The reactions to the reading of the resurrection story were immediate:
“Wait. Why didn’t they see this was what was going to happen?”
“Yeah… What’s up them acting so unprepared for this moment?”
“Isn’t this exactly what he told them would happen?”
“Right? I mean, didn’t he already raise two other people from the dead?”
“Did these disciple guys ever pay attention?”
Clearly this was a tough crowd...
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"Our sight" by Reverend Brent Ross
The reactions to our reading of the resurrection story were immediate:
“Wait. Why didn’t they see this was what was going to happen?”
“Yeah…What’s up them acting so unprepared for this moment?”
“Isn’t this exactly what he told them would happen?”
“Right? I mean, didn’t he already raise two other people from the dead?”
“Did these disciple guys ever pay attention?”
Every week we end our staff meeting together here at the church talking about the Scripture passage for Sunday’s worship focus. I read the Scripture and then we just spend some time asking questions or throwing out ideas, and so Easter week was no different. I had just read the passage for Sunday (which you can find here) where the disciples have just heard from Mary Magdalene that the tomb is empty.
The disciples response, though, is less than substantial. Upon hearing from the women that the tomb is empty and that “the living is no longer among this place of the dead” the vast majority of them dismiss the words of these first chosen witnesses to the resurrection and decide instead that this is only “an idle tale.” (And as an aside, could there be any stronger Biblical advocation of women in ministry leadership positions than the fact that they believed first while the men did not?) As Mary and others perhaps plead with them to believe and to remember Christ’s words as proof, instead they dismiss them. They wave their hands and continue forgetting while content to leave their hope in shattered pieces around them.
And so, the reaction in staff was understandably severe towards the disciples who dismissed the words of these women who remembered and saw and told. “Why weren’t they ready for this moment?” we asked. Sitting at the table we knew, of course, that to be told Jesus had risen from the dead would be a lot for them to accept, but hadn’t they just spent several years with him watching, eating, hearing and seeing?
Watching as he raised Lazarus from the dead,
Eating the food he created in a miracle,
Hearing him tell how he would conquer the grave, and
Seeing him live in light of the coming Kingdom of God.
So, how is it at this final moment and time when it all matters the most that they forget it all? I don’t know…maybe the darkness of that day when the tomb held God in silence just simply extinguished whatever remembering could have happened.
The news of another terrorist attack this week seemed almost to push me to the point of the exhaustion. In the past few months alone, there have been literally hundreds of terrorist attacks. Ankara, Instanbul, Brussels, the list grows and grows and, to be truthful…I find it hard to speak hope. The world seems almost impossibly broken. The pain is not only global, but it is also irreducibly personal. For instance, just this week I met with a mother whose daughter had committed suicide because online “friends” ostracized her and turned unspeakably mean. Hate seems to grow, demagogues consolidate power, and good people get chewed up by vicious and broken systems which seem to hold unchallenged sway over their life. I don’t feel like I’m the only one who thinks the only sane answer sometimes is to shrug and say “What’s the point?”
Truthfully, don’t you ever think that too? In the dead of night or in reading the news, haven’t we all in one way or another thought “Oh well…that’s just the way it is.” And isn’t that exactly how hope dies? In small pieces? Bit by bit until there is none left?
Then again, perhaps those words directed at the disciples should also be directed at us. As the world continues, haven’t we too heard the stories of what Christ has done? Haven’t we too gathered every week to eat and drink at the communion table? And haven’t we too ignored those who have witnessed and remembered?
Watching as those we love are healed of physical or emotional pain,
Eating the broken bread together as a sign of his presence,
Hearing the stories of what he has and will continue to do,
Seeing him in the faces and lives of those in our church and world who are in need?
So, how is it at these moments and times when it all matters that we too forget it all?
It’s because we are no different than the disciples…you and I. We forget just as easily, don’t we? Those small crucifixions and full tomb-moments wear us down until we also again need to hear the words of Easter from those who plead with us to believe. He is alive! Death does not have the final word no matter how it looks! As we move into this Holy Week, watch for it my friends. Watch for where you have dropped your pieces of hope, because now is the time for us to help each other gather them again. Praying for you all this week-
Scripture: Luke 24:1-12
Text: Luke 24:1 but the next day, while it was still very early, they took the spices they had prepared, went to the tomb, 2 and found the stone rolled away from the tomb! 3 On entering, they discovered that the body of the Lord Yeshua was gone! 4 They were standing there, not knowing what to think about it, when suddenly two men in dazzlingly bright clothing stood next to them. 5 Terror-stricken, they bowed down with their faces to the ground. The two men said to them, “Why are you looking for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has been raised. Remember how he told you while he was still in the Galil, 7 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be executed on a stake as a criminal, but on the third day be raised again’?” 8 Then they remembered his words; 9 and, returning from the tomb, they told everything to the Eleven and to all the rest. 10 The women who told the emissaries these things were Miryam of Magdala, Yochanah, Miryam the mother of Ya‘akov, and the others in their circle.
11 But the emissaries didn’t believe them; in fact, they thought that what they said was utter nonsense! 12 However, Kefa got up and ran to the tomb. Stooping down, he saw only the burial cloths and went home wondering what had happened.
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for Luke 24:1-12

Easter is THIS SUNDAY! We are so excited about our service and big Easter party after, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you. If you haven't had time to sign up to bring anything, don't worry. You're still welcome to join in on the festivities! We should have plenty of food and drink, and if you are able please just bring a side item or dessert. We’ve got the rest taken care of! Email Pastor Brent at if you have any questions and we will see you here as we celebrate the risen Christ!

Holy Thursday Meal
Tonight • 6:00p-7:30p
Each year on the Thursday night before Easter, we remember the night that Jesus, right before his death, sat down with the disciples and blessed their meal together. Jesus, while sharing food and wine with those He loved, took that moment to remind them to keeping loving each other because that was the only way they would continue his work and mission.
Join us again this year for our Holy Thursday dinner, as we also live out our love for each other. Our very own Pat Waller has organized a “generic” menu based on what was likely served at the Last Supper, which we will be partaking in tonight. If you have any questions, please email Pat at
Good Friday Experience
Tomorrow • 6:30p-8:00p
This Friday, we will have a quiet, somber service in the sanctuary as we recall Jesus final hours before his death. The service will be a Tenebrae service (which means darkening) because as the story is told through the service, the sanctuary will gradually darken in observation of Christ’s death. This service will take place from 6:30p – 8:00p in the Sanctuary.
Easter Sunday Celebration
This Sunday • 10:30a-1:30p
It’s almost the big day and we have a great way to celebrate! This Sunday we will have church at the usual time and celebrate the risen Christ… but the celebration doesn’t end in the sanctuary! At the end of service, we’ll meet up at the community center, where we will have a live band, dancing, potluck lunch, Easter egg hunt AND a real Resurrection Celebration! Carve out some time from 10:30a – 1:30p that day to come and celebrate and bring family and friends! Due to preparations for our Easter service & celebration, there will be no adult or kids’ Sunday School on Easter Sunday, but childcare will be available for ages 6 and under from 9:45a – 11:30a.

Email Pastor Brent
Our mailing address is:
Verse 4
[4] And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
Behold two — Angels in the form of men. Mary had seen them a little before. They had disappeared on these women's coming to the sepulchre, but now appeared again. St. Matthew and Mark mention only one of them, appearing like a young man.
Verse 6
[6] He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,
Remember how he spake to you, saying, The Son of man must be delivered — This is only a repetition of the words which our Lord had spoken to them before his passion But it is observable, he never styles himself the Son of man after his resurrection.
Easter is THIS SUNDAY! We are so excited about our service and big Easter party after, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you. If you haven't had time to sign up to bring anything, don't worry. You're still welcome to join in on the festivities! We should have plenty of food and drink, and if you are able please just bring a side item or dessert. We’ve got the rest taken care of! Email Pastor Brent at if you have any questions and we will see you here as we celebrate the risen Christ!
Holy Thursday Meal
Tonight • 6:00p-7:30p
Each year on the Thursday night before Easter, we remember the night that Jesus, right before his death, sat down with the disciples and blessed their meal together. Jesus, while sharing food and wine with those He loved, took that moment to remind them to keeping loving each other because that was the only way they would continue his work and mission.
Join us again this year for our Holy Thursday dinner, as we also live out our love for each other. Our very own Pat Waller has organized a “generic” menu based on what was likely served at the Last Supper, which we will be partaking in tonight. If you have any questions, please email Pat at
Good Friday Experience
Tomorrow • 6:30p-8:00p
This Friday, we will have a quiet, somber service in the sanctuary as we recall Jesus final hours before his death. The service will be a Tenebrae service (which means darkening) because as the story is told through the service, the sanctuary will gradually darken in observation of Christ’s death. This service will take place from 6:30p – 8:00p in the Sanctuary.
Easter Sunday Celebration
This Sunday • 10:30a-1:30p
It’s almost the big day and we have a great way to celebrate! This Sunday we will have church at the usual time and celebrate the risen Christ… but the celebration doesn’t end in the sanctuary! At the end of service, we’ll meet up at the community center, where we will have a live band, dancing, potluck lunch, Easter egg hunt AND a real Resurrection Celebration! Carve out some time from 10:30a – 1:30p that day to come and celebrate and bring family and friends! Due to preparations for our Easter service & celebration, there will be no adult or kids’ Sunday School on Easter Sunday, but childcare will be available for ages 6 and under from 9:45a – 11:30a.
Our mailing address is:
Normal Heights United Methodist Church
4650 Mansfield Street
4650 Mansfield Street
San Diego, California 92116, United States
Normal Heights United Methodist Church
Normal Heights United Methodist Church
4650 Mansfield Street
San Diego, California 92116, United States
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