"Forgiveness Brings Service" by Mark Hendrickson - Psalm 130:1-8
Psalm 130:1 (0) A song of ascents. By David:
(1) Adonai, I call to you from the depths;
2 hear my cry, Adonai!
Let your ears pay attention
to the sound of my pleading.
3 Yah, if you kept a record of sins,
who, Adonai, could stand?
4 But with you there is forgiveness,
so that you will be feared.
5 I wait longingly for Adonai;
I put my hope in his word.
6 Everything in me waits for Adonai
more than guards on watch wait for morning,
more than guards on watch wait for morning.
7 Isra’el, put your hope in Adonai!
For grace is found with Adonai,
and with him is unlimited redemption.
8 He will redeem Isra’el
from all their wrongdoings. (Complete Jewish Bible).
One of my professors at Nazarene Theological Seminary said, “God has one plan for the redemption of the world: The Body Plan. And there is no ‘Plan B.’” We were talking about the role of God’s people in the world. The professor’s point was that to redeem the world, God does what He’s always done: He uses real, live, flesh-and-blood people. Christ as fully God and fully human, walking around first-century Palestine was the Cornerstone and example for how we are to live.
When God forgives us, He does not leave us to spend the rest of our lives sitting there basking in our newfound forgiveness. We are called to serve Him. When God, out of His limitless love, grace, and mercy, forgives us, we are called to respond. That response happens in our place—our world—in our communities, schools, workplaces, and families. We are called to live-out God’s love as we interact with those around us. As we fulfill that call, we discover the Body Plan includes us. It turns out God still sends faithful men and women int the world to share the Good News about Jesus.
Hymn for Today: "Let the Lower Lights be burning" by Philip P. Bliss.
1. Brightly beams our Father’s mercy,
From His lighthouse evermore,
But to us He gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore.
Refrain: Let the lower lights be burning!
Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor *struggling, fainting seaman
You may rescue, you may save.
2. Dark the night of sin has settled,
Loud the angry billows roar;
Eager eyes are watching, longing,
For the lights along the shore.
Refrain: Let the lower lights be burning!
Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor *struggling, fainting seaman
You may rescue, you may save.
3. Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;
Some poor sailor, tempest-tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,
In the darkness may be lost.
Refrain: Let the lower lights be burning!
Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor *struggling, fainting seaman
You may rescue, you may save.
Thought for Today: And it is all from God, who through the Messiah has reconciled us to himself and has given us the work of that reconciliation, (2 Corinthians 5:18).
Please pray: That many young people in Brazil will be called into full-time Christian ministry.
"Praise God For His Love And Compassion" by Mark Hendrickson - Psalm 103:1-22
Psalm 103:1 (0) By David:
(1) Bless Adonai, my soul!
Everything in me, bless his holy name!
2 Bless Adonai, my soul,
and forget none of his benefits!
3 He forgives all your offenses,
he heals all your diseases,
4 he redeems your life from the pit,
he surrounds you with grace and compassion,
5 he contents you with good as long as you live,
so that your youth is renewed like an eagle’s.
6 Adonai brings vindication and justice
to all who are oppressed.
7 He made his ways known to Moshe,
his mighty deeds to the people of Isra’el.
8 Adonai is merciful and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in grace.
9 He will not always accuse,
he will not keep his anger forever.
10 He has not treated us as our sins deserve
or paid us back for our offenses,
11 because his mercy toward those who fear him
is as far above earth as heaven.
12 He has removed our sins from us
as far as the east is from the west.
13 Just as a father has compassion on his children,
Adonai has compassion on those who fear him.
14 For he understands how we are made,
he remembers that we are dust.
15 Yes, a human being’s days are like grass,
he sprouts like a flower in the countryside —
16 but when the wind sweeps over, it’s gone;
and its place knows it no more.
17 But the mercy of Adonai on those who fear him
is from eternity past to eternity future,
and his righteousness extends
to his children’s children,
18 provided they keep his covenant
and remember to follow his precepts.
19 Adonai has established his throne in heaven;
his kingly power rules everything.
20 Bless Adonai, you angels of his,
you mighty warriors who obey his word,
who carry out his orders!
21 Bless Adonai, all his troops,
who serve him and do what he wants!
22 Bless Adonai, all his works,
in every place where he rules!
Bless Adonai, my soul! (Complete Jewish Bible).
Today's passage from Psalm 103 is jam-packed with descriptions of God’s grace. Look at just the verbs—the action words—from verses 3 through 6. God is the One who forgives, heals, redeems, crowns, satisfies, renews, and works righteousness and justice. What an amazing God!
In the midst of all this action, David the psalmist points out God’s love as central to His character. God does all these things out of his immense love, which stretches from one infinite extreme to the other (v. 17). Let’s be honest: the God who is this powerful could (and, because of sin, should) squash us like bugs. But He doesn’t because of a love that is as high as the heavens. God doesn’t want to squash us. God loves us and will be utterly faithful if we will keep our covenant relationship with Him.
In the midst of a world filled with broken promises, unmet expectations, dishonesty, deceit, and full-blown sin, Psalm 103 is very Good News to us. God will never forsake His people. Take a moment today and thank God for His forgiveness, healing, redemption, crowning, satisfying, renewal, justice, and righteousness.
Hymn for Today: "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" by Joachim Neander.
Please pray: For the development of Christian leaders in Brazil.
"Confession Comes Before Forgiveness" by Mark Hendrickson - 1 John 1:1-10
1 John 1:1 The Word, which gives life!
He existed from the beginning.
We have heard him,
we have seen him with our eyes,
we have contemplated him,
we have touched him with our hands!
2 The life appeared,
and we have seen it.
We are testifying to it
and announcing it to you —
eternal life!
He was with the Father,
and he appeared to us.
3 What we have seen and heard,
we are proclaiming to you;
so that you too
may have fellowship with us.
Our fellowship is with the Father
and with his Son, Yeshua the Messiah.
4 We are writing these things
so that our joy may be complete.
5 And this is the message which we have heard from him and proclaim to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him — none!
6 If we claim to have fellowship with him while we are walking in the darkness, we are lying and not living out the truth. 7 But if we are walking in the light, as he is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of his Son Yeshua purifies us from all sin.
8 If we claim not to have sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we acknowledge our sins, then, since he is trustworthy and just, he will forgive them and purify us from all wrongdoing.
10 If we claim we have not been sinning, we are making him out to be a liar, and his Word is not in us. (Complete Jewish Bible).
When I was a teenager, I had a set of drums in my room. Several times over the years I got up in the middle of the night for a drink of water and promptly tripped over one of those drum or cymbal stands. All I had to do to avoid stumbling around in the dark was turn on the light.
John says when Jesus comes, He sheds light in our lives and the darkness flees. Light shows things as they really are: dirt, messy rooms, and cymbal stands are revealed when one turns on the light. So it is in our spiritual lives. When Christ shines His light in our lives, everything gets revealed, including our sin. We cannot hide it anymore. We cannot keep going in darkness. We have to admit what is there so Christ can clean it. Confession is acknowledging what is there, even if it isn’t pretty. The Good News is that when, enabled by God’s grace, we confess the things revealed by the Light, God forgives us and then cleanses us. He can clean up a messy room so we don’t have to stumble around in the dark any longer.
Hymn for Today: "Jesus, Lover of My soul" by Charles Wesley
Please pray: That many people in Brazil will come to know Yeshua the Messiah and receive the fullness of the Ruach HaKodesh.
"Follow Christ’s Example – Forgive" by Mark Hendrickson - Colossians 3:1-14
Colossians 3:1 So if you were raised along with the Messiah, then seek the things above, where the Messiah is sitting at the right hand of God.[Colossians 3:1 Psalm 110:1]2 Focus your minds on the things above, not on things here on earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with the Messiah in God. 4 When the Messiah, who is our life, appears, then you too will appear with him in glory!
5 Therefore, put to death the earthly parts of your nature — sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed (which is a form of idolatry); 6 for it is because of these things that God’s anger is coming on those who disobey him. 7 True enough, you used to practice these things in the life you once lived; 8 but now, put them all away — anger, exasperation, meanness, slander and obscene talk. 9 Never lie to one another; because you have stripped away the old self, with its ways, 10 and have put on the new self, which is continually being renewed in fuller and fuller knowledge, closer and closer to the image of its Creator. 11 The new self allows no room for discriminating between Gentile and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, foreigner, savage, slave, free man; on the contrary, in all, the Messiah is everything.
12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with feelings of compassion and with kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with one another; if anyone has a complaint against someone else, forgive him. Indeed, just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must forgive.
14 Above all these, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together perfectly; (Complete Jewish Bible).
Let’s face it: forgiveness is downright hard sometimes. It’s hard to genuinely forgive someone and count their transgressions against them no more. The end of today's passage calls us to forgive each other just as Christ forgave us. We have a biblical mandate to forgive, but that doesn’t make it easy.
Perhaps one of the keys to understanding how to forgive can be found in verse 3: “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” Those who are dead are not at all concerned about being offended, hurt, or sinned-against. They're dead. Paul reminds us as we have died to ourselves in Christ, we can set our hearts and minds on things above.
Maybe a key to understanding how to forgive comes from understanding who we are in Jesus. When we are in Christ, life is no longer about my life, my liberty, and my rights. It’s about the Resurrection life of Jesus flowing in me—a life that comes only by way of the cross. Remember: the way of the cross is the way of forgiveness, even in the face of great suffering.
Hymn for Today: "Your Love Compels Me" by Doug Hock.

Please pray: For faculty and students as they prepare for Christian ministry in bolivia.
This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
Please pray: That many young people in Brazil will be called into full-time Christian ministry.
"Praise God For His Love And Compassion" by Mark Hendrickson - Psalm 103:1-22
Psalm 103:1 (0) By David:
(1) Bless Adonai, my soul!
Everything in me, bless his holy name!
2 Bless Adonai, my soul,
and forget none of his benefits!
3 He forgives all your offenses,
he heals all your diseases,
4 he redeems your life from the pit,
he surrounds you with grace and compassion,
5 he contents you with good as long as you live,
so that your youth is renewed like an eagle’s.
6 Adonai brings vindication and justice
to all who are oppressed.
7 He made his ways known to Moshe,
his mighty deeds to the people of Isra’el.
8 Adonai is merciful and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in grace.
9 He will not always accuse,
he will not keep his anger forever.
10 He has not treated us as our sins deserve
or paid us back for our offenses,
11 because his mercy toward those who fear him
is as far above earth as heaven.
12 He has removed our sins from us
as far as the east is from the west.
13 Just as a father has compassion on his children,
Adonai has compassion on those who fear him.
14 For he understands how we are made,
he remembers that we are dust.
15 Yes, a human being’s days are like grass,
he sprouts like a flower in the countryside —
16 but when the wind sweeps over, it’s gone;
and its place knows it no more.
17 But the mercy of Adonai on those who fear him
is from eternity past to eternity future,
and his righteousness extends
to his children’s children,
18 provided they keep his covenant
and remember to follow his precepts.
19 Adonai has established his throne in heaven;
his kingly power rules everything.
20 Bless Adonai, you angels of his,
you mighty warriors who obey his word,
who carry out his orders!
21 Bless Adonai, all his troops,
who serve him and do what he wants!
22 Bless Adonai, all his works,
in every place where he rules!
Bless Adonai, my soul! (Complete Jewish Bible).
Today's passage from Psalm 103 is jam-packed with descriptions of God’s grace. Look at just the verbs—the action words—from verses 3 through 6. God is the One who forgives, heals, redeems, crowns, satisfies, renews, and works righteousness and justice. What an amazing God!
In the midst of all this action, David the psalmist points out God’s love as central to His character. God does all these things out of his immense love, which stretches from one infinite extreme to the other (v. 17). Let’s be honest: the God who is this powerful could (and, because of sin, should) squash us like bugs. But He doesn’t because of a love that is as high as the heavens. God doesn’t want to squash us. God loves us and will be utterly faithful if we will keep our covenant relationship with Him.
In the midst of a world filled with broken promises, unmet expectations, dishonesty, deceit, and full-blown sin, Psalm 103 is very Good News to us. God will never forsake His people. Take a moment today and thank God for His forgiveness, healing, redemption, crowning, satisfying, renewal, justice, and righteousness.
Hymn for Today: "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" by Joachim Neander.
1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation!
Come, all who hear; now to his temple draw near,
join me in glad adoration.
2. Praise to the Lord, above all things so wondrously reigning;
sheltering you under his wings, and so gently sustaining!
Have you not seen all that is needful has been
sent by his gracious ordaining?
3. Praise to the Lord, who will prosper your work and defend you;
surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend you.
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
if with his love he befriends you.
4. Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore him!
All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him.
Let the Amen sound from his people again;
gladly forever adore him.
Thought for Today:
“You are worthy, Adonai Eloheinu,
to have glory, honor and power,
because you created all things —
yes, because of your will they were created
and came into being!”
(Revelation 4:11).Please pray: For the development of Christian leaders in Brazil.
"Confession Comes Before Forgiveness" by Mark Hendrickson - 1 John 1:1-10
1 John 1:1 The Word, which gives life!
He existed from the beginning.
We have heard him,
we have seen him with our eyes,
we have contemplated him,
we have touched him with our hands!
2 The life appeared,
and we have seen it.
We are testifying to it
and announcing it to you —
eternal life!
He was with the Father,
and he appeared to us.
3 What we have seen and heard,
we are proclaiming to you;
so that you too
may have fellowship with us.
Our fellowship is with the Father
and with his Son, Yeshua the Messiah.
4 We are writing these things
so that our joy may be complete.
5 And this is the message which we have heard from him and proclaim to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him — none!
6 If we claim to have fellowship with him while we are walking in the darkness, we are lying and not living out the truth. 7 But if we are walking in the light, as he is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of his Son Yeshua purifies us from all sin.
8 If we claim not to have sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we acknowledge our sins, then, since he is trustworthy and just, he will forgive them and purify us from all wrongdoing.
10 If we claim we have not been sinning, we are making him out to be a liar, and his Word is not in us. (Complete Jewish Bible).
When I was a teenager, I had a set of drums in my room. Several times over the years I got up in the middle of the night for a drink of water and promptly tripped over one of those drum or cymbal stands. All I had to do to avoid stumbling around in the dark was turn on the light.
John says when Jesus comes, He sheds light in our lives and the darkness flees. Light shows things as they really are: dirt, messy rooms, and cymbal stands are revealed when one turns on the light. So it is in our spiritual lives. When Christ shines His light in our lives, everything gets revealed, including our sin. We cannot hide it anymore. We cannot keep going in darkness. We have to admit what is there so Christ can clean it. Confession is acknowledging what is there, even if it isn’t pretty. The Good News is that when, enabled by God’s grace, we confess the things revealed by the Light, God forgives us and then cleanses us. He can clean up a messy room so we don’t have to stumble around in the dark any longer.
Hymn for Today: "Jesus, Lover of My soul" by Charles Wesley
1. Jesus, lover of my soul,
let me to thy bosom fly,
while the nearer waters roll,
while the tempest still is high;
hide me, O my Savior, hide,
till the storm of life is past;
safe into the haven guide,
O receive my soul at last!
2. Other refuge have I none;
hangs my helpless soul on thee;
leave, ah! leave me not alone,
still support and comfort me.
All my trust on thee is stayed,
all my help from thee I bring;
cover my defenseless head
with the shadow of thy wing.
3. Plenteous grace with thee is found,
grace to cover all my sin;
let the healing streams abound;
make and keep me pure within.
Thou of life the fountain art;
freely let me take of thee;
spring thou up within my heart,
rise to all eternity.
Thought for Today:
and the life was the light of mankind.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not suppressed it.
(John 1:4-5).Please pray: That many people in Brazil will come to know Yeshua the Messiah and receive the fullness of the Ruach HaKodesh.
"Follow Christ’s Example – Forgive" by Mark Hendrickson - Colossians 3:1-14
Colossians 3:1 So if you were raised along with the Messiah, then seek the things above, where the Messiah is sitting at the right hand of God.[Colossians 3:1 Psalm 110:1]2 Focus your minds on the things above, not on things here on earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with the Messiah in God. 4 When the Messiah, who is our life, appears, then you too will appear with him in glory!
5 Therefore, put to death the earthly parts of your nature — sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed (which is a form of idolatry); 6 for it is because of these things that God’s anger is coming on those who disobey him. 7 True enough, you used to practice these things in the life you once lived; 8 but now, put them all away — anger, exasperation, meanness, slander and obscene talk. 9 Never lie to one another; because you have stripped away the old self, with its ways, 10 and have put on the new self, which is continually being renewed in fuller and fuller knowledge, closer and closer to the image of its Creator. 11 The new self allows no room for discriminating between Gentile and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, foreigner, savage, slave, free man; on the contrary, in all, the Messiah is everything.
12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with feelings of compassion and with kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with one another; if anyone has a complaint against someone else, forgive him. Indeed, just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must forgive.
14 Above all these, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together perfectly; (Complete Jewish Bible).
Let’s face it: forgiveness is downright hard sometimes. It’s hard to genuinely forgive someone and count their transgressions against them no more. The end of today's passage calls us to forgive each other just as Christ forgave us. We have a biblical mandate to forgive, but that doesn’t make it easy.
Perhaps one of the keys to understanding how to forgive can be found in verse 3: “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” Those who are dead are not at all concerned about being offended, hurt, or sinned-against. They're dead. Paul reminds us as we have died to ourselves in Christ, we can set our hearts and minds on things above.
Maybe a key to understanding how to forgive comes from understanding who we are in Jesus. When we are in Christ, life is no longer about my life, my liberty, and my rights. It’s about the Resurrection life of Jesus flowing in me—a life that comes only by way of the cross. Remember: the way of the cross is the way of forgiveness, even in the face of great suffering.
Hymn for Today: "Your Love Compels Me" by Doug Hock.
Your love compels me Lord
To give as You would give
To speak as You would speak
To live as You would live
Your love compels me Lord
To see as You would see
To serve as You would serve
To be what You would be
Thought for Today: Through immersion into his death we were buried with him; so that just as, through the glory of the Father, the Messiah was raised from the dead, likewise we too might live a new life. (Romans 6:4).Please pray: For faculty and students as they prepare for Christian ministry in bolivia.
This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
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