Friday, September 4, 2015

Pastor Jason Gant for Friday, September 4, 2015 Subject: Weekly eNote - Friday, 4 Sepember 2015 of The Resurrection United Methodist Church West in Olathe, Kansas, United States

Pastor Jason Gant for Friday, September 4, 2015 Subject: Weekly eNote - Friday, 4 Sepember 2015 of The Resurrection United Methodist Church West in Olathe, Kansas, United States

Resurrection West,
You will not want to miss worship this Sunday! We are welcoming a guest preacher, guest worship leader, sharing together in Holy Communion, and inviting children forward for a special children’s sermon moment!
Darryl Burton will be here to preach through his life testimony. Darryl came to be a devoted follower of Jesus while wrongly incarcerated for 24 years. Darryl also has committed his life to ministry and is currently in his final year of seminary at St. Paul. I’ve heard some of Darryl’s story and it is truly incredible. One of Darryl’s attorneys that worked on his case is a member here at West. We will also be welcoming Cory Ryan as our guest worship leader. Cory currently leads worship in our Vibe service at the Leawood campus along with leading rezlife youth bands, care night, and other places God calls his talents. Cory will be leading us in some original worship music, along with some classics. Check him out on iTunes by searching for his latest worship project "Vessel Worship" or for "Cory Ryan". His label's website is at
Sunday is also a “family worship” Sunday, which means no KiDS COR. Nursery for 4 years and under is always available at every service (kids packets will also be available in the Sanctuary). Christie Walker, our Children’s Director, will also be sharing a children’s sermon as she interviews Cooper Crockett - one of our members who is 13 years old and has a passion to provide for those in need through his effort to raise funds called “change for Malawai”.
You can see now why this is going to be an amazing Sunday in worship! Here are some upcoming opportunities to be in mission and ministry together. I hope you will consider one or more of these for your next step in faith growth.
  • Over 125 now signed up for the Revival study - begins Sept. 14th
  • Over 20 8th-12th grade students already signed up for Confirmation!
  • Sacred Steps 5k - coming Sept. 26th
  • Faithwork - coming Sept. 12th
  • Serve our partner school here in Olathe
  • Bless the School Honduras Mission Trip
  • Get your 25th anniversary t-shirt NOW!
  • Join our church family at coffee with the pastors - Sept. 20th 
  • Building Better Moms
  • Saturday morning ladies group
  • Saturday morning men’s group
  • New fall studies for Thursday Live women!
  • RezWest Care night on Tuesdays!
Revival! Monday Night Study Begins Sept. 14 – Join us for this 6-week study on Monday evenings at Rez West. We’ll start with a meal and then seek “revival” in our own hearts and minds as Christ’s followers. Great for small groups! Books are available at a discounted rate of $8. To register for Revival, go to Small groups are designed to build Christian community in a smaller group setting and offer opportunities for fellowship and study. If you aren’t doing life with a small group, consider joining or forming one! Contact for assistance.
Attention 8th-12th graders - Grow in Faith in Confirmation - Confirmation is a 9-week class for students in grades 8-12 on Sundays, September 13 – November 22, 1:30-2:45 pm. The class culminates in a profession of faith at a Confirmation Ceremony on Sunday, November 22, where students confirm their faith and become members of Resurrection. Register for the fall session at Contact with any questions.
10th Annual Sacred Steps 5K Run/Walk – Saturday, Sept. 26 at the Leawood campus. All proceeds will go towards 
education and health in the DR Congo. Sign up at

FaithWork – Serve God by serving those in need! Adults, students and children are welcome to participate in a variety of family-friendly mission opportinities. The next FaithWork date is Sat., Sept. 12, meet at Resurrection West at 9 am. For questions,
Serve Our Partner School – Ridgeview Elementary students are back to school! Our Backpacks for Hunger ministry provides nutritious food for those in danger of going hungry on the weekends. If you are interested in ways you can support this ministry that is vital to student success, visit
2016 Bless the School Serve Trip – Join our team as we head to Honduras Jan. 17-24, 
2016! Our mission will be to share the love of Christ as we teach the teachers English and help prepare the Juan Wesley School for the 2016 school year. For more information and to apply, go to Trip leaders are Dan and Anne Strempke; contact them at
Resurrection 25th Anniversary T-shirts - The Church of the Resurrection turns 25 years old this October! You can order a special t-shirt commemorating the anniversary. Shirts are $5 each and come in men’s and women’s cuts and children’s sizes in a variety of colors! Stop by the table in the entry to place your order, or go to for online orders.
Coffee with the Pastors – Sunday, Sept. 20, 2:30-4:30 pm. Are you considering joining Resurrection? Attend Coffee with the Pastors to learn more about the church, get to know our pastors and review membership expectations. Childcare available. Register
Learn, Grow & Serve with BBM at Rez West - Enjoy fellowship, food and fun with other moms. Groups
meet approximately twice per month during the school
year on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings.
Childcare is available, but limited. Discussion topics
include: Keeping kids safe on-line, planning for a financial
emergency, fire safety and emergency preparedness, how to prepare for college and other topics moms can relate to. New this year, we will have a Pastor Panel made up of our very own Rez West pastors to answer your questions. To register visit
Rez West Saturday Morning Ladies fall study, Keep it Shut, begins Sept. 12. Through biblical examples and personal stories, Karen Ehman shares the hows (and how-nots) of dealing with the tongue. Contact Jane McGinnis at for more information.
Saturday Morning Men’s Group kicks off Sept. 12 with The Good and Beautiful Life book study ($12). Meet downstairs from 8-9:30 am. Breakfast is catered by HyVee ($5 suggested donation). Contact Allan Henning at for more information.
New Fall Studies for Thursday Live Women! Classes start Sept. 10. Childcare available, register soon at Morning sessions are from 9:30-11, and evening sessions are from 6:30-8.
. Fight Back with Joy by Margaret Feinberg – (morning) facilitated by Nicole Conard and Kristi Aufderheide. Discover the ways joy can help you fight life’s battles. 

. Chase by Jennie Allen – (morning) facilitated by Gretchen Aerni. This study of David’s journey will challenge you – whether you’re trying to please God or running away from him. 

. Alpha Prayer – (morning) facilitated by Diane Robertson. Learn about prayer – from why to how! 

. The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson – (evening) facilitated by Stephanie Makalous. Discover how 
to pray in a BIG way. “God honors bold prayers and bold prayers honor God!” 

Resurrection West Care Night – We are a church that cares about you and what you’re going through. Starting Tuesday, Sept. 8, you are invited to gather with others at 6:45 pm at Resurrection West for eight consecutive Tuesday evenings of learning and support. This fall, we will offer three classes: depression help, anxiety help and grief support. For more information or to register, contact Congregational Care Minister Rosemary Plum at
We had a great men’s retreat last weekend in Rockbridge, MO. 24 attended and the trout were biting. One of our guys caught over 45 pounds of fish alone! We worshiped together, broke bread together, laughed, and shared in memorable fellowship. If you missed the retreat, look for it again in September of 2016. Here are a few pics, You can see more pics on our facebook page by clicking

Finally, Upward Soccer practice began this past week and we have dozens of excited kids and parents. Uniforms were handed out, plus each player gets a poster emphasizing key spiritual concepts for the season. Coaches hand out star stickers for best effort, sportsmanship, Christ-likeness that kids can stick on their poster at home. There is always a mid-practice devotional on Christian principles, scripture cards, and more. It’s going to be a great season and we could still use a few more volunteers if you would like to get involved. to find out ways you can serve! Plus Upward Basketball registration is now open coming this winter Here are a some pics from the practices this week.

God is visibly moving throughout our congregation and community through retreats, sports, and more. I am so proud to serve here at Resurrection West and I look forward to hearing Darryl's powerful testimony, singing praise with our worship team, and hearing one of our 13-year olds set the example of what it means to be a disciple. See you Sunday!
Pastor Jason
Resurrection West Campus
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061 United States
For an after hours urgent pastoral care need call 913-314-6058
Follow on twitter @rezwest
Connect on facebook at
Pastor Jason Gant
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061 United States

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