Leonel López, president for the Church of the Nazarene in Cuba and superintendent of the Cuba West District, shares an update following the 18 May plane crash.
Havana, Cuba
Continued prayer requested for Cuba families, churches
Leonel López, president for the Church of the Nazarene in Cuba and superintendent of the Cuba West District, shared an update this week following the 18 May plane crash that claimed the lives of more than 100 people, including 10 Nazarene pastor couples.López was at the airport during the crash, which he initially thought involved a foreign aircraft. It wasn’t until later that he learned the plane in question was the aircraft carrying 10 pastor couples on their way home from a national conference.
Since the crash, López has been staying at the same hotel as the couples' families. He said it's been a somber time and relatives are understandably hurting. When the coroner’s office announces they have identified a victim, "the relatives fall to the ground losing all consciousness from the pain. The rest of the people burst in tears because that means their relatives have not been identified yet."
López shared that the relatives of the couples are "extremely grateful" for the help the global Church of the Nazarene has provided. He spends all day going from room to room at the hotel bringing words of encouragement to the relatives of the deceased. Leaders from other denominations are coming to support the local ministers’ families through prayer.
The Church of the Nazarene in Cuba has been able to assist with transportation for relatives to get to Havana.
“Our churches have been able to provide great support alongside other Cuban denominations as well as churches outside of Cuba,” López told CubaTV. “The authorities at all levels, but especially from both Holgúin and Havana, have been very supportive all along and have stood with us and the relatives [of the victims].”
The tragedy comes at a time of growth for the Church of the Nazarene in Cuba.
At the end of 2017, Cuba had two Nazarene districts (West, East) and more than 100 churches.
A process is underway to find leaders for the congregations now without a pastor. One of the churches appointed a temporary leader until a permanent pastor is named.
Continued prayer is requested for the families of all affected, as well as the churches and national church.
Loss felt by global family: BGS statement on Cuba tragedy
Cuba: Support option information
Cuba church releases names of crash victims
Cuba Nazarene president confirms Nazarene couples among lost in plane disaster
Plane carrying 10 pastor couples crashes in Cuba
Church expands in eastern Myanmar
Under the direction of local leaders and church planting evangelists, the Church of the Nazarene is starting schools and churches in eastern Myanmar. In December, Pastor Ro Ding Liana and missions coordinator Saya Tana began investigating potential church planting options in cooperation with both villages and evangelists in eastern Myanmar. Bumpy bus rides, hundreds of flies, chickens, and pigs met the men as they landed in the villages. Just one month later an agreement was signed that launched the thrust to the east.
Eastern Myanmar has recently seen an emphasis on education, including a literacy program started by the government in 2015. However, many villages still do not have schools. Some of these villages have requested Nazarenes to start elementary schools and churches.
Joining this trend, Liana was inspired to open a new house church in his home this month that will also serve as an extension of Southeast Asia Nazarene Bible College.
There are promising signs already.
“New Christians have remained strong in spite of attacks from local villagers,” Liana said of those who have been served by the new house church. “Our new believers are strong in their faith.” (Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific)
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Regarded as one of the best child workers in her area, Nhanha had a gift for loving children. Nhanha didn’t become a Christian until later in life, and it wasn’t long afterward that her pastor asked her to help care for the children in a local Church of the Nazarene.
General Superintendent Eugénio R. Duarte, a Cabo Verde native himself, witnessed Nhanha's love first-hand. His wife, Maria Amelia, is Nhanha's niece.
“Even today, those who were [pastor’s kids] then speak about her with gratitude for the way she influenced their lives,” Duarte said. “She took care of them as if she was a second mother to them.”
Children’s ministries was just one of Nhanha’s many passions. She was a “gifted host,” a “minister to pastors,” and had a love for Sunday school “like no other.”
“She had the gift of hospitality like very few that I know,” Duarte said. “The city near where she lived, São Filipe, was a place where people would go for business, and there would be transit going to the other islands. The Nazarene pastors who went by or who would stay in São Filipe said she was a wonderful host. She ministered to us pastors in a very unique way by providing food, a place to stay, and the kind of care that impacted so many pastors.”
Whether through personal outreach or church initiatives, Nhanha’s passion to serve the church was remarkable. She always invited people to church, particularly to Sunday School, and for those who couldn’t come, Nhanha still offered them a way to serve.
“When people were not willing to go with her or could not go to Sunday School with her, she would, in her own way, say ‘okay you cannot go, I understand, but you can make a contribution to the Sunday School ministry by giving an offering to the Sunday School offering plate,’” Duarte said. “No one would say no to that, so she raised money for Sunday School because she believed in it.”
Sunday School was not the only ministry she cared for. In fact, there wasn’t a service at her church that she wasn’t involved in.
“There was no service in the church that she did not attend,” Duarte said. “Even as an old person she would go to youth service; she was that faithful to the church and to God.”
Nhanha impacted many through her love and kindness.
“[Nhanha] influenced everyone who lived close to her,” Duarte said. “So much so that people would go to her home to visit just to enjoy her company. She was a very gracious person, a very friendly person. Not only to people in the church but to people outside the church.”
Amid all of her good works and years of service, Nhanha was known for her humility throughout her community.
“People in town knew her as a person of integrity, as person of good character,” Duarte said. “She always gave credit to Jesus, not because she was able to do great things, but because of who Jesus was to her and what Jesus did for her.”
Nhanha was preceded in death by her husband and is survived by six children, 23 grandchildren, 63 great-grandchildren, and 33 great-great-grandchildren.
Cabo Verde, Africa
Cabo Verde church member, 112, remembered for her dedication, hospitality
Church of the Nazarene member Maria Veiga Amado Nhanha passed away 5 May in her native Cabo Verde at the age of 112. She was born 9 October 1905 just outside the city of São Filipe, Fogo, an island in Cabo Verde (formerly known internationally as Cape Verde).Regarded as one of the best child workers in her area, Nhanha had a gift for loving children. Nhanha didn’t become a Christian until later in life, and it wasn’t long afterward that her pastor asked her to help care for the children in a local Church of the Nazarene.
General Superintendent Eugénio R. Duarte, a Cabo Verde native himself, witnessed Nhanha's love first-hand. His wife, Maria Amelia, is Nhanha's niece.
“Even today, those who were [pastor’s kids] then speak about her with gratitude for the way she influenced their lives,” Duarte said. “She took care of them as if she was a second mother to them.”
Children’s ministries was just one of Nhanha’s many passions. She was a “gifted host,” a “minister to pastors,” and had a love for Sunday school “like no other.”
“She had the gift of hospitality like very few that I know,” Duarte said. “The city near where she lived, São Filipe, was a place where people would go for business, and there would be transit going to the other islands. The Nazarene pastors who went by or who would stay in São Filipe said she was a wonderful host. She ministered to us pastors in a very unique way by providing food, a place to stay, and the kind of care that impacted so many pastors.”
Whether through personal outreach or church initiatives, Nhanha’s passion to serve the church was remarkable. She always invited people to church, particularly to Sunday School, and for those who couldn’t come, Nhanha still offered them a way to serve.
“When people were not willing to go with her or could not go to Sunday School with her, she would, in her own way, say ‘okay you cannot go, I understand, but you can make a contribution to the Sunday School ministry by giving an offering to the Sunday School offering plate,’” Duarte said. “No one would say no to that, so she raised money for Sunday School because she believed in it.”
Sunday School was not the only ministry she cared for. In fact, there wasn’t a service at her church that she wasn’t involved in.
“There was no service in the church that she did not attend,” Duarte said. “Even as an old person she would go to youth service; she was that faithful to the church and to God.”
Nhanha impacted many through her love and kindness.
“[Nhanha] influenced everyone who lived close to her,” Duarte said. “So much so that people would go to her home to visit just to enjoy her company. She was a very gracious person, a very friendly person. Not only to people in the church but to people outside the church.”
Amid all of her good works and years of service, Nhanha was known for her humility throughout her community.
“People in town knew her as a person of integrity, as person of good character,” Duarte said. “She always gave credit to Jesus, not because she was able to do great things, but because of who Jesus was to her and what Jesus did for her.”
Nhanha was preceded in death by her husband and is survived by six children, 23 grandchildren, 63 great-grandchildren, and 33 great-great-grandchildren.
Nazarenes in the News
Nazarenes in the News is a compilation of online news articles featuring Nazarene churches or church members.MNU alumnus reconciles with drunk driver after car accident
Olathe, Kansas
Nazarenes in the News is a compilation of online news articles featuring Nazarene churches or church members. In the news this week: MNU alumnus reconciles with drunk driver after car accident ... General Board member elected CORAF chair ... KC Rescue Mission director announces retirement.
(MNU News, 22 May) Two years ago, Kevin Garber, MidAmerica Nazarene University's director of alumni relations, was driving home from work late one summer night, when another driver had broadsided his vehicle.
Kevin sustained serious injuries to his neck and back. Luckily, he was not paralyzed, but he had to spend eight weeks of the summer in a back brace.
During his recovery, he began to wonder about the person who hit him. It turns out the ‘guy who hit him’ was a 23-year-old Kansas State grad from rural Kansas. The young man had been driving under the influence and was taken to jail that night.
Kevin decided to go to some of the young man's court hearings to learn more about him.
“I didn’t feel angry or vindictive,” Kevin says. “I wanted to know his story and how he ended up in the predicament which caused the accident in the first place.”
(MNU News, 22 May) Two years ago, Kevin Garber, MidAmerica Nazarene University's director of alumni relations, was driving home from work late one summer night, when another driver had broadsided his vehicle.
Kevin sustained serious injuries to his neck and back. Luckily, he was not paralyzed, but he had to spend eight weeks of the summer in a back brace.
During his recovery, he began to wonder about the person who hit him. It turns out the ‘guy who hit him’ was a 23-year-old Kansas State grad from rural Kansas. The young man had been driving under the influence and was taken to jail that night.
Kevin decided to go to some of the young man's court hearings to learn more about him.
“I didn’t feel angry or vindictive,” Kevin says. “I wanted to know his story and how he ended up in the predicament which caused the accident in the first place.”
For the rest of the story, click here.
General Board member elected CORAF chair
Dakar, Senegal
(NCN News, 23 May) Church of the Nazarene General Board member Angela Maria P. Barreto da vega Moreno was elected chair of the Board of Directors for the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF).
She was elected during the CORAF General Assembly, held in the Dakar, Senegal, in April. This is the first time in 30 years a Cabo Verde (formerly Cape Verde) national has been elected to this position.
For the rest of the story, click here.
Kansas City Rescue Mission executive director announces retirement
Kansas City, Missouri
(Kansas City Rescue Mission, 24 May) It was on Super Bowl Sunday 1985 that Rev. Joe Colaizzi, then a student at Kansas City’s Nazarene Theological Seminary, began his adventure as executive director of Kansas City Rescue Mission (KCRM).
At the time, the board wasn’t sure KCRM, then a struggling ministry located in a deteriorating building in Kansas City’s River Market, would survive much longer.
“They wondered if it might be a good idea to just close it down,” says Joe Colaizzi. “But I asked the board to give me a chance, and thankfully they said, ‘Yes!’”For the rest of the story, click here.
Dakar, Senegal
She was elected during the CORAF General Assembly, held in the Dakar, Senegal, in April. This is the first time in 30 years a Cabo Verde (formerly Cape Verde) national has been elected to this position.
For the rest of the story, click here.
Kansas City Rescue Mission executive director announces retirement
Kansas City, Missouri
At the time, the board wasn’t sure KCRM, then a struggling ministry located in a deteriorating building in Kansas City’s River Market, would survive much longer.
“They wondered if it might be a good idea to just close it down,” says Joe Colaizzi. “But I asked the board to give me a chance, and thankfully they said, ‘Yes!’”For the rest of the story, click here.
Stories to share? Send them to news@nazarene.org. (Compiled by NCN News)
Flags of the Nations: Cuba
The blue bands refer to the three old divisions of the island: central, occidental, and oriental; the white bands describe the purity of the independence ideal; the triangle symbolizes liberty, equality, and fraternity, while the red color stands for the blood shed in the independence struggle; the white star, called La Estrella Solitaria (the Lone Star) lights the way to freedom.Each week, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center proudly flies a flag of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. This week's flag: Cuba, Mesoamerica Region. Click "read more" for information on the country, including what year the denomination entered Cuba and how many Nazarenes are there today.
Since September 1, 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*. The national flags rotate weekly, and photos of them raised are sent to the church leaders of that country.
This week: Cuba
The Church of the Nazarene officially entered Cuba in 1902.
Cuba had a population of 11,147,407 in 2017. That same year, Cuba reported 102 Churches of the Nazarene, all of which have been officially organized.
Located on the Mesoamerica Region, Cuba has one Phase 3 district and one Phase 2 district. For more information about the Mesoamerica Region, visit mesoamericaregion.org.
* = The weekly highlighted flag is raised on the middle of three poles in compliance with U.S. government protocols. It flies to the left of the GMC host-nation United States flag, which flies above the host-state flag of Kansas. The Christian flag flies on the third pole.
The Global Ministry Center is the mission and service hub of the Church of the Nazarene.
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In Memoriam
The following is a weekly listing of Nazarene ministers and leaders who recently went home to be with the Lord. Notices were received 21-25 May 2018.
Robert Cantrell, 77, of Mayfield, Kentucky, passed away 18 May. He was a retired minister, serving in Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, and Georgia. He is survived by his wife, Ella Cantrell.
Virginia Hamrick, 89, of Zuni, Virginia, passed away 18 May. She was preceded in death by her husband, retired minister and evangelist Freeman Hamrick, who served in West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, and Alaska. Freeman Hamrick passed away in 2017.
Selden Kelley Jr., 91, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, passed away 19 May. More information will be provided as it is made available.
Selden Dee Kelley Jr. passed away on May 19, 2018 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with his loving children by his side. He was born on June 3, 1926 in Norwood, Ohio he is the son of Selden Dee Kelley Sr. and Dorothy Kelley (Montgomery). He worked as a Salesman in Sporting Goods.
He was loved and will be greatly missed.
Service for Selden Dee Kelley Jr. is pending at this time.
In Memoriam
The following is a weekly listing of Nazarene ministers and leaders who recently went home to be with the Lord. Notices were received 21-25 May 2018.
Robert Cantrell, 77, of Mayfield, Kentucky, passed away 18 May. He was a retired minister, serving in Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, and Georgia. He is survived by his wife, Ella Cantrell.
Virginia Hamrick, 89, of Zuni, Virginia, passed away 18 May. She was preceded in death by her husband, retired minister and evangelist Freeman Hamrick, who served in West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, and Alaska. Freeman Hamrick passed away in 2017.
Selden Kelley Jr., 91, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, passed away 19 May. More information will be provided as it is made available.
Selden Dee Kelley Jr.

He was loved and will be greatly missed.
Service for Selden Dee Kelley Jr. is pending at this time.
Dale Worcester, 93, of Monroeville, Indiana, passed away 18 May. He was a retired minister, serving in Ohio, California, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois, and Indiana. He was preceded in death by his wife, Dorothy Worcester, who passed away in 1989.
Leon Wyss, 83, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, passed away 24 May. He was a minister, educator, and district superintendent, serving in Missouri, Texas, California, and New Mexico and leading the New Mexico and Colorado districts. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Wyss.
For previous editions of In Memoriam, see the "Passings" section by clicking here.
Note: Please join us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Click on names for full stories, funeral information, local online obituaries, and/or guest books (if available). To submit an entry of a minister or church leader, send to news@nazarene.org. (Compiled by NCN News)
For previous editions of In Memoriam, see the "Passings" section by clicking here.
Note: Please join us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Click on names for full stories, funeral information, local online obituaries, and/or guest books (if available). To submit an entry of a minister or church leader, send to news@nazarene.org. (Compiled by NCN News)
Human Resources
GMC employment opportunities
Located in Lenexa, Kansas, the Global Ministry Center is the administrative, mission, and service hub for the Church of the Nazarene's ministries in 162 world areas. The following positions are available: People are our most valued resource. Our committed employees are involved in "Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations" in 162 world areas.
The Global Ministry Center Human Resources Office professionals strive to deliver the highest possible service to our employees, and are responsible for the recruitment, placement and retention of qualified individuals to staff the ministry and administrative positions of the GMC. The many employee services include compensation and benefit administration, payroll, employment, employee relations, training, counseling, organizational communication and events, and workplace programs.
*Volunteer opportunities for GMC ministries are occasionally available. Email jveigl@nazarene.org for details.
Employment Opportunities
Administrative Director (Full-time)
Stewardship Development
Description: Reporting to the Global Communications Director, this person will be responsible for daily oversight and administration of pastoral leadership development resourcing and growing a giving church culture through educational materials and trainings. This individual will oversee all fundraising, denominational marketing, brand development, and advancement strategies for constituent development and donor care.
Constituent Care Specialist (Temporary – 9 to 12 months)
Stewardship Development
Description: The person in this position will advance the customer service and communication excellence of the Stewardship Development department for the Funding the Mission website by assisting in expanding outstanding customer care support. This position works with all members of the Stewardship Development team to assist pastors and treasurers through helpful customer service and careful management of resources offered to them.
Data Entry Clerk (Full-time, summer temporary)
Research Services
Description: This person will be responsible for updating and entering ministerial records on computer database.
NYC Program Assistant (30-hours/week)
USA/Canada Regional Office - NYI
Description: This person will provide a wide variety of administrative assistance and support to the USA/Canada Youth Coordinator on a number of projects, duties, and meetings, including NYC 2019 to be held in July of 2019.
Office Assistant/Tour & Hospitality Coordinator (Full-time)
Business Center
Description: This person is the first point of contact for those coming into the Business Center as well as the primary contact for Hospitality (catering) requests and Tours. In addition to these responsibilities, other duties include print, mail, correspondence, scheduling, inventory, and GMC kitchen oversight.
Sr. Administrative Assistant (Full-time)
USA/Canada Regional Office – Evangelism & New Church Development
Description: This person will provide assistance to the Evangelism and New Church Development (E&NCD) director with project management, event planning, event speaking, travel arrangements, finance reconciliation, correspondence, office supervision, and other tasks as needed.
Sr. Program Assistant (Full-time)
Global Missions Mobilization
Description: This person will assist with various tasks related to Work & Witness administration and partnerships, and assist the Mobilization Office in a variety of tasks as assigned. Should be able to work independently and with a team in performing responsibilities with a high level of confidentiality.
To obtain additional information for GMC positions, please call 913-577-0500 and ask for Human Resources.
Nazarene Bible College
To learn more about positions available at the NBC Administrative Offices, visit nbc.edu/jobs. All positions are located within the Global Ministry Center in Lenexa, Kansas.
Nazarene Theological Seminary
To learn more about current positions available at NTS, see the following employment opportunities. All NTS positions are located on-site on the Kansas City, Missouri, campus. Location of Global Ministry Center Positions
The GMC is the administrative hub for the Church of the Nazarene denominational ministries in 162 world areas. The GMC is conveniently located in Lenexa, Kansas, with easy access to I-35 and I-435 and within short driving distance to Kansas City International airport. All GMC positions report to this location.
Our Non-Discrimination Policy
The Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center offers equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability, race, creed, sex, or veteran status. The Global Ministry Center is an “at will” employer.
Our Faith-Based Organization
We are a faith-based organization. Acceptance of our Christian Code of Conduct is required and membership in the Church of the Nazarene is required for certain positions. The GMC and applicable remote work sites are smoke-, alcohol-, and drug-free Christian workplaces.
Application Processing
Our Human Resources Office receives and processes many employment applications annually for a limited number of positions. While we regret that we cannot respond to each applicant, we do contact those individuals possessing the skills, education/training, and experience that best match the requirements of the open position for which the application was submitted.
An application must be completed by all applicants and an application must be completed for each position for which one wishes to be considered. Applications are retained for one year. Resumés are not necessary for entry-level positions, but they are preferred for professional level positions.
Applying for Employment with the GMC
Application forms may be requested by calling 913-577-0500, emailing humanresourcesgroup@nazarene.org, or obtained in person from Human Resources at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 U.S. Central Time. Completed applications may be mailed or emailed to the attention of the Human Resources Office.
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Stories Videos
Stories Volume 2 - 2018 now available
The Church of the Nazarene’s Stories series shares how lives are being transformed through ministry efforts around the globe. These stories are made possible thanks to the prayers, involvement, and support of Nazarenes worldwide through the World Evangelism Fund.
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Copyright © 2018 The Global Church of the Nazarene, Inc., All rights reserved.
Nazarene Communications Network
Material created and owned by Nazarene Communications Network News may be used for church newsletters and bulletins.
The Global Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 29,000 local congregations in 162 world areas.
The Global Church of the Nazarene
Global Ministry Center
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, Kansas 66220, United States
Phone: (913)577-0500
Email: info@nazarene.org
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