
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