Sunday, May 22
Part 4
Join us as we wrap up Crazy Like Us
Have you ever been called 'crazy?' Did you know that there is a good kind of crazy that will make your life stand out, honor God, and expand His kingdom? It doesn't mean you have to accept some wild dare or live like a nomadic gypsy. All of us can live an outside the box life by shifting our perspective on how invest our time, talent, treasure, and resources. Our lives can make an impact far beyond our limited years here. Join us as investigate what this life looks like and what it takes to live 'crazy' like us.
1 TIMOTHY 6:17-18 (NLT)
Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others.
This Sunday we'll have Nana's Heavenly Ice Cream Truck on campus giving away free ice cream after both services.
New Series Starting Sunday, May 29
We're starting a brand new series next Sunday, May 29 called First Personwhere we will be taking a closer look at the synoptic gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke. See you there!
We have two service options on Sunday mornings:
A Traditional Service at 9:00am in The Sanctuary and a
Modern Service at 10:30am in Hashinger Hall.
Kids (birth - 5th grade)
Torrey Kids meet in the Berry Center during both services.
Youth (6th - 12th grade)
Torrey Youth meet at 10:30am in the Youth Room in Hashinger Hall.
A Big Thank You to all those who pitched in and helped make the dresses and shorts for Debbie Bishops Mission Preschool in Rwanda. We We will continue to support her in her preschool and other areas. Debbie is excited about getting the clothes and we can follow her on her blog You will see that her border children have benefited by her love and giving. Looking forward to the next project for the quilt ministry in the fall. Over the summer we do prayer quilts for the Surf Ministry Wounded Warriors returning home. Let me know if you would like to help out.
Prayers & Squares Ministry,
Kathy Anderson -
Did you know?
Since our church merger Torrey Pines Church has checked kids into the Kids Ministry program over 600 times in the past 7 weeks! Our average weekly attendance in children's ministry has increased to over 100 kids! Here are a few of our church members who volunteer their time every week:

What's Next?
As we continue to grow, we will be making some changes to address the needs of our program.
In June, during what we refer to as Up Week, we graduate kids between classrooms based on age and grade. In time for this, one of the things we will be doing in June is creating two new classrooms!
The Pond, which currently serves ages Birth-2, will be divided into a room for babies/crawlers and a separate room for walking toddlers up to age 2.
Our current 1st through 5th grade classroom will be split up into two classrooms (Lower Elementary and Upper Elementary) to better prepare our older kids for transition into Student Ministry.How Can You help?
100 kids in classrooms each Sunday creates a need for 90 unique volunteersserving once per month. We currently have a team of 35 volunteers! To make Kids Ministry work, many of our volunteers are serving multiple times per month, missing service and worship and missing out on meeting and connecting with the awesome people at Torrey Pines Church.

You are invited to become part of the Torrey Pines Church Surf Ministry. We are a community of people who surf and love the ocean (you do not have to surf to be a member). The purpose of the ministry is 1. Model Jesus to the surfing community 2. Continue to assist the Naval Hospital Surf Clinic surfing rehab program for Wounded Warriors 3. Offer surfing every Saturday at La Jolla Shores (free boards and wet suits) 4. Teach surfing to challenge athletes 5.Continue our support of surfing for Boy Scouts. Offer surfing to church youth groups and High Schools. Support Surf Club "RIO" (Ride It Out), a military surf club for Wounded Warriors.
For more information contact
Bob Bishop at 858 926 6067 or Darren Klassen at 858 550 0903
WEEKLY EVENTS: Men's Morning Bible Study
Mondays at 6am
Admin Building, Room #106
Email: Mike Mazaika
Men's Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Admin Building, Room #105
Email: Dave Parsons
Women's Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Admin Building, Room #106
Women's Morning Bible Study
Thursdays at 9:30am
CanyonView Room
Email: Traci DeMarco
Surf Ministry
Thursdays at 8:00am-1:00pm
17th Street in Del Mar
Saturdays at 7:00am-6:00pm
La Jolla Shores
Email: Bob Bishop
PRAYERS: We care about you and want you to know that you are not alone in your situation. Please email your request to our prayer team at and they will join you in prayer for your specific needs and concerns or click HERE. Thank you for trusting us to pray for you.
Each month we update our prayer list with new requests. Access a copy of this month's PRAYER LIST HERE.
STAY CONNECTED: Contact Pastor Freddie
Pastor Freddie is working hard to connect current Torrey Pinesvolunteers with their preferred ministry options. Help him out by contacting him at and letting him know where you’ve been investing your time so we don’t miss anyone wanting to be a part of this great team!
Online Giving:
Click here to give online
EastLake Church
Did you know?
Since our church merger Torrey Pines Church has checked kids into the Kids Ministry program over 600 times in the past 7 weeks! Our average weekly attendance in children's ministry has increased to over 100 kids! Here are a few of our church members who volunteer their time every week:
What's Next?
As we continue to grow, we will be making some changes to address the needs of our program.
In June, during what we refer to as Up Week, we graduate kids between classrooms based on age and grade. In time for this, one of the things we will be doing in June is creating two new classrooms!
The Pond, which currently serves ages Birth-2, will be divided into a room for babies/crawlers and a separate room for walking toddlers up to age 2.
Our current 1st through 5th grade classroom will be split up into two classrooms (Lower Elementary and Upper Elementary) to better prepare our older kids for transition into Student Ministry.How Can You help?
100 kids in classrooms each Sunday creates a need for 90 unique volunteersserving once per month. We currently have a team of 35 volunteers! To make Kids Ministry work, many of our volunteers are serving multiple times per month, missing service and worship and missing out on meeting and connecting with the awesome people at Torrey Pines Church.
You are invited to become part of the Torrey Pines Church Surf Ministry. We are a community of people who surf and love the ocean (you do not have to surf to be a member). The purpose of the ministry is 1. Model Jesus to the surfing community 2. Continue to assist the Naval Hospital Surf Clinic surfing rehab program for Wounded Warriors 3. Offer surfing every Saturday at La Jolla Shores (free boards and wet suits) 4. Teach surfing to challenge athletes 5.Continue our support of surfing for Boy Scouts. Offer surfing to church youth groups and High Schools. Support Surf Club "RIO" (Ride It Out), a military surf club for Wounded Warriors.
For more information contact
Bob Bishop at 858 926 6067 or Darren Klassen at 858 550 0903
WEEKLY EVENTS: Men's Morning Bible Study
Mondays at 6am
Admin Building, Room #106
Email: Mike Mazaika
Men's Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Admin Building, Room #105
Email: Dave Parsons
Women's Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Admin Building, Room #106
Women's Morning Bible Study
Thursdays at 9:30am
CanyonView Room
Email: Traci DeMarco
Surf Ministry
Thursdays at 8:00am-1:00pm
17th Street in Del Mar
Saturdays at 7:00am-6:00pm
La Jolla Shores
Email: Bob Bishop
PRAYERS: We care about you and want you to know that you are not alone in your situation. Please email your request to our prayer team at and they will join you in prayer for your specific needs and concerns or click HERE. Thank you for trusting us to pray for you.
Each month we update our prayer list with new requests. Access a copy of this month's PRAYER LIST HERE.
STAY CONNECTED: Contact Pastor Freddie
Pastor Freddie is working hard to connect current Torrey Pinesvolunteers with their preferred ministry options. Help him out by contacting him at and letting him know where you’ve been investing your time so we don’t miss anyone wanting to be a part of this great team!
Click here to give online
EastLake Church
990 Lane Avenue
Chula Vista, California 91914, United States
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