Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Upper Room Daily Devotional in Nashville, Tenessee, United States for Thursday, May 3, 2018 "Your Way Over Ours" by Kevin Thomas (Alabama) Matthew 6:16-18

The Upper Room Daily Devotional in Nashville, Tenessee, United States for Thursday, May 3, 2018 "Your Way Over Ours" by Kevin Thomas (Alabama) Matthew 6:16-18 TODAY'S READING:
Matthew 6:16 “Now when you fast, don’t go around looking miserable, like the hypocrites. They make sour faces so that people will know they are fasting. Yes! I tell you, they have their reward already! 17 But you, when you fast, wash your face and groom yourself, 18 so that no one will know you are fasting — except your Father, who is with you in secret. Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.(Complete Jewish Bible).
I can act on my faith regardless of how I feel.
Those starting a new spiritual practice
When you fast, put oil on your 
head and wash your face. (Matthew 6:17 (NIV))
Three weeks into my church class on Christian disciplines, I introduced the group to fasting as an important component of prayer life. Then, I gave practical instructions so that they could try fasting during the week and return with stories of their experiences.
When we gathered again, I could hardly wait to hear their accounts of the heavens opening up, of burning bushes and flashes of lightning, or at least stories of a still, small voice. The first person to speak said, “I just felt hungry.” Her honesty rattled me and deflated my enthusiasm. Not one person in the group reported a “mountaintop experience.” Our experiment with fasting failed — or so I thought.
After I recovered from my disappointment, I discovered a beautiful truth about fasting. By fasting, we demonstrate our love for Christ in a very tangible way. We practice honoring God over our own passions and desires. For a short period of time, we choose not to eat because following the way of Christ is more important than our appetites as we pray, “Not what 
I want, but what you want.”
The Christian journey rarely consists of burning bushes and lightning bolts. The euphoria, if it comes at all, is generally short-lived. Instead, we learn to value the way of Christ over our own ways. One mundane day at a time, we are being transformed into the image of Christ.
Dear Lord, throughout this day, help us to choose your way over ours. Amen.

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