Thursday, September 10, 2015

St. James United Methodist Church E-News for Thursday, 20 August 2015

St. James United Methodist Church E-News for Thursday, 20 August 2015

United Methodist Church E-NEWS - Thursday, 20 August 2015
Weekly Announcements. Announcements can be found on the church website and are updated weekly. For those who do not have internet access, a limited number of printed announcements are available Sunday mornings. To begin receiving our electronic communications, click on the 'Email Sign-up' tab on the homepage to register. To submit information for the e-mail requests, to by noon each Wednesday.
Hebrews. The snack and fellowship time held between the 8 and 11 a.m. worship celebrations in the Ministry Mall will resume Sunday, Sept. 20. Individuals, ministries or groups wishing to sponsor a fellowship should contact Lisa Hardwick at 816-305-6699or
Tour Information. A $200 discount on the Holy land tour will expire Tues., Sept. 1. Deposit, insurance and passport information must be received by then in order to qualify for the discount for the tour, to be hosted by Dr. Emanuel Cleaver III. For more information, contact Carolyn Hall at 816-763-6440 or
Sunday Worship. "Embracing My Spiritual Gifts" (1 Corinthians 12:1-3) Join us as Dr. Cleaver explains how everyone has spiritual gifts and why we need to appreciate their importance and understand their purpose.
Mid-week re-boot. Wednesday Night Live is at 7 p.m. each week in the sanctuary. Join us for praise, worship, healing, testimonials and teaching.
Back to Church. Back to Church. This year, St. James is participating in the national Back to Church movement by creating an evangelistic event. Members are encouraged to invite others to join us at either the 8 or 11 a.m. worship on Sun., Sept. 20 at the Paseo Campus. Before inviting others, please prayerfully consider the following, which will help as you invite others to worship:
Why do you attend church? In other words, what does church mean in your life?
Why do you attend St. James? What does St. James mean to you?
New Bible Study. Get ready to learn and grow with a new St. James Bible study. Come seeking and asking as Dr. Cleaver and the St. James ministry team explore the miracles of Jesus and the mysteries of the Bible. Weekly sessions will be at 7 p.m. Thursdays, beginning Sept. 17, here at the Paseo campus. Watch for more details in future church communications.
Covenant Disciple Groups. Ever pondered what it means to be a dependable disciple of Jesus Christ? Allow St. James Societies to help propel you from pondering to poignant plan when you join one of several Small Community Groups. The goal? To draft a covenant to guide Christian witnessing, according to the United Methodist General Rule of Discipleship. Members will put on the table how they've witnessed, which will lead to drafting a written plan. Please begin gathering participants for your groups, or, sign up for a group that's already being formed. Sign-ups will be held Sunday, Aug. 30 through Sept. 12. Training will be provided, to participants in their groups, Saturdays, Sept. 19 and 26, Small Community Groups will meet for the first time the week of Oct. 4. For more information, please contact Crystal Hart-Johnson, 816-820-7706.
Disciple Study. Explore the Old Testament's story of God and His calling of the people of Israel through the many "voices" of the Biblical text. Hear the magnificence of a Creation hymn, discover the law and wisdom teachings, listen to the warning of the prophets and explore the poetry of the Song of Solomon. Biblical scholars offer explanations about archaeological sites, ancient artifacts and other remains, which include visual tours, created to illuminate scripture. The study is designed to offer a deeper understanding, and appreciation of, the Old Testament as an integral part of the Christian Bible. This study boasts a renewed discovery of our identity in God and God's vision for all things. Cost of the book is $13 and must be paid in advance. The facilitator is Royce Turner and the class will meet for eight weeks at 6:15 p.m. beginning Tuesday, Sept. 15 at the Paseo campus. Enrollment ends Sunday, Aug. 30. Sign up for the class and order the book on the church website, For more information, call Crystal Johnson, 816-820-7706.
Game Outing. The United Methodist Men are sponsoring a Family Night at the K Friday, Sept. 25, beginning at 7 p.m. at Kauffman Stadium. United Methodist family and friends are invited to this event, which is being sponsored by the United Methodist Men. Tickets for the game, which is Royals vs. Cleveland Indians, are being sold at a discount rate of $17 (usual price is $21) and includes access to the Royals Hall of Fame, activities in the outfield plaza and seating in a block reserved for this group. Pre-order also includes a special parking pass rate of $10 (as compared with $12 regular price). Tickets must be pre-paid and reserved by Thurs., Sept. 10 and seats are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. These tickets will not be available at the gate on game day. To order tickets, or for more information, contact Royce Turner at or 816-372-6069.
Faith Extender. What if taking the next steps in growing spiritually was as easy as a click on your computer or TV? Great news-it is through RightNow Media. Just consider it the Netflix of Bible studies. This 12,000-video library offers faith-based tools to access this gift whenever and wherever you want-whether by phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV. In addition, RightNow Media also is offering a special study, just for youth. You should already have received an official invitation email to give you FREE access to RightNow Media-or, you can simply click here: Contact Pastor Elmer Cunningham with questions,
August Prayers. With only four months left in 2015, perhaps life isn't going the way you had planned. In August, we're reminded that a new beginning is coming. God is about to turn things around for us during August. This month's prayer will focus on how things are turning around for you and everything you touch will turn to gold. We are asking Lee's Summit and Blue Springs members to join us at 6 p.m. Tues., Aug. 25 and Thurs., Aug. 27 as we pray for these areas. You can either come in person to pray or call the prayer line,530-881-1212, code # 293680996. As we discover God's will, He will answer us. Now this is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us. "Whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him." (1 John 5:14) "Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers."(3 John 2)
Teachers' Institute. Sunday school will host the next Teachers' Institute from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 3 in the Ministry Mall.
Men's Weekend. "Men at Work" is this year's theme. Activities span Friday, Oct. 16 through Sunday, Oct. 18 and include the following:
Friday "100 Men" Fellowship Dinner with Pastor Cleaver from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Peach Tree Buffet. Tickets are $15 and now available before or after worship at the Welcome Center. Don't wait until October; give your annual Men's Day offering of $40 when you purchase your ticket to the fellowship dinner.
Saturday Breakfast with family and community outreach;
Sunday worship celebration with the announcement of Youth of the Year (YOY) and Man of the Year (MOY). Nomination forms can obtained from, and submitted to, Edward Bell, 816-213-8751; Dough Ngomsi 816-728-6626; or David Whalen II 816-914-6806 or Nomination deadline: YOY - Sept. 1; MOY - Sept. 15.
Christian Sympathy is extended to Stephanie Boyd, Benjamin Boyd Jr. and Simone Adgers at the passing of their mother, stepmother and grandmother, Mamie Boyd.
Health Ministry. The St. James Health Ministry is offering blood pressure screenings following the 8 and 11 a.m. worships this Sun. (Aug. 23) at the Paseo Campus. In addition, September is prostate health month and this ministry will highlight men's health issues. A few volunteers are needed to share their health journey stories during a panel discussion to be held Sun., Sept. 20 during HeBrews in the Ministry Mall. To share your story, please contact Health Ministry Chair Meredith Shellner at or call/text816-506-5204 by Mon., Aug. 31.
DeFeet Hunger.
Join St. James in our quest to help feed those in need by participating in the annual De-Feet Hunger event. Needed: runners, walkers, food packers and prayer warriors. The 5K run/walk begins at 8 a.m. Sat., Sept. 12 at St. James Paseo campus. Volunteers may pack lunches for Harvesters and area high school students. Food will be packed immediately following the race. To register as a volunteer packing food, or walker/runner, visit
Registration for adults ages 19 and older, is $30 through Mon., Aug. 31 and $35 fromTues., Sept. 1 through Wed., Sept. 30. For ages 7 to 18, registration is $5 through Aug. 31 and $10 during Sept. Volunteers may pack food for no charge and should contact Pastor of Outreach Arretta Shannon, 816-444-5588, ext. 122. T-shirts are available for $20.
Packets may be picked up at Gary Gibble's Running Sports from noon to 7 p.m. throughFri., Sept. 11 at Ward Parkway Mall. Late registration and packet pick-up is from 7 to 7:45 a.m. day of the event.
"Selfless Saturday." Join the St. James Evangelism Team and Encounter young adults as they collaborate with Faith is L.I.F.E. (Living In Full Effect) from noon to 2 p.m. Sat., Aug. 29. Volunteers will cook the food at St. James, Paseo Campus, where some will be served to those who gather at the church while other volunteers will take the food to the homeless living in the community.
Volunteers are needed to assist with set up, donating ingredients to be prepared, cooking, donating already-prepared desserts, serving food and water and clean-up. To volunteer, or for more information, please contact Kendra Savage, 816-785-3394
GriefShare. It is our prayer that this communication finds you in a hopeful spirit as you continue your "Journey from Mourning to Joy". We know that it may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now if you've lost a spouse child, parent, sibling, family member, or friend. You've probably also found there is really no one who truly understands the deep hurt you feel. This can be a confusing time in which you feel isolated and have many questions about things you've never faced before.
The St. James Grief Support Ministry invites you to join us tonight (Aug. 20) for orientation to the "GriefShare" 11-week sessions which begins at 6 p.m. Thurs., Aug. 27 at "GriefShares" goal is to provide comfort and support for those grieving the death of a loved one. "GriefShare" is a nondenominational, Christ-centered, biblically based curriculum that conveys hope and restoration.
Each week our "GriefShare" group watches a video seminar featuring top experts on grief and recovery subjects. Session topics include "Is This Normal?" "The Challenges of Grief," "Grief and Your Relationships," "Why?" and "Guilt and Anger." After viewing the video, we spend time as a support group, discussing what was presented in that week's video seminar and what is going on in our lives. During the week between sessions, group members complete a daily Bible study and practical exercises in a workbook to help them heal from grief. Anyone is welcome to begin attending the "GriefShare" group at any session. Each is "self-contained," so you do not have to attend in sequence. We have found that all who participate will find encouragement and help whenever they begin. We also extend an invitation for "alumnus" of previous "GriefShare" sessions to join us again as the curriculum has been enhanced and new material and grief experts have been added. There is a nominal fee of $15.00 which includes a workbook, weekly refreshments, and other items; scholarships are available. Also, if there is someone you know who might also benefit from "GriefShare", please consider inviting him or her to accompany you. We look forward to your presence and participation.
For more information or to pre-register, contact
Information Session and Pre-Registration:
Tonight (Thurs., Aug. 20, 2015)
Time: 6 pm
Sessions Start Date:
Thurs., Aug. 27, 2015
Time: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Nursery Volunteers. We are hosting a drive for volunteers to serve in the church nursery for the 8 and 11 a.m. worships on Sundays. If you're interested in volunteering, please contact Pastor Andre' Fulton or by calling the church office, 816-444-5588.
Mustard Seeds Choir. Rehearsals resume this Saturday, (Aug. 22) at 10 a.m. in the Vaughn Chapel. Children ages 5-11 are encouraged to particiapte. For more information, email Jennifer Booker
Scoops for Books. Next Generation Ministries is hosting a book drive from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sat., Aug. 29. Scoops of ice cream will be given to those who donate gently-used books, which will be given to children and their families seeking help at a local shelter.
R.A.G.E. Our weekly youth worship experience resumes Wednesday, Sept. 2. We are having a dinner party that involves preparing our own meal. Please arrive by 6:30 p.m. to help out in the kitchen.
Youth Confirmation. The 2016 Confirmation Class begins with an orientation at 9:45 a.m.Sun., Sept. 13 in the Great Hall Conference Room (sanctuary lower level) across from the downstairs Youth Room. Confirmation refers to the decision a young person makes to respond to God with an intentional commitment, publicly affirming or reaffirming his or her baptismal vows before the congregation. Most confirmands are youth between the ages of eleven and fourteen, who have been nurtured in the church since their baptism as an infant or young child. Most churches offer a deliberate time of preparation before this service. During confirmation class, confirmands learn about the meaning of Christian faith; the history and teachings and The United Methodist Church; and an explanation of the baptismal and membership vows they will be professing.
Pancake Breakfast. Our Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are hosting a pancake breakfast fundraiser from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sun., Sept. 13, to which all are invited. Tickets will be available at the Welcome Center following 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship leading up to the event. Tickets are $5 for children through age 11 and $7 for those 12 and older. For more information, contact Nyrobi Collins at
Town Hall Meeting. Plan now to attend the next Town Hall Sunday, Sept. 27 during Hebrews to which all parents, children and youth are asked to attend. There will be information regarding the year of activities and other opportunities available to children within Next Generation Ministries.
Encounter. The young adult worship experience is scheduled to re-launched and will meet twice monthly, including Sundays, Aug. 30 and Sept. 13. For more information, contact Pastor Andre Fulton at

St. James United Methodist Church
Paseo Campus
Renaissance Campus
St. James United Methodist Church
5540 Wayne Avenue
Kansas City, Missouri 64110 United States

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