Monday, September 7, 2015

The L'Arche Canada Foundation in Richomond, Ontario, Canada Daily Thought by Jean Vanier for Monday, 7 September 2015 "Changing the World"

The L'Arche Canada Foundation in Richomond, Ontario, Canada Daily Thought by Jean Vanier for Monday, 7 September 2015 "Changing the World"

I have been trying to point out that our deep need is to meet others on the other side of the wall, to discover their gifts, to appreciate them. We must not get caught up in the need for power over the poor. We need to be with the poor. That can seem a bit crazy because it doesn't look like a plan to change the world. But maybe we will change the world if we are happy. Maybe what we need most is to rejoice and to celebrate with the weak and the vulnerable.[Jean Vanier, "Living Gently in a Violent World," page 75]

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