Thursday, October 5, 2017

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs of Washington, D.C., United States for Wednesday, 4 October 2017 "U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs CMV - News Update"

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs of Washington, D.C., United States for Wednesday, 4 October 2017 "U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs CMV - News Update"

In Case You Missed It: The Center for Minority Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to minority Veterans, service members, and their supporters on a weekly basis.
Travis Manion Foundation Enlists Veterans to Mentor Service Members Transitioning to Civilian Life
The Schultz Family Foundation has partnered with Travis Manion Foundation to provide support and mentorship opportunities for transitioning Veterans. Travis Manion Foundation empowers Veterans and the families of fallen heroes to develop character in future generations. [From VAntage Point]
VA Forms New Family, Caregiver and Survivor Advisory Committee, Names Sen. Elizabeth Dole as Chair
VA announced the formation of the Veterans’ Family, Caregiver and Survivor Federal Advisory Committee as part of VA secretary Dr. David Shulkin’s commitment to supporting our nation’s Veterans and those who care for them. [From VAntage Point]
09/30/2017 #VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Jose B. Alvarado
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Jose B. Alvarado. Jose served during World War II from April 1941 to March 1945 as a 2nd Lieutenant. [From VAntage Point]
We honor his service.
Simone Askew is First Black Woman to Lead West Point Cadets
Simone Askew marched into history Monday as the first black woman to lead the Long Gray Line at the U.S. Military Academy. After an early-morning 12-mile march back to the gray stone academic complex with 1,200 new cadets she led through the rigors of basic training at “Beast Barracks,” the 20-year-old international history major from Fairfax, Virginia, assumed duties as first captain of the 4,400-member Corps of Cadets. [From Daily Mail]
VA's Private Health Care Program Could Run Out of Money by December
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs said its private health care program, better known as the Choice Program, could run out of funds as early as December. President Donald Trump funneled and extra $2.1 billion into the three-year-old program back in August of this year. [From KFOX 14]
09/28/2017 #VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Linda Marie Hooks
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Linda Marie Hooks. Linda served from 1973 to 1998 during the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. [From VAntage Point]
We honor your service, Linda!
Government Cracks Down on Home Refinancing Scheme Targeting Veterans
Federal officials plan to crack down on what they view as predatory lending schemes – reminiscent of the toxic practices seen during the housing boom – targeted at thousands of veterans nationwide who have U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs home loans. [From The Chicago Tribune]
I'm in a Good Place, So I Decided to Seek Therapy
Suicide Prevention Month is coming to an end, but the efforts do not stop there. One thing I find important in addressing suicide prevention is thinking how we can truly prevent suicidal behavior. [From VAntage Point]
VA to Redesign Benefits Program for Service Members Leaving the Military
VA plans to redesign the Benefits Delivery at Discharge program to enable service members to receive disability benefit decisions the day after their discharge. The redesigned program will go into effect October 1. [From VAntage Point]
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