Friday, October 6, 2017

The Lutheran Hour Ministries of Saint Louis, Missouri, United States for Thursday, 5 October 2017 "Why is there so much hate?"

The Lutheran Hour Ministries of Saint Louis, Missouri, United States for Thursday, 5 October 2017 "Why is there so much hate?"
Yasmina is nine years old and lives in the Middle East. Her family is fortunate – they live in their home and have not come in direct contact with the violence that has become all too common in their region.
Yet, it is impossible for Yasmina not to be aware of what is going on – this violence has existed as long as she can remember. She goes to school every day and plays with her friends, but the question always lingers: “Why is there so much hate?”
One day, some visitors from Lutheran Hour Ministries come into Yasmina’s school. They perform a play that talks about the God-shaped hole we all have in our hearts. They talk about the Gospel and its light for people’s lives.
Yasmina hears that God loves her and wants her to have hope and joy.
Yasmina still lives in a region consumed by great violence and upheaval, but now she has a chance to view her situation with a fresh perspective. This shift could make all the difference for children like Yasmina.
Stories like Yasmina’s are possible because of the support of generous donors like you. Think of the difference we can make together!
Will you make a gift to impact future generations in the Middle East?
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