Tuesday, December 8, 2015

[Beth Immanuel Newsletter] Kislev Chanukah Newsletter - Beth Immanuel Sabbath Fellowship of Hudson, Wisconsin, United States for Monday, December 7, 2015

[Beth Immanuel Newsletter] Kislev Chanukah Newsletter - Beth Immanuel Sabbath Fellowship of Hudson, Wisconsin, United States for Monday, December 7, 2015

Beth Immanuel Newsletter
Kislev Chanukah Newsletter

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12)
Happy Chanukah!
End-of-Year Donation
Beth Immanuel is dedicated to advancing the message of the kingdom of heaven and teaching Messianic Judaism for all nations. Please remember to support the work of Beth Immanuel with a generous, tax-deductible, year-end contribution to the ministry of Beth Immanuel so that we may continue to shine our light.
The Three Campaigns
On the first day of Sukkot this year, Pastor Lancaster introduced the community to three new campaigns for 5776:
Come Home to Hudson
Oneg Shabbat
Messianic Jewish Learning Center.
We have already unveiled two of the three campaigns: Come Home to Hudson and Oneg Shabbat. Both are still under development. The details about the Messianic Jewish Learning Center remain hush-hush, but we anticipate that they will be released to the online community early in 2016. All three campaigns need your help and participation. Help us accomplish this great work. Promote the campaigns to your friends and family as we release the details, and support Beth Immanuel financially in these kingdom-building endeavors.
Chanukah Party
This year at Chanukah, we will celebrate our bar mitzvah as a congregation—thirteen years since our first services during the Chanukah of 2002. Join the fun at our annual Chanukah party. Click here for your invitation.
Star of Messiah
Aaron Eby’s popular presentation on the star of Bethlehem, “Star of Messiah,” will take place at the Plugged In service on Wednesday, Dec 16, at 7:00 PM. Please invite your friends. If you can’t attend, you can still get a copy of the presentation through First Fruits of Zion.
Apocalypse of John
Beth Immanuel Plugged In services take place on Wednesday nights. Join us every Wednesday at 7pm for music, a children's program, and Pastor Lancaster’s new teaching series Apocalypse of John.
Back from China
Pastor Lancaster has returned from his teaching trip to China where he and Boaz Michael presented teachings in support of the release of Chinese versions of HaYesod and Holy Epistle to the Galatians. Read about their adventures in these online articles about the China trip.
Parsonage Purchase
Beth Immanuel is attempting to secure a mortgage to purchase a house adjacent to our property for use as a Beth Immanuel parsonage. The parsonage will be used to house Pastor Troy Mitchell’s family, as a hospitality center (Sabbath House) for hosting Sabbath meals and Sabbath guests, and housing for Messianic Bible School students. We are scheduled to close on the property in the first week of January. Pray for success and blessing in this effort. Participate in the project with a generous year-end donation to Beth Immanuel.
Thank You to all Donors
Thank you to all of our donating congregants and virtual members for your donations in 2015. May the LORD remember all your gifts and regard all your offerings with favor. If you would like to support the ministry of Beth Immanuel, please click here to donate online or send a check to:
Beth Immanuel
P.O.Box 562
Hudson, Wisconsin 54016-0562, United States
Your donation is tax-deductible. Thank you!
Beth Immanuel Newsletter

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